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10 Jun 2022, 9:47 pm
He talks about never drinking smoking or doing drugs. He talks about doing what you love. He talks about going by road less travelled.

This sums up my own ideals. Just like he taught his children to never drink or smoke, my father taught me the same thing. Just like Trump, and just like my father, I never drink.

As far as doing what I love, in my case this is theoretical physics. That’s why I chose to go back to school instead of taking non-academic jobs.

And as far as road less travelled, I do that with theoretical physics too. I keep trying to publish unconventional ideas I come up with instead of doing more conventional stuff. That’s why I have trouble getting published, yet I keep doing it.

After being told for over a decade my paper on reinterpretation of Grass,Ann numbers won’t get published, it finally was.

Now, despite slowly or surely getting stuff published, I only have 7 publications rather than 30 because it’s hard to convince people to publish unconventional stuff. But, as Trump says, I should press on.

I loved that motivational video. Right when most people, including my mom, are trying to discourage me, Trump tells me to push forward.


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11 Jun 2022, 6:55 am

QFT wrote:
He talks about never drinking smoking or doing drugs.

Anti-Trumpers five minutes later...

Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory, Farewell!


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11 Jun 2022, 7:13 am

Abstinence from alcohol is a risk factor for coronary disease. Drinking alcohol is also a form of social behaviour and it's a pleasurable activity, but behaviour around drinking has to be learned - something Americans desperately try to ignore.
And finally, as one of my professors put it: getting severly drunk is a creativity technique - temporarily knocking out half your brain and relying on the remaining half to do all the thinking enforces the use of synapses less travelled, if you want.

Smoking is extremely unhealthy, but the combination of stimulant and sedating carbon monoxide is quite an interesting cocktail.
It used to give me hyperfocus.

That said: wisdom is a dime a dozen.
"You can't succeed if you don't try" and "you can't piss against the wind" are both good advice, regardless of their contradictory nature.
Trump inherited billions and lost quite a substantial part of it. He got elected on a populist platform, leeching off the social anger the financial crisis and its consequences have caused. I'm not sure his recipe for success is universal, or even successful at all. Either way, personally, the ingredients I have available are quite different, I don't think I should try and cook according to his recipe - I lack a few billion dollars, which seem to be one of the main ingredients.

I can read facial expressions. I did the test.


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11 Jun 2022, 9:03 am

Even a stopped watch is right twice a day.

Avoiding alcohol and tobacco is sound advice. Has a sad interesting backstory. The Donald doesnt deny that his abstinence for alcohol may have unconsciously come from watching his brother die of drinking. Both were victims of their dad's emotional abuse.

As far as "doing what you love". IF you're born a billionaire thats not as hard to do as it is for most of us. And if what you "love to do" is being a grifter then that makes his words even less...inspirational.


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11 Jun 2022, 10:58 am

No person is pure evil with no good or useful thoughts. And no one is all good with no vices.

Quoting a sensible thing that someone said doesn't prove that they're always sensible and make good decisions and that we are just missing the point when we see the bad things they do.

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11 Jun 2022, 11:55 am

naturalplastic wrote:
Even a stopped watch is right twice a day.

Avoiding alcohol and tobacco is sound advice. Has a sad interesting backstory. The Donald doesnt deny that his abstinence for alcohol may have unconsciously come from watching his brother die of drinking. Both were victims of their dad's emotional abuse.

As far as "doing what you love". IF you're born a billionaire thats not as hard to do as it is for most of us. And if what you "love to do" is being a grifter then that makes his words even less...inspirational.

When I worked on the railways it had taken me ten years to get the job as I had worked my way up in the area of what I call my secondary special interest first as job opportunities within my number one hobby/special interest were just not available and it was rare for a vacancy to come forth.
Now I often heared other staff complaining and wishing they were doing a different job that they really wanted to do, and I looked at them daft. Sure they maybe earning two or three times more on their railway jobs but the drudgery of doing something you hate... If I were in their positions I would be prepared to sell my house and live in a smaller budget house and sell my car and get an old car instead and do anything to get myself out of a horrible position and into a position that I loved as to me money does not come ito it as one lives according to ones income.
I just could not believe what I was hearing! What is the point of living in a house with all the latest gadgets if one is inwardly miserable? Get a life!
Life begins when one has steered oneself into the position where one is happy. For some the wages maybe littlw. For others the wages will be great. Success is not shown by ones wealth. Success is shown by ones happiness!
During my time working on the railways I met thousands... If not millions of people, and I often on quieter trains ended up talking to people on a one to one to pass the time. (Yes I was masking! :D ). And during this time I did learn a lot. I saw both the best and the worst in people. Ok, I eventually burnt out so I quit the job as I could only keep up the masking for so long before things came tumbling down, and it was a record for me to keep a job for that long! Normally two or three years was the most I could mask for and I had to keep moving jobs, as each ew job I took meant that I could start the masking again and no one would find me out that I was masking.
But the things I learned stayed with me.
Did I love the job? I loved the train aspect of the job. I won't say I did not like the people but the dealing with people be they passengers or staff was the bit that I found stressful. Not blaming anyone as people are people and each one is who they are.
Due to faceblindness and as my job involved collecting and issueing tickets (Along with being in charge of the train so the ticket side was only half my duties and I had to attend a long course over many months before I passed out and then had to work with others at first before I was out on my own working trains (Most of the course was to do with train safety and teaching us about the safety so we could pass the rules exam every two years where we had to score 95% or above to pass, and only a week of the course was about tickets)... But due to me having faceblindness, I could not rely on peoples faces when working trains, but I am blessed with a brilliant "Pattern" memory in certain circumstances, and remembering which seats were occupied and which were not were the ideal patterns, so I hardly ever had to rely on peoples faces and what they looked at. The only downside to this was when people swapped seats and I had not watched them do it, so sometimes I tried to sell the same passengers a ticket twice just because they changed seats and passengers were none to happy and would not believe me if I told them how I was able to do my job! If I saw them changing seats it was fine.


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11 Jun 2022, 12:37 pm

"Not everyone’s a genius,” he noted. “Not everyone’s Picasso.
Not everyone is young and healthy. Not everyone is a Sports
Illustrated Swimsuit model. Period. And f*** you if you don’t like it.”

“Sorry. Not beautiful. And no amount of
authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.”

-Jordan Peterson’s Twitter Quote in Relation

to the Fertility Goddess and God Yes Rubenesque
Shape of A Japanese Asian American, Additionally
Statuesque Model on the Cover of Sports Illustrated

As Somehow Mr. Peterson Believes in A Black And
White World That Only Includes His Definitions of


It as Such
in His Anger
And Hate Filled
Way of Attempting
To Weakly Defend
it in the Opening
Paragraph Above
As He Related A
Transgender Football
Cheerleader Was not
Beautiful Either in
Reply To What He
Called Are Twitter
Trolls Who Took Him
Down to His Real Size
and Trump's Real Size too
of Blow-Hards With 'Little
Man Syndrome' So Easy to
See For Some of Us At Least


Where Actually
Anything Goes With
the Human Condition
Including Peterson and Trump of Course;

So Back To Trump And A Quote Attributed
to Him, Summing Up How Hard it is to 'Put Lipstick
on A Pig' STiLL NoW Those Lovely Creatures And Call Them


Yet Still Some
People Do

And Even

Find Pigs Even
More Beautiful With Lipstick Indeed

And to Be Clear HeaR That's Just an
Overused Cliche, i Am Using As Metaphor
In A Different Way HeaR Now; So, Yes Here

is the Quote That Will Likely Be Included
In Trump’s Overall Obituary And Inscribed

On HiS ETERNaL Tombstone on Earth at Least:

Aware of the rioters’ chants to hang Mike Pence, the president
responded with this sentiment, “Maybe our supporters have the
right idea. Mike Pence deserves it.”

THEN to overthrow an integral part of our Representative Democracy in the United States;

Yes, of Course
Shortly Before
They Cozied up
With 'The Pig' And Vigorously
'Put Lipstick' on Him Doing Their God
Damndest to Make Him Look Beautiful to All...

NoW As Far As Not Smoking or Drinking and
Even Being Vegan Like Adolph Hitler, It's True

(Note: When Talking About Donald J. Trump 'the
Godwin Rule' No Longer Need Apply to Start Again)

Not Smoking or Drinking Are Hobbies, Real Assessed
Devils Refrain From DoinG ON EartH As Well; Full Disclosure:

i Neither Smoke
or Drink Or Do Any
Other Kind of Illegal
Substances to Change my Reality

As Naturally Perceived it Would Water
Down Heaven, This BLiSS ETeRNaLLy Now;

So Hell NO, of course i have no desire to Leave Heaven Now Yet

Strange iT iS How Some Devil's In Hell practice similar Healthy Habits i do too, hehe;

It's Also Worth Noting That in English Gematria, Both 'Donald J. Trump' And 'Katie Mia Frederick'
Score A Trifecta of 888, Symbolically Seen as A "Perfect Series of Numbers" This Way And It's Also

Worth Noting

That His 'Paper Weight'
And my Official Weight
of 244 Pounds or So is
Identical too; Yes With A
Few Silver Strands, i Still Have
Golden Real Hair As He Sprays His On;

And True Although my Grandfather Was Born
in Ireland And An X-Irish Priest, Who Exposed the
Catholic Church in His Book "Behind The Dictator's"
For the Popeship's Support of the 'Devils Real' Then, Yes,
Yes, The Dictators in the Early Part of Last Century; Same as

The Devil Some of Us Understand to Be Real Now in the Face
of Donald J. Trump; Ironically, His Father's Name was Frederick

Christ Trump; As My Grandfather's Father Was Then Originally
From Germany too; Specifically, the Black Forest There And

Damn IT Per
Real 'Omens'

i Got to Be
the One Born on 6.6.60

And Actually Go to HeLL ON EartH
For Real for 66 Months; Yet i Persevered

And God (got) Out; i Had A Gift So Much Different
Than Millions of Dollars of Inheritance God Yes, Yet it's

True What Good Is it if You Inherit the World And Lose Your

Soul; i am Well Aware of Where Both Donald J. Trump and Adolph Hitler

Live and Lived

(Peterson is
In Purgatory,
Sad Little Anger
And Hate Filled Boy,
Addicted to Adrenaline
And Dopamine that Way
Desperately Filling to
Feel the Void Within)

Yet Now i am Gifted
Enough to Know the
Difference of WHeRE i
Was Before and WHeRE i Am NoW...

OBTW, 'Your' Love For Trump As You
See Him As Hero, is Common Where i Live;

And Yes, Actually Normal Where i Live; i Find
it Fascinating; And As An Anthropology Participant
Observer, i Thank You Very Much For Allowing Us to
Take A Look Inside of What Makes You Feel These Deep


Feelings of
Hero Worship
For Trump; i Tend
to Not Discuss it Much
in A State of Stand Your Ground;
As It's True, Some Folks Would Rather

Give Up

All Their
Than Give
Up 'THeir Trump;'

Not Much Different
Than the Rest of Human
HiSToRY in Pockets of Darkness ThiS Way...

i Am Not Here For Change, Just Observing and Writing
the Human Story iN Longest Long Form EPiC Poetry AS
IS NoW as i Watch IT FOR REAL From A Distance Naked
Enough Whole And Complete in 'Eden' For Real Which

Reminds me,

Hey 'Eve,' Put
The Popcorn
in the MicroWave

(i Don't Do Popcorn)

Yep, We've Got More
'Human Stuff' to Watch...

She Takes Care of Most of The
TV Watching Duties and Reports Back to me...

As It's Really True, So Far At Least, She is my
Earthly Assigned Guardian Of Angel For Real; Yes,
And Now To Be Clear, She Guarded me in the Place

True too...

Have A Nice
Day/Night; Your Will

And Yes, Your Way...

God Yes, The Sun And The Moon...
The Stars Above And Whatever...
Lives Within, Shines on All Of Us Now

New Both Inside
And Outside For Real..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


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11 Jun 2022, 2:38 pm

I just now Wikied "teetotaler", and it lists zillions of abstinent celebs (Jennifer Lopez, Ryan Adams, etc).

It also lists three presidents: GWBush, and Biden, as well as Trump.

So the addition of Biden and W makes Teetotalling even more....respectable...or...even more... repugnant!

I will let you decide. :lol:

Last edited by naturalplastic on 11 Jun 2022, 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mountain Goat

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11 Jun 2022, 3:27 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
I just now Wikied "teetotaler", and it lists zillions of abstinent celebs (Jennifer Lopez, Ryan Adams, etc).

It also lists three presidents: GWBush, and Biden, as well as Trump.

So the addition Biden and W makes Teetotalling even more....respectable...or...even more repugnant!

I will let you decide. :lol:

Actually surprizing. I am impressed with each one of them because I did not expect them to be.


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11 Jun 2022, 4:58 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
Even a stopped watch is right twice a day.


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