Never let a YouTube video do your thinking for you.
Also, Karen Brewer is a New Zealand Christian fundie and insurrectionist who wants to round up, try, and execute anyone who disagrees with her; after, of course, labelling them all as communists, pedophiles, Freemasons, and every other sinful name she can think of. She is not worth listening to, not even as a joke.
Finally, Vigilant Citizen is a website that is dedicated to claiming the allegedly hidden "symbolism" in the popular media, usually by implicating the Illuminati. The outlet is heavily socially Conservative and is always talking about how Socialism is taking over the world. So really, it is like Infowars for tabloid media.
Articles on Vigilant Citizen would not be out of place on CBN. Vigilant Citizen would make Pat Robertson jealous with the amount of moral panic and pearl clutching it displays and generates among its fans.
Most of the alleged "symbolism" isn't even remotely related to Freemasonry at all (conspiracy theorists consider Freemasons and the Illuminati to be the same). For example, the Pentagram, while mistakenly related to Satanism, is actually a Pagan symbol. The only "magical" thing about symbolism is that it is very subjective, so while everyone else sees a stupid music video, Vigilant Citizen sees the impending Satanic apocalypse.
Most of the articles on Vigilant Citizen seem to refer to "Project Monarch" and "Sex-kitten programming," which are terms that were used by promoters of the "Satanic Ritual Abuse" conspiracy theory back in the 1980s.