Why I would never support the Republican Party
The party of Qanon
The party of the anti-lgbt crowd
The party of insanely loose gun laws, which lets face it, is a reason for the shooting problem in the US, especially compared to other countries
The party of the types of people who think 10 year olds should have to give birth to their rape babies
The party of strict parents who don’t let teenagers live a normal teenage life
The party of the January 6th rioters
The party of people who think Trump won the 2020 election
The party of abstinence-only sex education
The party of harsher penalties, such as within the justice system(and also ties a bit into the 5th one)
The party of people who think COVID is/was a hoax
The party of people who believe in conversion therapy
Everyone who falls into any of those categories are generally people who vote republican.
I try my best to be open minded and I know not everyone on the right is like this. There have been times in the past where I’ll hear someone on the right make reasonable arguments. But it’s too hard for me to overlook all those other things for me to ever switch sides entirely.
Early 20s male with Asperger’s and what feels like a mood disorder
The party of limited/restricted voting.
The party of gerrymandered voting districts that favor wealthy, white, male GOP candidates.
The party that owns and regulates women’s reproductive organs.
The party of Christian indoctrination in public schools.
The party of white-washed history.
The party that ignores established scientific facts.
The party that pushes horse de-wormer as anti-viral medicine.
The party that supports members who see the devil behind everything they do not like.
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I voted for a couple of Republican mayors as a protest against being treated like an ATM machine. But, beyond that, never. The radicalization started by Reagan and Gingrich has led to a crazy theocratic judiciary that is unaccountable for its actions.
Rdos: ND 133/200, NT 75/200
Not Diagnosed and Not Sure
Here, HeaR, Just Dancing And Singing Free to 'The Choir' on the 'Wrong Planet;'
Yes, God Yes, Generally Speaking, There Are Old Testament And New Testament
Kinda Folks And i'm Not Necessarily Speaking to Any One Culture or Religion
Specifically; It's Just That Some Folks Tend to Stick With The Same Old Stories
And Continue to Repeat Them Sort of Like 'Ground Hog Day With Bill Murray' Through All the Liturgical
Seasons of the Catholic Church; While Yes, Others Who Are Bit More Open Minded/SouLeD Want to Find
Out What 'JeSuS'
Actually Does
When He Comes
Back or Invent A Brand
New Super Hero And A Brand
New Book Altogether; Old Stories
Will 'MAKE' FOLKS So Very Comfortable
in Tradition, Where it's Very Much Like Quick
Sand; Yet Usually They Don't Go Completely Under;
Hmm, the Completely Under Part Seems to Be More of A Concern
'These Days' As the 'Old Testament Folks' Seem to Be Losing Their Tradition
in A Place of 'Missing the Old Mark' Or What Otherwise Might be Described as
'The Sin of Many Lies'
Where The Lies Continue
to Snowball Until What Are
Normally Considered Conservative
Values Lose All Their Sanctity and Even
The Sanctity of Breathing Life in Church Becomes
Secondary to "Caesar's Politics in Rome," So to Hell
With the Sanctity of Breathing Life While Social Distancing
And Masks Are Removed in A Deadliest Delta Variant of A Pandemic;
If There is No Sanctity
For Breathing Life,
For the Elders Who
Sit at Our Side; There is
Surely Not Much Conservatism
Left in Whatever That So-Called
Party Chooses to Name itself; Folks Who
Are Truly Conservative Are Never Trumper's Indeed;
If i Was Conservative, There is No Way i Could Support a Party like that either;
A Party of Lies That Spits on the Sanctity of Breathing Life Even in Church is A Party
of Death to me
And One i Could
Never Support As
to me that 'Misses the
Mark' And Smells too Much
Like 'Sin' in HeLL ON EartH For Real...
And at Least For the Folks Not Protected
By Their Neighbors At Their Side; Indeed,
It Did Become HeLL ON EartH For Them
And Their Loved Ones Who FoLLoWeD
Blindly Like Sheep to be 'Shot on 5th
Avenue' this Way; Where Sadly a Majority
Will Continue to Support A Man Who Did His
Damndest 'in Hell' to Overthrow our Representative Democracy;
And It's True, Some Folks Will Support Him, if Only He Promises
To Drop the Price of Gasoline In Hell; As For them A Dollar is What Counts Most...
Other Folks
Choose Liberty,
And The Rights
of Breathing Sanctity of
Life to Pursue Individual and
Group Happiness That Actually
Does Least Harm; And Is NOT the Party
of Ignorance That Currently Harms, Rapes,
Maims, And Kills Most All From the '10 Year-Old
Girl' Who is VIOLENTLY raped By Her Father Forced to Carry
THAT 'Sin' to Term Through the Killing Of Parts of Mother Nature
to The Tune; Yes, of What Humans Cannot Afford to Lose to Even
Survive in Balance With a Circle of Life We Depend on For Every Breath...
Where is the
Sanctity of
Life; Where Are
The Morals That Even
Allow the Rights to Breathing,
Life, Liberty And the Pursuit of
Happiness to Come True With Least Harm...
Not Everyone is Old Testament; And Surely not
Everyone Remains in the Part of the Book Where Lot
Offers Up His Virgin Daughters As Scape Goats to Be Gang Raped By
A Bunch
of Heterosexual
Men Who Wanted
to Humiliate 'the Stranger',
'The Dude' In His Household That
Way; Sadly, So Much of the Republican
Party As It Used to Stand for The Sanctity
of Tradition at Least Has Gone That Way...
It's True They Traded Their Virgin Daughters And Jesus
As CuRRenT Trade for A Lesser God of Demagogue to Play them
Like Just Any Other Snake Oil Sales Person on the Side of the Road to
Generally Speaking,
'New Testament Kinda
Folks' Are Supporting Fairness
And Fighting Against Oppression
YET AGAIN, the Other Folks
Seem to Have No Book at all
Left to Guide them Except for
'Tall Tales' From Dudes on the
Side of the Road
It's True, Really
They Should Hitch Another Ride
As Yes Paradise Does Exist Here
For Those Who Break Through 'Fifth Avenue'...
i Feel Privileged to Be Born And Bred A New Testament
Kinda Guy And It Really Wasn't That Bad Being in an Old
Testament Kinda Town Until 'the Demagogue' Became 'THeir God'...
Bring Back
Sanity; Bring
Back Human Nature
Conservative And Liberal For REAL;
MEANWHILE YAWN, i Didn't Buy A Big Truck, my Honda Civic gets along
And as Studies Show that Includes
the 50 Percent Making 50 to 100,000
Dollars Living Pay-Check to Pay-Check
And Those Making Over 100,000 Dollars
Entering the Upper Middle Class At rates
of 40 Percent Living Pay-Check to Pay-Check...
Here's the Thing About Being Happy; It Doesn't
Require Much 'Stuff' As Ya Generate 'This Paradise' From Within;
True, So Much Easier for folks who are More Open Hearted, Spirited, SouLeD
ThiS Way
Real and
All Organic
Almost Like
Being Chosen this
Way; Yet it Takes Work
With Faith That Comes From within...
Not Just Some Old Dusty Book That MOST No One REALLY Pays Attention to Anymore...
Nah, That's No Kinda Human Party to me; i'd Much Rather Party Alone if i Have to Allone...
Here's What's Really Ironic, Almost Everywhere i Go in 'Trump Town USA', Today, One of Many
FOLKS AROUND For Real AS BY GOD, i Make Every Word Sacred Song And Every Move Holy Dance; It's Just Don't Get Much
More Sanctified
And Traditional iN
This Life Than That
And This, OMG, i'm Like
The Least 'Autistic Person'
i Come ACross Now too, i Reciprocate
Communication in Social Ways to So-called
Conservative Folks Who Have No Clue How to
Even Look Up From A Customer Service Desk and Say Hello...
Here's 'A Thing' FOR REAL;
Change Is Possible;
If i Can And Will Do it; Others Can And Will too...
i Kid Ya Not, i Made Small talk From 'The Road'
in Our Neighborhood to A Perspective Buyer of A
Home This Morning; After 3 Minutes The Real Estate Lady Wanted
to Put me on Her Payroll; As Truly i Make 'This Place' Heaven Wherever i Go
(i told her, "Nah, i'm Financially Independent")
At Least for
me And Others
Who Are Still
Open to the Possibility of 'Happy' FOR REAL;
Indeed, HAPPY HEAVEN Transcends Both Conservative And
Liberal; Voila, Sweet Success in THE REAL WORLD NOW, at Least,
Speaking of that; Got A Whole TRuMP Town (And Tomorrow, Sunday,
the Entire Metro Area 'TRuMP SHoW' After Slow Dancing At Catholic Church)
to Entertain FREE With
Smiles Of Public Dance;
Gotta Get Going
Yet As Usual,
"i'll Be Back," Sooner Than Soon...
AND THAT'S no 'Terminator Threat;'
Just A Promise for What i Love to Do Best Always Now...
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
The party of the anti-lgbt crowd
The party of insanely loose gun laws, which lets face it, is a reason for the shooting problem in the US, especially compared to other countries
The party of the types of people who think 10 year olds should have to give birth to their rape babies
The party of strict parents who don’t let teenagers live a normal teenage life
The party of the January 6th rioters
The party of people who think Trump won the 2020 election
The party of abstinence-only sex education
The party of harsher penalties, such as within the justice system(and also ties a bit into the 5th one)
The party of people who think COVID is/was a hoax
The party of people who believe in conversion therapy
Everyone who falls into any of those categories are generally people who vote republican.
I try my best to be open minded and I know not everyone on the right is like this. There have been times in the past where I’ll hear someone on the right make reasonable arguments. But it’s too hard for me to overlook all those other things for me to ever switch sides entirely.
I disagree with the strict parents category. I don't see how that is political.
Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!
The party of the anti-lgbt crowd
The party of insanely loose gun laws, which lets face it, is a reason for the shooting problem in the US, especially compared to other countries
The party of the types of people who think 10 year olds should have to give birth to their rape babies
The party of strict parents who don’t let teenagers live a normal teenage life
The party of the January 6th rioters
The party of people who think Trump won the 2020 election
The party of abstinence-only sex education
The party of harsher penalties, such as within the justice system(and also ties a bit into the 5th one)
The party of people who think COVID is/was a hoax
The party of people who believe in conversion therapy
Everyone who falls into any of those categories are generally people who vote republican.
I try my best to be open minded and I know not everyone on the right is like this. There have been times in the past where I’ll hear someone on the right make reasonable arguments. But it’s too hard for me to overlook all those other things for me to ever switch sides entirely.
I disagree with the strict parents category. I don't see how that is political.
Early 20s male with Asperger’s and what feels like a mood disorder
The party of the anti-lgbt crowd
The party of insanely loose gun laws, which lets face it, is a reason for the shooting problem in the US, especially compared to other countries
The party of the types of people who think 10 year olds should have to give birth to their rape babies
The party of strict parents who don’t let teenagers live a normal teenage life
The party of the January 6th rioters
The party of people who think Trump won the 2020 election
The party of abstinence-only sex education
The party of harsher penalties, such as within the justice system(and also ties a bit into the 5th one)
The party of people who think COVID is/was a hoax
The party of people who believe in conversion therapy
Everyone who falls into any of those categories are generally people who vote republican.
I try my best to be open minded and I know not everyone on the right is like this. There have been times in the past where I’ll hear someone on the right make reasonable arguments. But it’s too hard for me to overlook all those other things for me to ever switch sides entirely.
Yes people from either the left or the right can put forward a plausible argument sometimes and also they can just as easily put forward an absolutely ridiculous argument. What I look for is core values. I mean I'm in the UK and I just wouldn't vote tory (right) because their policies and what they stand for just don't work for me.
I feel sad when I see people who should actually vote left and they vote right. I feel like shaking them and asking them "what has this party/government ever done for you as an individual"? Sometimes that's the only question you need to ask yourself when you are casting your vote.
We have existence
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Because the GQP opposes - -
LGBTQ rights.
Labor rights.
Women's rights.
Civil rights in general.
The social safety net.
Public education.
Right to any or no religion (besides evangelical or conservative Roman Catholic Christianity)
And because the GQP encourages - -
White nationalism.
Denial of separation of church and state.
Growth of dominionism, the prosperity gospel, and Christian nationalism.
The rewriting and denial of historical facts.
Denigration of higher education (with the exception of business).
The dumbing down of America (it's okay not to know anything, or that knowing too much is a bad thing).
I'm sure I could go on and on forever.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
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Yes, I'm serious
No, you can't change me
Which is ?
Just let your imagination go into the darkest of dark right wing scenarios and you'll be close to what I have in mind.
![Twisted Evil :twisted:](./images/smilies/icon_twisted.gif)
Yes, I'm serious
No, you can't change me
That bit makes me sad. You should absolutely vote for whoever you want, but all of us should be open to change
No, I'm afraid the winds of change will never blow me from where I am.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson
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Yes, I'm serious
No, you can't change me
Which is ?
Just let your imagination go into the darkest of dark right wing scenarios and you'll be close to what I have in mind.
![Twisted Evil :twisted:](./images/smilies/icon_twisted.gif)
So you'll still be advocating for this stuff while waiting in a death camp next to the rest of us?
![Laughing :lol:](./images/smilies/icon_lol.gif)
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
You can't advance to the next level without stomping on a few Koopas.
Yes, I'm serious
No, you can't change me
Which is ?
Just let your imagination go into the darkest of dark right wing scenarios and you'll be close to what I have in mind.
![Twisted Evil :twisted:](./images/smilies/icon_twisted.gif)
So you support sociopolitical genocide?
I am sick, and in so being I am the healthy one.
If my darkness or eccentricness offends you, I don't really care.
I will not apologize for being me.
I would never trust anyone who supports a party that suppresses people. A guy at my work is a Trump lover and believes the Jan 6th was staged by liberals so I have been keeping my distance from him since. I question their motives and their beliefs and if they are silly enough to believe his lies, how can I trust them?
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.
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