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23 Jul 2022, 2:24 am

Like it is just cartoonish the abortion laws being made. it is like a movie where you know the leadership is batshit crazy or maybe lead crazy idk....but dammit why do old people get to keep f*****g up the world like this. We needd younger blood in the government. I know there are smart old people and such but still for 2024 we need a democrat canidate with some energy who isn't ancient. I voted for Joe, but he is too old to take a second term so the dems need to figure out a canidate they can put forward besides Biden for 2024.

The anti abortion judgement is very much out of touch with most americans, so idk I certainly question the legitimacy of the supreme court and apparently that is not uncommon,, experts have theorized if the main court goes so far against the majority it puts them at risk...and well does, but then again maybe they should stay out of peoples uteruses and people would not be so pissed off...

But idk I never thought Roe Vs Wade would be overturned so it feels like a doomy sci fi movie or something, with all the crazy things I just didn't think we'd start going back at the expense of human beings health. Basically some states in the U.S.A reverting its care to like worse than some third world countries when it comes to pregnant women.

We won't go back.


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23 Jul 2022, 2:35 am

American politics seem less restrained than the rest of the world. Its either fun to watch or depressing


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23 Jul 2022, 2:53 am

enz wrote:
American politics seem less restrained than the rest of the world. Its either fun to watch or depressing

It is both, like some of this s**t is comedic but its actually being made into policy, this was supposed to be a secular nation where religion is not supposed to be involved with legislation, but we have people and politicians of this country who want to make a Christian theocracy even though the constitution does not support it.

freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. Or at least it should.

We won't go back.


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23 Jul 2022, 6:41 am

Yeah, it feels like the nation has gone bats**t crazy.

If you want to get rid of these old fogies who've been in government since Nixon and who don't understand these modern times, there must be term limits for the Senate and House of Representatives. Eventually, it becomes all about getting re-elected and not about what is right for the people. If there is a limit to how long members of Congress can serve, then maybe they will make better use of the time they have there. We have a term limit for president, why not for other elected officials?


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23 Jul 2022, 8:12 am

That's funny, I think whoever is writing American history is running out of ideas so they're just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.

I am sick, and in so being I am the healthy one.
If my darkness or eccentricity offends you, I don't really care.
I will not apologize for being me.

There is no such thing as perfect. We are beautiful as we are. With all our imperfections, we can do anything.


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23 Jul 2022, 8:18 am

enz wrote:
American politics seem less restrained than the rest of the world. Its either fun to watch or depressing

They way they try to force things regardless of what the voters want. It's like they don't even try to hide the fact that they're trying to subvert democracy.

The days are long, but the years are short


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23 Jul 2022, 10:22 am

As t.v. show, the US basically nuked the fridge.

Had a conversation yesterday about someone tweeting something about climate change and first reply was "but socialism never worked"...

It's not that I think Americans are more stupid than other people, but they're so much faster at being stupid it's just jaw dropping.

I can read facial expressions. I did the test.


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23 Jul 2022, 1:13 pm

Yawn, "Ignorance" is the "State" of the Human Condition;

It's True, We aRe Born With Pitiful Hearing; Compared to
Dogs, We aRe Practically Deaf in Comparison; And Sight, Who
Are We Kidding, We Surely Are Not Born With Eagle Eyes; Yep,

What About Smell, Ask A Cat or A Dog About Taste Too; Yet Not So
Much Among Being Humans; And Let's Not Forget, Tomorrow, the Start

of Shark Week on July 24th, 2022, on the Discovery Channel; For It's True,
i'm Really Excited About this As Sharks Are Really One of A Kind Fish; They've
Been Around Longer Than Trees; Yes, 450 MiLLioN Years; They Are Known to

Asexually Produce
Where Virgin Births
Are Surely Not Just Frigging Myths;

Not Only That as Far as Senses Go, They
Have the Greatest Ability to Sense Electromagnetic
Fields Emitted By All Living Creatures MOST; Surely This

Makes Prey Easier to Capture When Covered By the Sands on the Bottom of the Ocean
Or Smaller Bodies of Water of Course; It's True Though, i've Been Told Folks Can Feel
my Positive Energy Whenever i Enter A Room; Hehe, Literally Before i Even Dance or Smile;

It's True, Some Humans Emit More Positive Energy that Other Humans, They Really Do; And It's Also

True, The Health of A Representative Democracy May Be Measured By Who 'We The People Commune to Do';

It's Not 'Rocket Science',

Donald Trump Was Elected
President in 2016; It's Not Rocket
Science, Even Those Who Have Supported
Him Closest Have Admitted He Did His Best
to Overturn A Fair Election for His Own Selfish Desires for Power and Status
In 2020; It's Not Rocket Science, Even After That Effort to Overturn our Representative
Democracy for the Peaceful Transfer of Power For What The Heart Beats of Representative
Democracies Empirically Measure to Actually Carry On and Survive; Yes, Even After That Most
of the Folks In His Political Party Will Still Support Him if He Receives the Nomination again; Not

Only that Several
Polls Show Him
Winning the Election
Against the Opposing
Party to this Day Still Now;

Verdict: The United States is A Very
Sick Representative Democracy; And Not

Only That the Head Clown Is Still in Many
Ways In Charge of the Show; Is It Any Surprise
He Sprayed On Orange Paint For His Skin And
Put Instant Blonde in His White Hair then and Still Now;

Is it Any Surprise He Buried His X-Wife In a Gold Casket; Well

Other than Humans Hoarding Their Dead in Gold Caskets
Rather Than Feeding Worms Like the Rest of Wild-Life
Now Among Other Scavengers For the Balance of Life

On Earth to Continue Now;

The Problem at Core Really
is the 'Pandemic Potentials'
of Human CuLTuRES to Create
Nightmares on Earth; For Instance,

We've Done Away With Two-Thirds of
Wild-Life on Earth in the Last 50 Years;
And in the Coming Decades Science Suggests
We Will Eliminate 1 in 8 of all the Plant and Animal
Species on Earth Then; Yes,
AGAINST the Fine Balance

of the Circle of Life

On Earth Through

Nature that Makes

Our Lives Possible at All;

Yet You See, THere is A Bigger
Problem than the Fact That Our Conscious
Word Thinking Minds Only Make Up About
5 Percent of What Our Entire Minds From Head
to Toe Do For Our Basic Survival on a Day to Day Basis Now;

In Short, We Are Mostly Very Distracted; In Fact, Science Shows
Human Beings on Average Have an Attention Span of Less than
that of a Gold Fish; Yep, Less than 3 Frigging Seconds; Which Means

For Most Folks, Even If they wanna read this In-depth smaller and larger
Picture of the Human Story, They are Unlikely to Make it Much Deeper than

A Twitter Breath of what the Measure of Human Attention Spans Have Come to Be,
So Distracted Now;

Yawn, in Fact, i am
the Opposite From that;

in Gold Fish Measure; i am
A Blue Whale, Far too Big for
Most folks to Notice; Yet You

See, Whales Like Sharks Travel Far
And In Fact When it Comes to Orcas

Even Great White Sharks Are Not Always
At the Apex of Beings With Jaws and Teeth far
As Predators Roam the Globe; It's Sad to Say;

(Sort of Like Rampage Killing Sprees Among
Those Who are Responsible for That Crime)

Yes, The Being Who is the Weakest When Naked
Who Is Never Enough Whole Complete; Yep Donald

J Trump As A Leader

is Among the Most Dangerous

Predators on Earth as He Can And
Will And Does Still Convince Ignorant

Humans That He Is 'Their Savior on Earth;'

And Not Only That As Far As Group Think Goes,

He Couldn't Even Exist as A Threat If it Was Not for A
Core of Church Think That Believes Donald J Trump Was
Sent By A God to Save Them From Being 'Left Behind;' Seeing

'A Father oF All Lies'
For ReaL ON EartH
As Their 'Real


And The Circus Continues;

Yet It's True, Some of Us Are
Truly Naked, Enough, Whole
Complete to LiVE iN Nature ThiS Way
in Balance And True On Slivers of Silver Instead

of Gold

We Still
Make this
Paradise Upon
EartH Our Now Naked
Inherited Accord For Real;

Yet Again, We Are Not
A Once Chief Advisor to
Trump Who Has to Wear Three
Layers of Shirts and A Jacket to

'Feel Somewhat

Like a Man;'
And THere Lies

A Truth of the Issue;

Layers of Clothes, All the Tools
We Co-Create and Actually Become;

Instead of Being Embodied Naked, Enough,
Whole, Complete With the Rest of Nature in Balance;

Listen, If 'You' Haven't Heard, 'the World is on Fire;' and

Nature is Still Sending

Out A Red Alert

That it is Close

to Our Turn Next

As Nature is Our Face;

And When We Over-consume
Nature, Eventually 'the Zombie
Apocalypse' Becomes a Self-Fulfilling

Prophecy As We See Humans Barely Alive Shuffling 'Bye'
Already 'Left Behind' For What They Could Be If Only Just

Fully Human...

This is the
Karma of
Nature; It is
Simply Action
And Consequence;

Go Out of Balance and
Pay the Other-side of 'the Pendulum'...

Meanwhile, Sadly As A Whole, "Donald
J Trump" Is A Microcosm of the Destruction
of the World As

Some of

Us Still Feel,
Sense, And Know
IT Now As Paradise Real
Naked, Enough, Whole, Complete US.

The Problems aRE ALL Encompassing;
Consequences Are Becoming MoRE ALL

We aRe iN This
Clown SHoW ToGeTHeR,
Whether We Like It or Not;
EVeNTuALLY We All Reap

What We Sow;

Hehe, If We
LiVE Long

Enough to See
The End As All Will For Real;

Meh, All that Really Counts is
What We Do Now in the Beginning;

i've Got That Part Figured Out and It is Enough for me now.
Tomorrow, July 24th, Teaches me a Lesson Today is Gift Enough
to Make the Most of Naked, Enough, Whole, Complete as my Only
Child Who Wasn't Born With Even the Ability to Breathe Lasted 51 Days
Only In Pain With Never A Smile as i Held Him and Listened to the Only

Peace His Life
Held the Last
HeART Beat on
July 24, 1997

That Spelled
A BLeSSinG of
Death Out of Only
Misery and Suffering
Of A Life Without Even A Breath of HiS Own;

Since Then, Even though i've Suffered A Worst
Pain Known to Humankind for 66 Months Shut-in
With No Relief From Any Drug From Wake to Sleep;

At Least Even though i
Couldn't Remember What

A Smile felt Like; At Least
i Was Able to Feel it Once in my Life then

By Logical Memory With No Feeling All Alone then...

Honestly, Life is All About Perspective; Some of the
Poorest in Terms of Material Goods Are the Happiest

And Others

Like Trump;

Yes, LiVE iN
For Real And Do THeiR
God Damndest Not to Leave
Anyone Behind

Away From Real

And so Far the
Ruse is Still Working

Just Like 'Their'
'Book' Predicted Oh
The Delicious Irony

If Only It Was't So Sad
'The Tragi-Comedy of
The Circus' Might Be Worth A Laugh...

SMiLes, in the Name of my Son Ryan,
i'll Just Giggle

a Little

Bit Just
to Feel Good
For What He
Never Had;

That Much
i Promised Him i Would Do,
Enjoy All The Gifts He Never Had...

Do We Lift Others Up or Drag Them Down;
Indeed Up is a Kinder place to me; i See WHere
'The Locals' Really Live; i Pity Them and Am Kind

As i Can And Will be to Them...

It's Actually A Very Peaceful

Place As They

Are Usually
to WHeRE They LiVE NoW...

Yet Sadly They Can't See They've Been 'Left Behind'...

All i Can And Will Do is Lend Them my EYes, Best i Can and Will Do..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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23 Jul 2022, 1:20 pm

Aspiegaming wrote:
That's funny, I think whoever is writing American history is running out of ideas so they're just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.

I hear soon they're gonna have Fonzie jump over a shark on waterskis. :nerdy:

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.


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23 Jul 2022, 1:41 pm

The news of the last couple of years - was indeed like watching Sharknado...which featured actual real newscasters like Al Roker, and Matt Laurer doing their normal talking head thing...but reporting preposterous news. Covid, riots, antics by Trump, the current heatwave, new wars, etc. And now insane legislation.

So...expect funnel clouds of flying sharks near your town any day now. And maybe Fonzi in the sky jumping the sharks.


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23 Jul 2022, 1:52 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
The news of the last couple of years - was indeed like watching Sharknado...which featured actual real newscasters like Al Roker, and Matt Laurer doing their normal talking head thing...but reporting preposterous news. Covid, riots, antics by Trump, the current heatwave, new wars, etc. And now insane legislation.

So...expect funnel clouds of flying sharks near your town any day now. And maybe Fonzi in the sky jumping the sharks.

(In Scouse accents)

Beatle 1: 'ey look, it's Fonzie in the sky...
Beatle 2: But no shahks though.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.


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23 Jul 2022, 3:03 pm

funeralxempire wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
The news of the last couple of years - was indeed like watching Sharknado...which featured actual real newscasters like Al Roker, and Matt Laurer doing their normal talking head thing...but reporting preposterous news. Covid, riots, antics by Trump, the current heatwave, new wars, etc. And now insane legislation.

So...expect funnel clouds of flying sharks near your town any day now. And maybe Fonzi in the sky jumping the sharks.

(In Scouse accents)

Beatle 1: 'ey look, it's Fonzie in the sky...
Beatle 2: But no shahks though.


So ...then they...break out into singing "Fonzie in the Sky with Diamonds"?


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23 Jul 2022, 3:06 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
The news of the last couple of years - was indeed like watching Sharknado...which featured actual real newscasters like Al Roker, and Matt Laurer doing their normal talking head thing...but reporting preposterous news. Covid, riots, antics by Trump, the current heatwave, new wars, etc. And now insane legislation.

So...expect funnel clouds of flying sharks near your town any day now. And maybe Fonzi in the sky jumping the sharks.

(In Scouse accents)

Beatle 1: 'ey look, it's Fonzie in the sky...
Beatle 2: But no shahks though.


So ...then they...break out into singing "Fonzie in the Sky with Diamonds Sharks"?

I hope so. It's a classic. :mrgreen:

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.


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23 Jul 2022, 4:01 pm

The US has been a crazy place since about 2016. To the outside world it looks like a national mental illness.

Many people are starting to wonder if this is the beginning of a collapse event of the US as a superpower like the USSR in the late 80s

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."

- George Bernie Shaw


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23 Jul 2022, 4:28 pm

carlos55 wrote:
The US has been a crazy place since about 2016. To the outside world it looks like a national mental illness.

Many people are starting to wonder if this is the beginning of a collapse event of the US as a superpower like the USSR in the late 80s

2016? I'd say it started when Shrub was able to steal the election in 2000.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.