aguales wrote:
I had always thought of "meta-narrative" as an umbrella narrative that assumes control of other narratives or a monopolistic narrative that squashes smaller, competing narratives.
I think that that was what i was trying to say with "another story maybe even contradicting the visible one, or a story to which visible one belongs like a set", but you put it better!! !
I didn't mean a story told simply within a story, but one that is carried in the telling of one, without mention of it being made, or even a consciousness of it. But i don't know how to express it very well!!
In what way is "meta-narrative" relevant to figuring out the world, esp an aspie world?
Nominalist! We need your help!!
Maybe to understand the ways in which the "big stories" about how humans work for instance, about what is important in human beings, etc are present in even the most banal or trivial of tales and can act to reduce an aspies sense of self worth. ? Just one suggestion.