Japan has a Ministry for Loneliness
I was watching Vice (again) and came across a documentary on the mental crisis in Japan. In response to a finding that Japan has one of the highest rates of loneliness and suicide in the world the Japanese ministry has formed the world's first Ministry portfolio for Loneliness.
https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20 ... na/051000c
Disconnectedness is a global problem across the western world but it's particularly acute in Japan where 40% of people surveyed felt alone and isolated.
While some of the issues contributing to these figures are cultural and specific to Japan, I am wondering if people are also feeling disconnected here in the west but are too proud/afraid to admit it?
I have no data on the overall population in the western world but I am part of a demographic who do experience it and do talk about it, and its several aspects, and the directions it can arise from, and the directions it can go.
For example,
https://themighty.com/2019/04/chronic-i ... ck-lonely/
Y’know that feeling everyone has as a teenager? That “no one understands me” feeling. Take that and multiply it by a million and that’s chronic illness. At least when dealing with teenagers people have a point of reference since they were once teenaged themselves. The same can’t be said about chronic illness. With chronic illness you don’t get it ’til you literally get it.
I’m going to be honest here, I don’t know how to cope with the loneliness that accompanies chronic illness. It is so gut-wrenching and all-encompassing. It’s not just the literal state of being alone, either. Along with the physical solitude comes the mental. I could be in a room full of people and still feel utterly and hopelessly alone, because everyone in the room is able to function so seamlessly while I’m trapped in a cage of my unreliable body’s making.
Despite our most valiant efforts, time will not stand still for us; so our friends and family move on without us. And we’ve got no choice but to watch them go. Those closest to us often claim to understand. They see us being left behind and they feel badly for us. Some grasp at straws to try to empathize, but it’s impossible to grasp the totality of the loneliness without truly being in our shoes. There’s no way to fully comprehend the utter devastation of chronic illness. It destroys everything in its wake, and we’re left shakily holding on to the memory of who we once were, the friends and family we once had, the life we once led. We grieve the potential we lost.
https://academic.oup.com/jpepsy/article ... 22/3066283
Objective This meta-analysis examines loneliness in children and adolescents with chronic physical conditions as compared with their peers.
Methods Multilevel meta-analyses were performed on 43 studies (69 samples), published between 1987 and 2015. A total of 2,518 individuals with chronic physical conditions and 1,463 control peers were included in the analyses.
Results Children and adolescents with chronic conditions are, on average, somewhat lonelier than their peers without such conditions. Moreover, the link between chronic conditions and loneliness varied according to the recruitment procedure used for participant selection. Stronger links were found for studies that recruited from patient organizations as compared with clinical registers.
Conclusions Findings support the link between loneliness and chronic conditions. To take into account the heterogeneity within patient groups, we advocate an alternative approach that cuts across diagnostic boundaries and focuses on illness-related variables such as illness duration and visibility of the condition.
https://www.bezzyms.com/discover/sex-re ... -can-help/
Over the years and through countless conversations with others in the chronic condition community, I’ve come to find that it’s fairly common to go through periods of aloneness and loneliness when you live with challenging health conditions.
There is one dynamic I’ve noticed in myself and others that can play a role in isolation: experiencing emotional stuckness around when, how, and whether or not it even makes sense to begin reaching back out to our social networks.
https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/ ... onditions/
People with chronic illness are often caught in a bind of poor health, and an inability to socialise and engage in others in their community, due to immobility or stigma.
Additionally, they are more likely to feel emotionally isolated - that is, feel that nobody really understands them, experience a loss of a sense of self, or feel trapped in an unpredictable body.
And within that overall demographic is the demographic of those who have chronic, incurable, illnesses and live below middle class standards
Open Access
Published: 18 November 2021
Living with a chronic disease: insights from patients with a low socioeconomic status
Lisa Van Wilder1, Peter Pype1, Fien Mertens1, Elke Rammant2, Els Clays1, Brecht Devleesschauwer3,4, Pauline Boeckxstaens1 & Delphine De Smedt1
BMC Family Practice volume 22, Article number: 233 (2021)
https://bmcprimcare.biomedcentral.com/a ... 21-01578-7
Little is known about how patients with low socioeconomic status (SES) experience their chronic disease, and how it impacts health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Compared to their more affluent counterparts, worse outcomes have been reported. A better understanding of the domains of HRQoL that are relevant to these specific populations is therefore needed. We explored the experiences of living with a chronic disease in low SES persons.
A qualitative interview study was performed in Flanders, Belgium. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in chronically ill patients, selected through purposive sampling. Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Analysis followed an inductive and iterative approach.
Fifteen patients were interviewed. Six major themes were identified: a heavy bag to carry, loss of autonomous life, inner and outer loneliness, emotional imbalance, unmet need for support, and coping strategies. Patients experienced their illness as an additional problem on top of all other problems (i.e. financial/social problems, traumatic life events). In general, the disease burden and non-disease burden were mutually reinforcing, resulting in greater dependency, greater risk of social isolation, greater psychological distress, and greater risk of impaired HRQoL.
This study is the first to provide detailed insight into the experiences of living with a chronic disease in low SES persons. A conceptual model is proposed that can be used in daily clinical practice to raise awareness among clinicians and health care providers that the patient’s needs go beyond the disease itself. Future research is needed to validate and test the model.
"There are a thousand things that can happen when you go light a rocket engine, and only one of them is good."
Tom Mueller of SpaceX, in Air and Space, Jan. 2011
Yes I understand the situation is worse for people on the spectrum/comorbid illnesses. But the reasons your friends and family move on when they see you struggling might not be that dissimilar to the reasons why friends and family move on in general.
Answer to both questions is that they are too busy.
Getting back to Japan, they have adopted to the cultural individualism of western Europe, namely self-reliance. Japanese people are mean't to be self-reliant and not burden other people. So when somebody is struggling there is a tendency to move on because that person will only hold you back from your own progress.
I am seeing this in Australia as well. There is a mantra that if you tell people you need help they will help, But in reality if everyone is struggling to maintain a facade then there is a kind of psychological "hunger games" or "Squid games" where you are encouraged to make alliances and leave behind those who "aren't going to make it" to the promised land.
Loneliness was something I felt quite a lot in Japan when I first moved here. It was one of the major hurdles of culture shock, as I didn't feel like that at all in London. Nowadays I have basically learned to cope by forming strong bonds to people in everyday life. I have a job where my expertise is valued and I can decide how to do something, and a family which gives a sense of belonging to an important "core unit".
Not sure whether the Japanese are particularly self-reliant. Swedish people are raised from the moment they're born to be self-reliant, whereas the Japanese are taught that they are nothing if they're not valued by the group (the largest group being society itself).
Japan also teaches its young that they have to conform. The adoption of Western culture has led many young Japanese to discover themselves as individuals, and when that individuality clashes with social harmony and forces them to hide it, the sense of disconnect between who you want to be and who society forces you to be creates stress and loneliness.
Yes I also thought Japan is a collectivist society. But apparently (according to VIce) it's complicated. The corporate culture in Japan emphasises some aspects of traditional Japanese culture namely the man must be the bread winner and be self-reliant. The woman must be obedient and marry a man whom their parent's approve. The problem from I understand is '
1. If a man can't be self-reliant then he must suffer alone until he can atone
2. If a woman doesn't follow her family then she is not conforming to societal expectations and is avoided
3. If both men and women are not successful then they are avoided'
4. If they develop stress they must not burden others, the needs of the wider society outweigh the individual's descent into depression
The crossover with western individualism is the self-reliance thing. I have spoken to Japanese and Chinese parents living in Australia and they always praise the Australian cultural thing of letting the child sink/swim on their own to learn the hard way without handouts. This might partly explain why Asian parents emphasise education as a university degree is supposed to be a surrogate parent and will open doors.
A lot of those who are suffering loneliness in Japan have experienced dropping out of school/university. a job loss, or loss of face from a broken relationship. Apparently it is younger women who now are the biggest group in Japan experiencing loneliness as they disobey their parents.
Yes I also thought Japan is a collectivist society. But apparently (according to VIce) it's complicated. The corporate culture in Japan emphasises some aspects of traditional Japanese culture crossing over with western individualism namely the man must be the bread winner and be self-reliant. More traditionally the woman must be obedient and marry a man whom their parent's approve. The problem from I understand is '
1. If a man can't be self-reliant then he must suffer alone until he can atone
2. If a woman doesn't follow her family then she is not conforming to societal expectations and is avoided
3. If both men and women are not successful then they are avoided'
4. If they develop stress they must not burden others, the needs of the wider society outweigh the individual's descent into depression
The crossover with western individualism is the self-reliance thing. I have spoken to Japanese and Chinese parents living in Australia and they always praise the Australian cultural thing of letting the child sink/swim on their own to learn the hard way without handouts. This might partly explain why Asian parents emphasise education as a university degree is supposed to be a surrogate parent and will open doors.
A lot of those who are suffering loneliness in Japan have experienced dropping out of school/university. a job loss, or loss of face from a broken relationship. Apparently it is younger women who now are the biggest group in Japan experiencing mental breakdown and loneliness.
The case could be made for all of that to be true. I never thought about it as a self-reliance thing, though, but rather something everyone was forced to do because that was both the explicit and implicit cultural narrative. Perhaps I have to reframe my experience.
Recently, dating experts in Japan emphasize that women try to find a husband who is resilient rather than having a high salary. In the current economic climate a man might lose his job anytime, so he has to bounce back to provide for his family. I guess such resilience is seen in a person who has formed a secure sense of self so that personal failures can be accepted and overcome. But such men are still quite rare so what sometimes happens is that the man retreats in shame to a cheap apartment in the suburbs after the wife has divorced him and taken the kids with her.
Japan has an omote (front) and ura (back) way of doing things so that good things are put on display and bad things are hidden. Thus on the train to work all you see is well-groomed men on their way to earn big bucks, while the failures have all left to live with their parents in the countryside.
"If you can't see the problem, it doesn't exist." Harsh but often true.
Japan has an omote (front) and ura (back) way of doing things so that good things are put on display and bad things are hidden. Thus on the train to work all you see is well-groomed men on their way to earn big bucks, while the failures have all left to live with their parents in the countryside.
"If you can't see the problem, it doesn't exist." Harsh but often true.
Yes this reflects the complicated picture coming out of Japan. Japan was one of the first independent non-western to countries to adopt western cultural traits/customs in order to develop/catch up. They have had a head start on other decolonized Asian countries which partly explains why they are one of the most developed countries in the world. As a collectivist country they have been married to western individualism longer and internalised some western beliefs that compliment their need to develop rapidly but that conflict with their traditional culture.
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"Our new report suggests that 36% of all Americans—including 61% of young adults and 51% of mothers with young children—feel “serious loneliness.” Not surprisingly, loneliness appears to have increased substantially since the outbreak of the global pandemic.
The report also explores the many types of loneliness, various causes of loneliness, and the potentially steep costs of loneliness, including early mortality and a wide array of serious physical and emotional problems, including depression, anxiety, heart disease, substance abuse, and domestic abuse. While Americans clearly need to adopt distancing measures to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, the report authors argue that we also must take steps to alleviate loneliness, particularly for the populations the survey suggests are most affected."
Loneliness, Depression, Anxiety, ETc.; Most All that Come From NDD Nature Deficit Disorder As that/this Applies
To Connecting to All That (GoD) Is; Ranging From the Nature of Self; Regulating Emotions, Integrating Senses on
Task in Autotelic Flow; Generating A Cocktail/Synergy in Balance of the Materially Reduced Neurohormones
Of Oxytocin Warmth of Binding and Bonding Love and the Such; And Neurochemicals As Basic As
Dopamine for Pleasure And Co-Creating; And Serotonin to Curb Anxiety/Pain As Oxytocin Does
With Natural Greater
Self-Esteem Yes Now with
Meaning and Purpose Feeling
Sensing Connecting Now to Each
Other and All Of Nature Moving Yes
Connecting and Co-Creating Actually
Not Only Surviving Yet Thriving Together
Naked Enough Whole Complete Inhaling
Peace Exhaling LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT For
All With Least
Harm; Giving
Sharing Caring
Healing This
Way for Real Now
It's True Now i Find
This BLiSSinG And
BLeSSinG For Real
Eternally NoW iN A
NOT Until i Lost Every God
Damned Gift i Am Dancing
And Singing About Now in only
Pain and Numb Then With No Meaning
And Purpose in Life; Even Words only
Empty SHellS on A Beach Attached to
No Organic Feeling Moving Connecting
Co-Creating Ways of Actual Truly Breathing Life
For 66 Months of Real HeLL ON EartH True From
11 Years of Chronic to the Last 2 of 11 With FiGHT
or FLiGHT Acute Stress At Work For What is Commonly
Understood in Ways of 'General Adaptation Syndrome'
Or 'Autism Burn-Out' of Course for those So Out of Touch
With Regulating Emotions and Integrating Senses That Indeed
Folks Like me then
and now still are
Our Modern Western Civilizations Teach Us How to Become Fitting Little Cogs in a Well
Oiled Consuming Capitalistic Way of Making Money And Things As An Only God For Real in
And Even
Eastern Worlds Now;
Spread From the Pandemic
of the Money Eating Things
And the Rest of Nature Pandemic
of this Human Cultural Zombie Apocalypse;
When the Light Goes Out in THeir EYes; When
They Shuffle By With No Spring in their Moves;
When They No Longer Connect to Self, Other, and
the Rest of Nature DarK Thru LiGHT Seeing the Holy
And Sacred; Yes, Actually FeeLinG SeNSinG Dancing All of
Existence As
Worthy Gift
Always New Now
Co-Creating ToGeTHeR Free;
Yes TheNoW We Will KNoW Feel
Sense We aRe No Longer Really
Alive And Then We Will Realize
Once Living Now We aRe Ghosts
Wandering the Earth as 'the Living Dead;...
Anyway, Thank Goodness for Classical Evolution;
12,000 Years or So Years of Hoarding Grains In Silos More Than Sharing; TaKinG
STiLL More Than Giving This Way; Harming More Than Healing; And Becoming too
God Damned
Dead Within
to Even Feel
The Drive of Warmth
Within to Ask Someone
About How They Are Feeling
And Sensing the Weather, Both
Outside Yes and Within; A Dying
Breed The Human Species Is Yet Indeed
With Still As Much Potential as 12,000 Years
Ago to Be As Strong As An Orangutan in Moving
Ways For Real to be As Loving in Connecting As Baby And Mother's
Breast For Real In Nurturing Ways for All With Least Harm And to Understand
That A Grain of
Sand And Less
Is As Integral
As the Milky Way
Above and Below
For Any Mountain of
Human Love to Still Come
into Being as God Is Love Now For Real
As Essence of Human Form For Real to Reach Out and Touch Eternally Now
Considering i am Naked Enough Whole Complete THiS Way and i Don't Give an
F About
Any More
Money or Over-Consuming
Any More Stuff; Considering i
am Still Just Dancing And Singing
Free for the Heaven oF iT All Out of Hell
Then And Now Joy Is Inherent iN LiGHT of Every
Sacred Song Of Word And Holy Move of Dance i Do...
Why Should Anyone Really Care What i Dance Sing; It's True,
i Understand
as i too Come
From 'the Other Place'
too Yet the Joy is Inherent
So i Never Stop Dancing And Singing Heaven
Free Eternally Now For Real i Figured 'The GaMe'
All Out
And Now
i Just Dance
Sing Play For Free...
Hey, if The MilkY
Way Will Do It
-Me Too..
Meanwhile, THere Are 'Clean-Up Crews
In Japan Cleaning the Remains of the Elderly
With No Connections in Skyscraper Apartments at all...
An Approaching Majority of Dudes in Japan Are Never
Interested in Getting Married At All; And Many Young
Folks; Woman and or Man, Are Not Interested in Any Real Physical Act of Sex;
And Yes, of Course, A Smallish Island OverPopulated With Skyscrapers First, Just
Spreading Out in the Rest of a World, WHere God Is Money And Consuming Stuff Same...
Yet there is the Bigger Picture of Nature too; Returning to Earth From Space, it is Clear
That THere is A Human Pandemic, A Real Zombie Apocalypse, A Real 'HuMaN' 'CuLTuRaL Cancer'
UPon THE EartH;
Eating Now the
Face of God That
Is Us And The Other ALL
Nature As God For Real;
So Much Bigger Than Us As
We Will Indeed Continue to Reap
As Long As We Sow this Living Death Of Nature Now...
Answers for me May Not Be Answers For Anyone Else;
Never the Less,
And Of CourSE
And On COuRSE More
It Works NoW As God Yes Love
WeLL AS Heaven iN Hell For Real..
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
[align=center]"Our new report suggests that 36% of all Americans—including 61% of young adults and 51% of mothers with young children—feel “serious loneliness.” Not surprisingly, loneliness appears to have increased substantially since the outbreak of the global pandemic.
That statistic is similar to Japan which recorded 40% of all Japanese feeling lonely. That's 119 million Americans. Sounds like it's a national epidemic.
i Remember The Day i Couldn't Feel the Warmth of the Family Cat;
In January of 2008; in Fact, He Peeled His Ears Back, No Longer Sensing Humanity
of me; Not Even Mammalian, An Innate Fear i Might not be A Welcome Family Member or Guest to Pet Him;
Then i Remember, No Longer Being Able to Feel the Warmth Within From The Afternoon Sun in the Winter;
And Then i Forgot the Feeling of If i Ever Smiled Before in my Life as Emotions are Memories and Memories
Are Emotions And
It Didn't Matter How
Much my Wife, Sister,
And Mother Loved Me;
What Was Once Warm
And Cozy Became Ice Cold And
All that Was Left of me A Ghost Wandering
The Earth Not Fully Realizing He is Dead WiTHiN NoWTHeN;
The Doctors Couldn't Tell me How to Revive the
Emotions of my Soul; How to Generate The Oxytocin
Connections Within Again of Human Warmth; All they Could
Do Is Hit me With
Various Pills that
Didn't Do A God
Damned Thing to DeFrost
The Ice of my Soul Grown Frozen;
Other than the Suicide Disease, Type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia, the Literal Worst Pain Known to Humankind Like
A Dentist Drill in my Right Eye and Ear No Drug Would Touch
(And a Synergy of 18 Other Life Threatening Disorders Coming
Yes From What is Commonly Understood As 'General Adaptation
Syndrome' as 11 Years of Chronic to Acute Stress Work Related in
Terms of Real 'Autistic Burn-Out' Will Generally Speaking Break Down
Every Bodily System Now to The Reality of A Real and Early Death too)
During All Waking Hours for 66 Months; Yet there are No Words Fully in Emptiness Within
to Describe How Soul Cold A Soul Numb Will Come to Be in Piece of Paper Existence on Earth
Where Dousing Oneself With Gasoline Forever is Actually A Wish of Heaven In Hell of Burning Forever
True i Lived in a Place
Where A Thousand Years
is Just Another Aghogday
Yep Another Ground Hog Day
in Hell Every God Damned Second
of Every God Damned Day of Every God
Damned Month of Every God Damned Year
For 66 Months;
And As Far As that
Worst Pain known to
Humankind Literally
Assessed As Worse than
Literal Crucifixion For Real;
Not Even Close to the Dark
Second of the Soul Where all There
is is time that Never Flows As the River
Does of my
Soul in Heaven
Eternally Now Real;
For It's True in Hell
The Loneliest Place,
One is connected to Nothing at all...
And then One Finds Out Who 'God' the Verb Really
Is This Real Feel and Sense of Living This Connection
That Will Always Be A New Flower Blooming For All that is Or Just Piece
of Paper Existence,
A Lonely Ghost
Wandering the
Earth, Not realizing
They Are Truly The Living Dead
Now as THere Is Not even A Memory
of what it ever Felt Like to Be Fully Alive At All...
You Know, when i Was Young, i Was considered the
Weakest Fish in the Aquarium At School; The Kid Who Didn't
Speak Until 4, the Strange Outcast who almost No one Wanted to
Sit Next to at Lunch; Yet i Found a FRiEnD in Nature; Still had A Dog,
And A Mother and Sister Then; Yet It's True even Though i am a Strongest
Leg Pressing Dude in a Military Gym Among Elite Military Dudes at age 62; And
Let's Just
Say eventually
Attention From
Women Was No
Longer Rare At All;
It Doesn't Matter What You
Gain When Ya Lose The Feeling
of Ever Smiling in Life At All; Didn't
matter that i was Financially Independent
At Age 47, And Would Never Have to Worry
About Money Again Either; 'They' Don't Lie When
'They' Say What Good Is it to Gain the Whole World Losing
A Soul of A Feeling of If One Ever Smiled At all; And this is 'the Thing,'
Being Fully 'Human'
Isn't Guaranteed Ever;
Science Shows That too Much
Mechanical Cognition Will Wither
Away the Human Potential for Intelligences
That Are Social-Empathic-Artistic-And Spiritual
For Real in Terms of Emotional Intelligence From Head to
Toe Real As Emotions Are The Synergy of the Senses For what
We Literally
Feel From Head
to Toe in Every Cell
of Our Bodies We May
Come to Color or Lose Cold
to Piece of Paper Existence For Real...
Emotions Are Generated; Yep, All These Connections
to Others And the World Around Us Whole By Feeding
This Garden of Human Potential Social-Empathic-Artistic-Spiritual
And Yes Interpretive Wholistic Way of 'Seeing/Feeling' Bigger Picture Life than
Materially Reducing
All to Smaller Parts
Leaving Them
From Whole
As Soul Now
Connecting to All;
Yeah, It's Almost Impossible
To Talk About IT For Real Without
Dancing Singing Free Verse Poetry For Real...
Yet It's True, No Longer Do Folks In the 'Real World'
Call Me Just A Machine, A Valuable Commodity at
Work to Solve All the Mechanical Cognition Problems Folks
Get in the Grind
of A Day At Work
In Terms of Financial
Management, Accounting,
Administration of Programs,
Information Technology; And Every
Thing That Used to Be Associated with
The iRobot of me; Oh God Including Supervising
And Managing Up to 131 Employees then too;
The 'Revenge of the Nerds' Already Happened;
Now We LiVE iN A Zuckerberg, And Bill Gates World;
With A Little Steve Jobs Art Sprinkled in Apple Products At Least;
And the Fact is, Without That Systemizing Science advantage of Mind;
Where my Greatest Strength Was Figuring Out all the Mechanical Cognition Stuff;
Yep, Without That Revenge of the Nerds Era We All LiVE iN As Home Now; It's Highly
Unlikely i Would
Have Become Then
Financially Independent
At Age 47; Although, Was
it Worth Losing My Soul for
66 Months; Considering the
Reality That All is Eternally Now;
All That's Left is Heaven Now to Do;
And Perhaps Help Someone Else Not Go to
Hell or At Least Perhaps Escape as i Did For Real
Connecting Emotions Back to Words in Free FLoWinG Poetry connecting
All my Feelings Regulating them And Senses Integrating Head
to Toe in A Free Dance of Flow And Bio-Feedback Where i Control How Happy
In Autotelic Way i Care to Be Now
FOR REAL in New Emotional Colors
of Living Life For Real Now;
Thing is, Thing is Not; Ya Really
Can't Teach Someone To Color THeir Life
This Way; No Psychiatrist or Psychologist Could
Help me in Anyway When i Was Lost; So i Looked Within
And Eventually my Body 'Talked', Eventually My Body Danced And Sang
Free in a Dance
of Life New to
Truly 'Hear and See'
Yet Again This is Art
So Far Beyond Reason;
Yet Again, This Life This FLoWeR Still Booming New;
What i Do Know For Sure is Our Way of Life Now So Restricted
in Ways of Mechanical Cognition is 'the Terminator Series of
Movies' Come
Real in
of Who
Are Increasingly
Coming to Be So
Disconnected From Each
Other So Disconnected From Nature Whole;
So Lost From Any Connection At all Just Living Dead For Real...
i Wasn't Always An Ocean FLoWinG Deep; Barely A Running Stream Before;
-Canary Only
Once in A Cold Mind of Life...
Sure, i am An Extreme Example;
As 'The Folks' 'Attending' to me Readily
Admitted They Saw No Prognosis for me to 'Live Again'...
Some Days You Truly Do Have to Find the
Bootstraps to Your Soul And
Put Your Love on Again.
Generally Speaking, Science
Shows this Loneliness Now is
An Epidemic, Truly Pandemic, A First World
Increasing Problem in Most Every English Speaking Country
Now And Verily Spreading NoW As 'THE ReAL Terminator
Series of Movies' Continues to Do... Honestly to 'God'
As Verb For Real
It's Up to Each
Person to Unplug
And Get Moving, Connecting,
And Co-Creating Again For Real...
Of Course OnlY iN A CuRReNT UNiVeRSE of mY View Now New..
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Person to Unplug
And Get Moving, Connecting,
And Co-Creating Again For Real...
Of Course OnlY iN A CuRReNT UNiVeRSE of mY View Now New..[/align]
Very true, Carpe diem -"Seize the day". A free translation might be "Enjoy yourself while you have the chance".
Joined: 6 Jan 2011
Age: 35
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https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20 ... na/051000c
Disconnectedness is a global problem across the western world but it's particularly acute in Japan where 40% of people surveyed felt alone and isolated.
While some of the issues contributing to these figures are cultural and specific to Japan, I am wondering if people are also feeling disconnected here in the west but are too proud/afraid to admit it?
I for sure feel that way, but yeah idk not sure how to present that to people exactly...like 'hey I don't have friends, want to be my friend'...seems it could come off a bit creepy. Idk me and my bf have a plan to finish some warhammer teams for a skirmish sort of game and take our stuff to a nerd store to play each other and see if anyone is curious what we are up to and we could get a conversation going. My boyfriend is not autistic but he also is not exactly socially graceful so we are thinking maybe show a bit of what we are interested in see if hanging out there maybe we would meet any cool people. I suppose that is significantly less creepy than just trying to make a random friend off the street for sure but not sure we'll succeed.
We won't go back.
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