How important is it for the human race to continue?

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15 Aug 2022, 12:46 pm

Do we have an inherent duty to carry on the species, in your opinion?

Does this override other important issues such as the inevitable suffering of the person coming into existence, their inability to consent to their birth, their impact on the environment, overpopulation and resource scarcity etc?

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15 Aug 2022, 1:47 pm

Duty? Up to you I think? It's just instincts after all.

I don't have inherent need to breed, and you give plenty of good points why breeding is awful idea. I do have plenty of mammalian instincts though, so trying to use them to help those that are already here.

As for the question in the title, I don't like (adult) hoomans, just huge annoying egos, almost no nice feelings left, so to hell with those. I do like civilization though, it would be way nicer without humans, but sadly, not possible yet...


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15 Aug 2022, 2:02 pm

It’s not important,the planet would be better off.

I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi


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15 Aug 2022, 5:41 pm

"How Important Is It For The Human Race to Continue?"

Fascinating Philosophical, Political, and Even Religious Question too;

For Instance, Some Politically And Religiously Related Folks Believe It is Evil
If A 10 Year-Old Girl Who Is Violently Raped By A Close Family Member Does not

Carry the Child to Term As They Suggest That Is A Sin and A So-Called God Would
Rather See the Child
Who Was Violently
Raped at 10,
Suffer Even
More Mental
And Physical Anguish

The Rest of Their Life; In Terms,
For Example, of One of my Youthful
Friends, When i Was A Youth; Never Impregnated
Yet Still Sexually Abused By a Father; Her Mental Anguish

Never Went Away and She Had the 'Final Word' When She Shot
Herself in the Head With A Revolver in Her Father's Bed After She

Already Had A Loving Husband And Two Loving Children then; True, i Was
THere As Her FRiEnD As She Described What Her Father Did to Her; Yet Again

Even Her So-called Religion That i Shared of Catholicism Demanded That if She had
Become Pregnant By Her Father, She Should Carry that Child to Term As 'God' Demands

New Human Life
Yet UnBorn is More
Important than Breathing
Lifelong Mental Anguish

And Physical Issues When
Particularly Young And Violently
Raped Like Incontinence For the Rest of
the Human Young Woman's Life; According

To the Catholicism i Visit, 'God' Still Says It is Very
Important For Humans to Still Continue to Fill The
Earth And Even Let Humans Suffer at the End of Life Needlessly

Where We Wouldn't Do That to One of Our Pets Yet Indeed Misery
And Suffering Pro-Longing Death is seen as Sacred And Sick Suffering

to Some Religions ThiS Way Over Mercy That We Give to Our Pets at the End of THeir Life.

In FAct, Humans Through Their Cultural Practices, Including Philosophies, Religions, and Politics

Shared Are Capable of

Great Dreams Fulfilled

Of Heaven-Like Conditions
on Earth At Least in Balance Within
For Those Who Still LiVE iN Balance With Nature ThiS Way

Or the Philosophies, Religions, Politics, And Worst Human
Metaphor of Pandemic oF All; Yes, the Ignorance That Humans
Support in Their CuLTuRaL Ways That Harm, Rape, Maim, And Kill

The Rest of Nature That is Indeed Our True Face As Well; Which Means

Hello, Welcome to the Human Zombie Apocalypse Living Out of Balance Eating
Our Face of Nature Out of Balance ThiS Way; Particularly, the United States that Uses
40 Percent of the Human Resources of The Earth With 4 Percent of the Population; Yet
Here's 'The Thing', Humans Are Deluded to 'Think' They Dominate Nature ThiS Way of Harming,
Raping, Maiming, And Killing IT the Most in Ignorance ThiS Way; Yet the Rule of Nature is Balance at Least/Most;

And The Karma of Nature is Simple Action And Consequence of Species' That Pay That Consequence When
They LiVE Out of Balance

And True For the Rest of
Nature A Natural Culling
Process Comes When Species
Come into Population Pressures ThiS Way;

And in The United States, We Also Endured
Close to 40 Percent of Global Pandemic Deaths
So Many More Than A Million Now and Hundreds of Daily
Deaths Still With Another Nature 'Sponsored' Pandemic Variance

Other than the CuLTuRaL One that Human CuLTuReS Still Bring
Responsible for Killing of Two-Thirds of Wild-Life in the Last 50
Years and Forecast to Give a Human Hand-Down to the Extinction of

1 in 8 Animal And Plant Species' in the Coming Decades As Not So Well in

Balance At All;


to Real FRiEnDS With Gravity as the Lion Walks Gracefully Conserving Every Calorie
When it Comes to the Fight or Flight For Survival For the Hunt of Life in Every Roar too;

Those Who Do Not Become FRiEnDS With Gravity Squander Away Life Giving Calories and

When the Drought Comes on the Savannah When the Grass Dies and the Antelope No Longer

Eat Their Numbers Fall too; So Goes the Lion Too, Falling to the Grasses too In Decay to Grow
The New Grass After Rains

To Feed The Offspring
Of the Antelope the

Lion Once Ate;

This is Nature; This is Balance;
This is Reality; And the Price to Pay
For Folks Who Are Not FRiEnDS With Gravity
in Balance, Overall ThiS Way Pay the 'Piper' of Nature's
Karma in Action and Consequence; Perhaps Not Immediately

Yet the Way of Nature Will Have His And Or Her Own Way; As that
Applies to A Country With Close to 40 Percent of Shooting Sprees of Death too;

Anyway, Meanwhile, i LiVE iN Balance With Nature Deep in the Forest; We Return More
Than We Take to the Wild Life Whose Habitat Continues to Be Taken Away in Pristine

Forests Where i Live

For More Homes of Humans
And General Dollar Stores and
The Such to Be Erected Here And
While it's True i've Eaten Frog Legs at
The Chinese Restaurant And They Were Very
Tasty to me; My Wife and Sister Are Quite Averse to
That And Even Take Great Care to Move Frogs and Toads

Off the Neighborhood Road Where We LiVE iN A Deep Forest

WHeRE the Garden of Eden is Indeed Real i Inhabit in Balance With

The Rest of Nature Seamlessly As It is Obvious to me my Existence is No
More Integral to the Rest of Existence in Nature Than A Frog, A Squirrel,
A Feathered Bird with Wings; the Crawling Ant That Aerates the Soul For Spring

Growth; The Falling Leaves that Feed The Green of Spring As Well and Flowers of

Summer to Come Even in January When Climate Balance Influenced By Humans These

Days is Changing
More Rapidly
Year-to-Year too;

In FAct, my Existence is

No More Integral Than A Grain

of Sand in my BackYard That has the

Potential of Holding Up A Mountain of Human
LoVE CoMe to Be Keeping A 'Christmas Tree' UP Year
'Round CoLoRinG it With Even Newer Lights of Love For NaTuRE ALL;

SMiLes, i Don't Have Living Children Yet i Have Enough Love for Nature

to Love it All Like A Real 'God 'Every Little Part of DarK to Fabulous Colors of Art i'm Able to Create;

The Humans i Interact With Are Literally Angels on Earth Day-to-Day; Some of the Rest Not So Much;

Here's A FAct,

if We Don't All Get More
Attention Span than The
Three Seconds Science Assesses
Humans With As Less than A Gold Fish
On Average And Develop A Less Selfish View of

Nature That Is Indeed Our Living Face; It's Easy for me to See

It Won't Take Long For Us to Destroy Ourselves in Callous Selfishness
That Comes With Taking More Than Giving; Sharing More Than Hoarding;
And Harming More Than Caring and Healing the Rest of Nature That is Our Face.

The Zombie Apocalypse
in Real Human Pandemic
Ways Humans Inflict on Nature
Out of Balance, No Longer FRiEnDS
With Gravity to Survive and Thrive

Is Truly Up to Us As A Species

to Get Back In Balance

Or Send Us Away

too Like the Rest of Nature

We Have Aborted Out of Balance

Harming the Only God Who Truly
Exists This Nature Now All Around Us
What is Possible to Measure by Science

And the Love Beyond Measure That Will Possibly Save our Butts Now...

Note: Out of Respect to 'Ms Lizard', i Don't Eat Reptiles; Amphibians is as Far
i've Gone in that Regard; As my Sister and Wife Continue to Save Toads, Frogs,
And Even Pick up Baby Snakes off Our Forest And Garden of Eden Neighborhood Road

As It's True the Big Four Wheel Drives Around Here Are Not Kind to Their Fly Trappings

in the Full Moon Light

As Road Kill Becomes

Their Sad Destiny

Indeed Sponsored

By The Human Race to
What may be Soon or
Sooner BE A Same Sad Destination inDeed;

Meanwhile, the Garden of Eden in my Back Yard
is A REAL Most Beautiful Place in Existence to me;

i See my Reflection in the Mirror of the Window of
my Home Just Another Furry Beast in A Hunt for Life in Balance


With Gravity

i Understand

What it Takes
to Survive and Thrive
Like my Brothers and Sisters
Etc. in Nature; Yes, Naked,

Enough, Whole Complete

As High As A Lion of Love

And Less Than A Grain of Sand that Holds me Up...

Nature in Balance is my Religion, Politics, And Philosophy

Love is my God

For Real Both
Literally NOW YES

And Metaphorically

For All DarK Thru LiGHT
Keeping my Christmas Tree
All Lit Up Within to Give, Share,
Care, And Heal For Free With Least

Harm for All Always Lighting New Colors
Inhaling Peace ExhalinG LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT Even More

What A Wonderful World Life Can And Will Be in This Balance of Love

For Real;

Just Ask the Antelope
And Lion, It's Always A
Grass Roots Movement...

And Vine of Love Above Never Ending GiVinG SHaRinG CaRinG HeaLinG NeW

NoW; AnYWaY i'm Still Just a Small Seed Dancing Singing Free GRoWinG iNTo A Tree

Feeding Winter Soils With my Falling Leaves Decaying For Love Springing Green For Summer FLoWeRS AGAiN

And as i Write the Line Above A Thunderstorm Brings Rain And Sunshine Through Our Great Room
Eight-Feet Wide By Five-Feet High

Sliding Glass Picture


Taking A
Pic oF A Rainbow

Now the Hail is Falling Soon
Birds Will Return With Song

And the Squirrels Will Frolic

Together Enjoying Sunflower Seeds We Provide;

JusT ANoTHeR DaY iN Paradise Wishing Others
Won't Be Left Behind as i Once Was in the SaMe HoMe...

Life IS A Greatest Nightmare And Dream for Human Beings

And The Tween

i've Seen Both
Sides; A Storm is
Over for me at Least now...

It's Up to 'OTHeRS to 'Uplug'

Breathing Free Naked Enough Whole Complete;

Now What was Once 100 Degrees Heat Index Today
IS A Real Garden of Eden And Grass Covered With Ice (Hail)
i Have Never Seen it Before Like This Living Here Almost 29 Years

iT iS
it is STiLL Now
Nature With ALL It's DarK And LiGHT
And The Tween of What Makes Us Real too;

Humans Will Be As Relevant to this Planet As Balance
Comes or


For Us
For Real

From Seeds Through
Living Trees Through
Falling Leaves To Do Life Again THiS Birth NoW NeW

To BREaTHE TO BREaTHE This Gift of Breath NeW NoW

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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Last edited by aghogday on 15 Aug 2022, 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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15 Aug 2022, 6:03 pm

I don't think we have an "inherent duty" to do anything, to be honest. Organisms are usually driven to carry on their genes, but there's no actual "inherent duty" to do so.


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15 Aug 2022, 8:58 pm

I feel that it's very important that the human race continues. God breaths life into all of us, because we're all his little Sweet Peas.

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15 Aug 2022, 9:11 pm

I am quiverfull so I believe in be fruitful and muliply and having as many kids as you can humanly have.I believe it is very important for the human race to continue but I want God to end humanity sooner than later whenever he finally decides to.


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15 Aug 2022, 9:22 pm

Once the humans heat the earth up enough to kill themselves all off , giant lizards will rule again.
Repeat cycle.

I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi


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15 Aug 2022, 9:45 pm

Misslizard wrote:
It’s not important,the planet would be better off.

By whose standards? - it's not like the planet itself has standards, nor do animals have a concept of the planet - except humans.
The only one caring about the state of the planet are humans, and without humans, the state of the planet matters to no one.

Also: I personally wouldn't know where a duty to multiply and continue the species would come frome. There's a biological drive, but clearly, it's not strongly expressing itself - even evolution found it necessary to evolve a sex drive as a proxy for procreation, and it's perfectly possible and basic animal behaviour to try and satisfy that drive while not simultaneously procreating....

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15 Aug 2022, 10:03 pm

It's not important continue at all! To think we're so special that we simply must keep breeding is the height of egotism. I don't wish for our species a miserable, traumatic extinction, but I have no doubt that every other species on Earth will be much better off without us. After all, they and their predecessors did just without us in allllll the millennia before we got here.

If we have any obligation at all, it's to take care of those who are already here--from the smallest species to the biggest, from the sky to the land and the depths of the sea.

We don't deserve a colony on another planet after what we've done to this one, (and how pleasant would that actually be, really??) and I'd much rather be blown to dust than spend one minute with one of those doomsday prepper freaks.


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15 Aug 2022, 10:59 pm

Misslizard wrote:
It’s not important,the planet would be better off.

sh***y thing is if we go down we may take the planet with us

How important is it for the human race to improve?

Or should we convert ouselfs digital and live as doofus bots in a server?

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16 Aug 2022, 9:30 am

shlaifu wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
It’s not important,the planet would be better off.

By whose standards? - it's not like the planet itself has standards, nor do animals have a concept of the planet - except humans.
The only one caring about the state of the planet are humans, and without humans, the state of the planet matters to no one.

Also: I personally wouldn't know where a duty to multiply and continue the species would come frome. There's a biological drive, but clearly, it's not strongly expressing itself - even evolution found it necessary to evolve a sex drive as a proxy for procreation, and it's perfectly possible and basic animal behaviour to try and satisfy that drive while not simultaneously procreating....

It matters to the other creatures that live here even though they have no concept of Earth.
No more sea turtles suffocating in an oil spill,no more displaced creatures from clear cuts.

I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi

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16 Aug 2022, 6:21 pm

I don’t care about “the human race”, but I do care about the individual humans who make up humanity.

Overpopulation is not a concern. Resource use and environmental degradation are concerns, but we can manage them.

Consenting to be born, inevitable suffering of life - well, yes. I think most people are usually glad that they were born, and that’s enough to justify people continuing to have children if they want to. If people really do grow up to be miserable and regret their birth then they should be allowed (neither encouraged nor discouraged) to end their life.


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16 Aug 2022, 9:26 pm

Misslizard wrote:
shlaifu wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
It’s not important,the planet would be better off.

By whose standards? - it's not like the planet itself has standards, nor do animals have a concept of the planet - except humans.
The only one caring about the state of the planet are humans, and without humans, the state of the planet matters to no one.

Also: I personally wouldn't know where a duty to multiply and continue the species would come frome. There's a biological drive, but clearly, it's not strongly expressing itself - even evolution found it necessary to evolve a sex drive as a proxy for procreation, and it's perfectly possible and basic animal behaviour to try and satisfy that drive while not simultaneously procreating....

It matters to the other creatures that live here even though they have no concept of Earth.
No more sea turtles suffocating in an oil spill,no more displaced creatures from clear cuts.

I do understand that humans incur suffering on other animals, but I don't romanticize nature either: animals are awful to each other, but they are amoral while doing so, which is why we do not condemn them. The larva of the spider wasp does not consider its host with any compassion while it's eating the host alive, from the inside. Neither do catastrophes simply not happen - droughts eradicat populations, forest fires displace them, meteorite impacts and volcanic erruptions darken the sun for decades.
We are whitnessing the sixth great extinction event - the other five happened before humans evolved.
The difference is that this time, there are humans around who are capable of moralizing these events and who are able to understand they are causing them, putting them into a moral dilemma. But without humans, there would be no morals, just atoms in changing configurations.

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16 Aug 2022, 10:09 pm

/\I know, I live in the woods and see the life and death drama around me everyday.
Only humans kill out of hate and malice.Other creatures do it to survive, protect their young, for food.We do it for no good reason.
Man destroys and alters the environment out of greed rather than natural phenomena such as tornados etc….
Morals exist because of humans ,yet we are immoral as a species.IMHO

I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi


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17 Aug 2022, 5:57 am

Misslizard wrote:
Only humans kill out of hate and malice.Other creatures do it to survive, protect their young, for food.We do it for no good reason.

What do you mean, no good reason? You said hate and malice!

Joke aside, chimp-tribes go to war, baboons are awfully to each other within rhe tribe in status competition, the large majority of orangutan sex is non-consensual, and have you seen the genitalia of ducks, btw?
A lot of species practice competitive infanticide.
Cats are absolute monsters.

Hate and malice appear to me somewhere in the middle, - at least it's not murder of children so you can then rape their mother and she'll have your children and only your children.

But then, that's moralizing.

I can read facial expressions. I did the test.