God is supposed to talk back after three days of isolation
A friend of mine told me how an atheist went to a monastery. He spent three days without a phone and just prayer,ate and walked. Then he was having full back and forth conversations with God.
I had tried something like that myself but it just drove me insane.
I'm thinking of trying again just in case I missed something.
I know people who have done that.
Monasteries are very peaceful and will accept all travellers (even if not Catholic).
I go three days without speaking all the time.
I'm kind of doing it right now on self-retreat.
No one talks to God at the end, but it's very calming.
It helps people to hear their own conscience, and think more clearly.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.
I had tried something like that myself but it just drove me insane.
I'm thinking of trying again just in case I missed something.
What did God say to him?
Its supposed to be something that happened in this TV show (its a documentary)
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Silence-Barney ... B0052S0XKW
I'll check it out when I can
"The Big Silence: In this BBC series five ordinary people are taught the value of silent meditation, so they can make it part of their everyday lives. Their spiritual teacher is Christopher Jamison, abbot of the Benedictine monastery Worth Abbey.
The monastery's website is found HERE
It would be interesting to listen to an actually recording of an actual conversation between God and a human. There being no such recording, belief in the alleged conversation is only a matter of personal choice.
My friend just told me about the TV show.
My beliefs have changed from wanting to please God to relying on faith instead of religious works.
Self-isolating for 3 days certainly seems like religious works and trying to please God...which is impossible. So I think I might just get the same results as last time (being made crazy) if I tried again.Why people get different results is impossible for me to know.
I might order the DVD and just check out this whole 'praying for ages' thing but only MAYBE.
The fact that it would cost 25 quid to get started is already making it seem dodgy for me to do it.
My beliefs have changed from wanting to please God to relying on faith instead of religious works.
Self-isolating for 3 days certainly seems like religious works and trying to please God...which is impossible. So I think I might just get the same results as last time (being made crazy) if I tried again.Why people get different results is impossible for me to know.
I might order the DVD and just check out this whole 'praying for ages' thing but only MAYBE.
The fact that it would cost 25 quid to get started is already making it seem dodgy for me to do it.
Ahh third hand info and not second hand I see. The issue I have with these claims is that plenty of people make them but not one person have every given evidence to support them.
When money is involved then it gets from already extremely suspicious to a flat out con.
I had tried something like that myself but it just drove me insane.
I'm thinking of trying again just in case I missed something.
Why would an atheist go to a monastery to pray in the first place? Makes no sense to me.
SMiLes, i Suppose one Could Stay in 'A Cave' Like 'Muhammad' Was Reported to Do
Silently Meditating Without Any Lessons Ascending the Neo-Cortex And Immersing
(i Don't Name A Deeper Force Within Any 2nd-Hand Used-Angel Like 'Gabriel')
Oneself Deeper into the Right Hemisphere Processes of Mind Greater Related
to Social-Empathic-Artistic-Real-Spiritual-Emotional-More Nuanced And Complex
Ways Of Processing Reality and Even Come to Find A Poetic Spark Driven into Words
As A SonG oF SoUL Deeper From the Subconscious Mind So Alien to Left Brain Restricted
Processes of Monkey
Chatter Word Think Now
of Mind Mostly Immersed
in Worry Over Past and Future
Skipping the only Real Reality the
Present Gift of Now as True Humans
Do Focus Mostly on Fears Both Real And
Illusory As Let's Face the Facts We aRe Evolved
To Escape From Predator and Capture Prey With
Enough Focus to Detail A Left Brain Hemisphere Process usually
Brings With Big Enough Right Hemisphere Views to Escape Predators
Further Out on the Horizon
True Now Our Materially
Reduced Worlds Particularly
Spoon-Fed From Birth in Screens
Now About the Size of Half-A-Foot
Are Truly Materially Reducing Humankind
Into the Machines We Create That Were Supposed
to Make Life Greater to Survive and Appreciate to Thrive;
Obviously, considering College Age Folks Are Assessed at
40 Percent Depressed Enough to Impact Life Functioning
And 60 Percent as Such For Severe Anxiety as Well, in the U.S.
Well We ReALLy Aren't Evolving
At All Becoming the
Tools We Create
Too Afraid to Die
Too Depressed To Live
So What's A Solution, Voila, 'Embodiment'
Back to Our Instinctual Inherent Intuitive Ways
of Human Nature Socially Empathically Artistically
Beyond Reason and 'Monkey Chatter Mind 'of Endless Worry Words,
Regulating Emotions Integrating Senses Really Getting In Touch With This Real
Spiritual Aspect of Life That Drives Us to Move, Connect, And Co-Create With Other
Humans In Really
Stellar Productivity
in Greater Human Potentials
Realizing Them Now For Real too...
So 'How Do You Embody'; Nah, Silent Meditation
Isn't For me Focusing on Just Breathing Will Bore Someone
Like me to Death And True Scaling Cliffs With my Bare Hands
to Enter into this Present State of Laser Focus in Detail and Bigger Views of life
Yes This Autotelic Flow This Samadhi Contemplating In Meditation of Climbing
Higher and Higher Tween the Sweet Spot of Anxiety and Apathy is Really Not A
Rational Way to Do it;
For me at Least i Find This
Autotelic Flow and A Poetic
Voice of Deep Within Rising More
As SonG oF mY SoUL From A Meditating
Contemplating FRiEnDS With Gravity Balancing
Flow of Public Dance Yep All 17,123 Miles in 9 Years
Now All Around my Metro Area That Indeed Provides the
Autotelic Flow to Inspire a SonG oF mY SoUL in A Longest EPiC
Long Form Poem too all 10.8 MiLLioN Words in 9 Years too That i Rarely Have to Pre-Plan
at All Just Comes From the Deeper Voice Within of my Human Potential Unleashing Releasing
Yes in Autotelic Flow Every Word Sacred Song Every Move of Dance Holy And DiViNE in Essence Eternally Now
oF Feeling Sensing Life
And For Anyone Who Believes
This Experience is Woo Go Ask Famous
Atheist Sam Harris and He Will Explain the
Similar is Available at a Concert Where the Musicians
Are Experiencing A Higher Flow of Creativity and Relating
(Or A Frigging Southern Baptist Singing FOR REAL TOO)
It Back With the Instruments of Their Craft for the Audience to Enjoy too
True the Way i Did it High School was With the Pink Floyd 'Animals' Album at
Around 2 AM Hehe A Night Before i Would Be Asleep At School All Day Long
Yet the Experience
Was Sublime
And Creativity
Really No Different
than 'Muhammad in A Cave'
or 'Buddha Under A Tree' or
'Jesus' if He Could Really Be Real
40 Days In A Desert too For me
66 Months a Shut-In as Enough
Pain will take All the Illusory Fears
And Lies of CuLTuRE Totally Away
As Buddha is Likely Only A Second
Hand too And Further Removed Story of the
Hero Archetype Who Escapes "Plato's CaVE" iN DarK
And Comes into LiGHT of A NeW Existence Eternally Now
New of Deeper Human Potentials Realized to Share With the Village
Who Have Not Escaped the Cave Yet As 'Neo' Said in that Fictional Story
the "Matrix" too Getting Unplugged From the Machine of Culture FLoWinG
Again and Enjoying the Eternal Now In Unity With All of Nature Yep as 'They' Dance
And Sing Cross CuLTuRaLLY
in Many Metaphors the
Essence of 'Being One
With God' Just Being
Incarnate of the Energy in Form
That Makes All of Existence Possible
That the Other Animals Likely Enjoy Much
More Than Humans In Basic Animal Homeostasis
After the Hunt For Life Bringing Subsistence Rests As
Every Calorie Saved Means a Greater Chance At Life FRiEnDS
With Gravity ThiS Way As A Lion's Every Move of Meditation Naturally
Does As Grace When the Drought Comes And the Antelope Herds Thin
When The Lion May Starve And Fall to the Ground Feeding the Grass
That May Feed the Offspring
of the Antelopes
The Lion
Once Ate...
This Experience of Being
One With 'God' This Experience
of Having A Voice of Nature Wild And Free
ThiS Way Is Just What We May Come to ReMeMBeR
To Be And Do When We Set Ourselves Free Re-Born
ThiS Way to Once Again Breathe the Creativity of the Child We Still are
of Nature
Whole for
Real, Yawn Been
Putting 'Theism' in
the Nature of Realism
Ever Since the day i am Born on 6.6.60...
Some of Us BecoMe Reborn And BREaTHE Freer THiS Way
In A Relative Bliss of Life And Others Still Stare at an 'Opaque
Window' Having No Idea Life Will Be As Good As Heaven On Earth WiTHiN
No Longer
'Sheep' on
An 'Animal
Farm' of Human Beings Indeed...
This Experience is Real And Science Shows
it to Be So; If You Are Looking For The Kingdom
of Heaven Anywhere Yet Within Just Like 'Luke 17:21'
Says Chances
Are You Will
Never Find Your
Own Dance/SonG
oF YouR SoUL oF UNiTY Real...
Hey It Took me 53 Years to Do It;
Yet That Ain't Half Bad As Even the Comic
Book Hero "Hell Boy" Took 53 Years to Rise to More
Of His Human Potential
Out of Hell to Be A Real
Hero Archetype as Well
So Many Stories
So Many
Come Real Again
For the Human Condition OR NOT
AS FAR AS i Know FEEL And SENSE Life isn't
Fair Until it is...
NoW All iN Change...
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
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