usagibryan wrote:
It sounds like you have experience with bad feminists. Maybe this is a no true scotsman, but I feel like good feminists believe in equality and recognize that consent matters for all genders, men can be sexually assaulted too, men are hurt by toxic masculinity, etc. Real feminism is inclusive, they just call the system of inequality patriarchy.
I don't think Black Lives Matter has turned into a crusade against white people either, it's an attempt to point out the double standards of how black people are treated by cops vs white people.
DeathFlowerKing wrote:
And then what worries me is that people will quit taking feminism and the rights that women deserve seriously.
Is that a legit fear? I feel like if someone suddenly decides they don't agree with women's rights because of a few bad eggs they never saw women as equals to begin with...
Yeah I know there are still feminists who believe in equality and choice vs misandry (hatred of men). I like to think I'm one of these although maybe sometimes I just "don't get it" from the viewpoint of being a male.
And yes it is a legit fear. I feel that ignorance is a learned behavior and every society that embraced widespread ignorant attitude towards women or different ethnic groups had their start at some point in history.
As for black lives matter, I believe it originally started with the intent of bringing light to the injustices that black people experience to this day from racism. But I have met supporters of this movement who were "bad eggs" too. Spreading hatred towards all white people including ones who sympathize with black people and making claims that all white people are racist bigots (just like some of today's feminists who claim all men are abusers and rapists).
I think think these movements started off with the best intentions but somewhere down the road they got lost.