jfrmeister wrote:
spdjeanne wrote:
MADDuck wrote:
Do NOT mistake a purely Judeo-Christian belief system with the hypocritical BS that calls itself Christianity today.
Every Christian thinks some other Christian is a hypocrite. Maybe we are all hypocrites, but I don't think that makes our central beliefs less valid.
You beliefs are only valid if you view them as wise principles to try to live by, and a manmade attempt at describing god. Anything else is hypocricy
Unless Jesus (Yahshua Ben Yosef) descended from On High to tell you exactly what to do, you really don't know do you?
All we have is our faith, no more - no less!
I honestly believe that plumbing 'issues' are the least of my worries. I try (not always successful!) to live by The Golden Rule! Which is the summarization of all 613 Laws!
I have my Faith, it gives me a moral compass and a center, you have yours (or a lack thereof!), and it offers the same comfort to you.
I try to live by Pure Example. It means that others who see me and know me, will see the comfort and security I have in my Faith, and (hopefully) strive to live better in their own.
In otherwords, Peace, Love, and (fill in what you want it to be!)
Pain and pleasure are the twins who slowly out of focus spin around us until we finally realize, that everything that gives us pleasure also gives us pain to measure it by!