Wrong thread snake.
Johnny: You really do have a persecution complex, don't you. Every time one of us comments on whether there is a god or not, you AND Ragtime jump up and down like two kids in a sandbox because you think that we are picking on you and your religion. Matter of fact, you seemed to do the same thing to me when I had a go at Wiggerbeater in that other forum, but as he seemed to have pulled his head in for now, I'll leave that one go. Can't you realise that we have just as much right to question your opinions on God and your religion as you have to put forward those opinions in the first place. Expecting everyone to blindly accept that you are right about God, the bible and Christianity while there are other explanations and beliefs is just plain ridiculous. When it really comes down to it, in the end, we are NOT having a go at Christianity per se, we are having a go at your attitude toward the rest of us for using our right to question the whole thing. If we didn't, then we'd be complete fools not to. Now I hope YOU are paying attention, this time.
Pagans are people too, not just victims of a religious cleansing program. Universal harmony for all!!
Karma decides what must happen, and that includes everyone.