RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
personally I find the concept of atheism depressing as f**k.
So I don't really know what I believe in anymore.

It would certainly be exciting if supernatural phenomena happened. I looked for them when I was young, but I suppose my "mistake" was to be rational and to insist on good evidence. I found nothing, and slowly and reluctantly was forced to concede that the supernatural very likely just wasn't there. Still, there's comfort in noticing that real phenomena can also be very interesting and exciting - the human mind, for example can be wonderfully fascinating and mysterious - and that secular life doesn't necessarily have to be depressing or dull.
It's a shame in a way that I had to abandon the idea that I'd have an afterlife, but I think it's better than having to live with the risk of being sent to hell for remorselessly disobeying the deity's laws - I don't know how anybody could even be sure quite which version of religion to follow in order to avoid that, nor does it seem possible for me to be truly sorry for breaking a law if after an honest search I see no harm in breaking. Going out like a candle flame isn't the worst thing that can happen to a person.
The ones I feel sorry for are those who have believed they'd go to Heaven and then lost their faith later in life. They'd not have the advantage of all those years of atheism during which they could come to terms with there being no afterlife. Rather like heroin addiction - if you've never used it, then not using it never gives you withdrawal symptoms, but if you're a chronic user and you quit, you might miss it for the rest of your life. Better to let religionists carry on believing (not that they're likely to be influenced by my "preaching in reverse"), and just remind them that God's human representatives are often fallible or corrupt. But for some reason it can be hard to resist the temptation to debunk religion. Aspies often feel strongly motivated to set people straight when they seem to be misapprehending reality. At least I do, and I've heard of other cases.