I know that you still have the House of Lords, but in the USA we never hear a thing about them.
Last night I watched a very entertaining movie, Paradise Lagoon (1957) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0050100/
The movie satirized England's class system. Kenneth More starred as a butler who absolutely adored the social system where he was subordinate to his Lordship's whims, and where lesser members of the staff were below him.
Then, they are stranded together on a desert island. Because His Lordship and his family are useless in the situation, the butler becomes the leader, and is called "Guv."
He is about to marry one of the Lord's daughters, when a ship suddenly appears and rescues them. The butler happily and quickly reverts to his servile style.
I've seen a few other movies that satirized the British class system, e.g., The Ruling Class, 1972: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0069198/
You still have the royal family, dukes, duchesses, earls, lords, ladies, etc. Are they still treated with deference and respect? Or, are they seen as basically a joke since these satirical movies came out?
Semen retentum venenum est