Umm'k. Well several thougts on it. Number one, it comes in other names and terms, been around for a while.
I had real trouble with this statement "When as adults we choose to suppress the memory". Choice? I would give a big no on that. We aren't always given a choice and this is why. PTSD, you don't need to have been a combat vet to have it. It stunts the hell out of this "inner child" can make you a wild child. The term that most generally fits those here, would be Complex PTSD, which just means, trauma over time. There are other reasons, very valid that i would argue this point about.
In my travels, I met a Native American councilor, drugs and booze. We got to talking as we both had these in common. It is many of their thoughts that, once the alcohol and drugs are cleared from the body, there is a time, when the person is handed back to the Grandmothers and the Grandfathers, elders, to be reraised. The drugs stunted their growth, even though they might be 57 years old, they were but childern and needed to be reraised from childhood on. The inner child had not been allowed to grow.
Over all I understand the concept and can get along with it just fine. However any one person expecting to acomplish it all, well, that person isn't me. That I was raised by humans that were raised by humans that weren't perfect, came flawed. Well don't need to be a rocket lighter to figure out my drift here.
You might like to take a peek at dualisam. it has to do with the arguements of the thinking process. How it is built upon over time, pros and cons to both sides and off shoots from the many. A simple search for "ghost in the machine" will get you going Just ignore the links to The Police, or not, I like them too.
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.