Interdimensional Wave Garden
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Joined: 7 May 2019
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Posts: 51
Location: Ohio, United States
The whole thing is one thing and many things. The many things are expressions of expansive diversity through relationships at various scales of locality through incomplete memory of the whole. The whole is united. Correlation is not causation. Possibility/necessity is inherent, and form is inherently defined. The incomplete remembrance of difference across time forms a stream of relationships and referential diversity, and is mistaken for a process of becoming. Origination is a placeholder within the war narrative of freedom and control. Neither freedom nor control exist. Misunderstanding is part of the pattern of war.
The world is not created by competition between multiple independent forces.
Form is defined inherently.
Human life is an expression of the inherent possibility/necessity of the interdimensional wave garden, not a causal agent occurring within a related but unrelated context.
Evaluating the quality of a life must be done in the framework of true principles of the universe, which includes the reality of human life as part of ecological succession and the water cycle on Earth.
Feelings are not an effective indication of alignment with the true principles of the universe.
Happiness is not conclusive evidence of a good life.
The degree to which mutually beneficial relationships aligned with truth are present is a more valid metric on which to evaluate quality of life than feelings.
This is the pre-religion. To remember inherency beyond normal human experience requires a polarization of concentrations towards the space that is empty enough to fall into itself. There are minds to walk with but some will mislead. Always refer to necessity when cataloguing personal experience of interpretation and symbolism.