kevv729 wrote:
So how has Charles Darwin Changed Our Lives.
In a nutshell, it makes us free. Free from the bonds of irrational superstition that has been used nefariously by a minority for thousands of years to exert it's wishes over the majority. We don't need religion anymore to explain the world around us. We don't need someone to
interpret texts written thousands of years ago in order to provide a reassuring — but false — paradigm of reality to live within.
Darwin is just one of many to cast light on the process of evolution, just one of numerous scientists that have contributed to the vast wealth of knowledge we as humanity now hold. Much of this information is freely available to anybody. If you want to find out about evolution, go read some popular science books on the subject. If you don't believe we're distantly related to fish, for example, then look at the evidence; look at how limbs and hands form in human embryos, look at how this happens in fish, look at the palaeontological evidence, look at how Hox genes are supposed to figure in this. Then, if you wish, go find some research papers on whichever part of it interests you — it's all easily obtainable, though you might have to pay. You may not understand all of it, you may not be 100% convinced; but you will see facts combined with reason to produce plausible theories. The same processes that gave us the wheel, penicillin and space travel.
To be honest, I find this anti-science, creationist hogwash that seems so prevalent in the US almost as threatening and dangerous as Islamic extremism. Both require the abandonment of reason, and the acceptance of another's word without thought. It really beggars belief that any rational human being can look back on the history of the last few hundred years and still maintain that blind faith is a good thing.