Even if this petition doesn't work out, that's all right, a least the people who aren't Armenains who signed it made a difference along with those who are Armenains.
I mean I'm just bothered by this more so than the Holocast because at least the German government apologised. When it comes right down to it its really the Turks who will look like the total badguys, even though some of them acutally do reconise it at a genocide.
Yes the Ottoman Empire are responisble for going against other Chrstian minorities too, like the Greeks, Assarians and other Christians. Did I mention that they are mean to the Kurds, at least the Kurds admitted that they helped the Turkish government out by eliminting these Armenians.
The most important matter is to not fully blame the entire Turkish population on this issue, its not their faults that they could go to prison for claiming it to be a genocide.