BazzaMcKenzie wrote:
Science does not pretend to be a life philosophy. Science develops testable theories to explain and understand the physical world, with is a lot more than 10,000 years old.
No, it does not pretend to be a life philosophy, however, people do overvalue science and ignore its place in the scheme of things. I know what science is to and I agree with your definition, however, you still cannot prove that the world is more than 10,000 years old, you can only assert that the best evidence tends towards that conclusion. This may make it difficult for the hard-core young earth creationist to believe what they do, but they can still do it and assert that their viewpoint isn't disproved. My issue is that we are assuming science has more power than it does, it is merely an epistemological system designed to come up with the best answer based upon concrete data and logic, it is incredibly powerful for understanding the world, but it cannot overcome philosophy.