An early election has been called in Denmark. This is due to the right-wing conservative government who is seeing major public support.
The 2 pro-fascist parties, The Conservative Peoples Party and Danish People's Party are expected to be the winners of this early election, due to the increase of right-wing, pro-capitalist, anti-marxist opinions in the danish society.
Just 1 day into the election campaign, the Conservative People's Party has called for lower taxes for the rich by raising the taxes for the poor (lowering the tax for the rich by raising the taxes on electricity, heat and water). Normally, in other countries, this would cause a many angry citizens, but in Denmark a wide gap has been created between the rich and the poor. We get more rich people, but not more poor people. However, the poor people will get poorer.
In the recent years more and more middle-class citizens has moved into the upper-middle class and upper-class/rich, and more and more danes consider poor people to be "worth of nothing" and "parasites on the society".
Patricians in Denmark are enjoying more and more influence while lower class and poor citizens are being shunned upon.