However (because I am curious and uninformed), has there been a swing to the right wing of politics because of the Jutland cartoons?
No, because even the opposition at that time was strongly in favor of saying no to any demands from the arab-muslim world.
They too support freedom of speech.
Denmark has been close to turn right wing. The first time was in 1998 election, when mandates from Greenland and Faeroe Islands saved the social democratic government.
Then in 2001 this government could not continue any longer.
In the 1970's Denmark was very socialist and we abolished the death penalty for military crimes in 1976, then in the 1980's we turned conservative, and followed the Reagan government in the US.
In 1992 we got a social democratic government as we saw how the conservative government was too americanized. At the same time America turned Democratic with Clinton.
Then the danes wanted to follow the americans again.
When the americans elected George W. Bush, in 2000 the danes again turned to follow the americans, and in 2001 elected another pro-american government to follow in the footsteps of the americans.
The past 30 years Denmark has been very americanized.
We do what americans do. When americans elect a Democratic government, we elect a Social Democratic government. When americans elect a Republican government, we elect a center-right government.
Denmark is a social democratic version of the US.
Funny enough, when Bill Clinton in 1995 said that all americans who recive financial assistance had to get into activation programs, our Social Democratic PM, Poul Nyrup, did the same thing for those who recieve cash assistance in Denmark.
We do what americans do - just in bit more moderate way.