Christianity Exposed in its Entirety - From A-Z

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08 Nov 2007, 1:11 pm

This is one web site that explains clearly, concisely, thoroughly word for word, verse for verse the absolute fallacies, lies and twisted teachings in the New Testament and the religion called Christianity. In plain English - with all evidence to support and substantiate each refutation.

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08 Nov 2007, 1:45 pm

stickin' it to the man eh :lol:


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08 Nov 2007, 2:31 pm

jjstar wrote:
This is one web site that explains clearly, concisely, thoroughly word for word, verse for verse the absolute fallacies, lies and twisted teachings in the New Testament and the religion called Christianity. In plain English - with all evidence to support and substantiate each refutation.

There's nothing wrong with Christianity. The Jews are still waiting for their Messiah. The only difference in the Christians is that they believe he's Jesus.

And, considering the Old Testament prophecies about who the Messiah would be, why wouldn't they think it's him?

It sounds like Jesus, in Isaiah:
"He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: For the transgression of my people was he stricken. And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth." (Isaiah 53:3-9)

Also, the Messiah would be killed before the destruction of the temple in 70 AD:

"And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary..." (Daniel 9:26c)

Here is a list of 10 prophecies about the Messiah which Jesus fulfilled:

1 The Messiah would be announced to his people 483 years, to the exact day, after the decree to rebuild the city of Jerusalem. Daniel 9:25 John; 12:12-13
2 The Messiah's hands and feet would be pierced. Psalm 22:16c; Matthew 27:38
3 The Jew's authority to administer capital punishment would be gone when the Messiah arrived. Genesis 49:10c; John 18:31
4 The Messiah would be killed before the destruction of the temple. Daniel 9:26c; Matthew 27:50-51
5 The Messiah would be rejected. Isaiah 53:3b; Matthew 27:21-23
6 The Messiah would die for the sins of the world. Isaiah 53:8d; 1 John 2:2
7 The Messiah would be born of the "seed" of a woman. Genesis 3:15a; Luke 1:34-35
8 The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Micah 5:2a; Matthew 2:1-2
9 The Messiah would be sacrificed on the same mountain where God tested Abraham. Genesis 22:14; Luke 23:33
10 The Messiah would be killed. Daniel 9:26a; Matthew 27:35

If you want to disagree with the idea that Jesus is the Messiah, that's fine. But it doesn't make people evil simply for believing that.

Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.

Last edited by Ragtime on 08 Nov 2007, 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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08 Nov 2007, 3:30 pm


All lies designed to manipulate the masses and control them.

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08 Nov 2007, 3:58 pm

f*k u both


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08 Nov 2007, 4:17 pm

LePetitPrince wrote:
f*k u both

Trigger's on your side, you just don't realize it yet.

I'm on Ragtime's side. There are 60 Old Covenant Messianic prophecies with high certainty that they were referring to the Messiah and fulfilled in Jesus. 240 some odd more with varying degrees of certainty fulfilled in Christ. Also a few in reference to His second coming that aren't fulfilled yet.


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08 Nov 2007, 5:19 pm

Trigger11 wrote:
All lies designed to manipulate the masses and control them.

Probably or maybe they even believed it themselves, the ones who wrote the Bible, who knows?
But I agree, it was about to manipulate and control the masses, it had to be something to give order to societies at the time, religion.

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08 Nov 2007, 5:22 pm

As for Rome, it already controlled the masses without Christianity. But by latching on to Christianity Rome was able to preserve itself beyond its collapse as a nation.


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08 Nov 2007, 5:27 pm


stickin' it to the man eh

I think this is more a matter of one triumphalist trying to support their own particularist mythology by bashing another person's. To my eyes that type of behavior is very childish.


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08 Nov 2007, 6:12 pm

iamnotaparakeet wrote:
As for Rome, it already controlled the masses without Christianity. But by latching on to Christianity Rome was able to preserve itself beyond its collapse as a nation.

I mean at the time, thousands of years ago, I believe every society in the world, had religion as a way to control their own people, wether it was monotheism or politheism, it was probably the best way back then, although it wasn't that pretty.

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08 Nov 2007, 6:16 pm

Depends on who's first. What's second. Etc.


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08 Nov 2007, 7:40 pm

No offense but that's a pretty ugly website.

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08 Nov 2007, 7:47 pm

this is gonna rule

The Bible, that is the Torah, is the legacy of Moses. It consists of the books Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. It forms the basis of the Jewish religion, and has remained essentially unchanged since Ezra and Nehamiah "canonized" the Torah in 444 BC. The "New Testament" consists of materials surrounding Jesus (diaries, letters, narratives, pious fabrications, written and oral histories) that survived Catholic editors 400 years later who were motivated by politics and not, as is obvious to anyone free of theological bias, logic. "Translations" of both the Bible and the New Testament are pitifully lacking; Hebrew (Torah), Greek (New Testament), Aramaic and Chaldean (bits of both) are rich, beautiful, poetic languages with myriad hidden meanings and depth. English translations are pale shadows of the originals. The more mystical or universally philosophical overtones were left out altogether, at Nicea, in 325 AD, when any of the [over 150 versions of the Gospel - hence "Heterodoxy'] writings not in line with the council standards were systematically destroyed to favor the mystically vacant and emotionally mean Orthodoxy. This is when four Gospels (and the other New Testament books) were selected and enforced. (See Bible Roots)

Hosea 13:4 "...thou shalt know no God but me; for there is no Savior besides me." So much for Jesus....

"Christianity is a Greek-Pagan heresy of Judaism" - Maimonides

Nothing on this page is original, and it is not an effort to extol one religion over another. It is compiled and provided here as a resource for people working to heal destructive, voodoo fundamentalism.

(The purpose of this page is to show the futility of dogma; it is not to denigrate the Bible, an amazing compendium of revelation and literature, and one of our only connections to the ancient world. The Bible is a monument of human thought - but alas, the defenders of the New Testament systematically eradicated the competition, to create an illusion that the Theirs was The Great Text.)
The purpose of pointing out contradictions is not to 'disprove the Bible,' it is to defuse the small minded literalists who make Bible-based religions look stupid.

The author of this page also freely acknowledges that many derive true healing and spiritual fulfillment from the Bible and even from Christianity; it's all in the intention. This page targets those who use any religion as a weapon.
This page does not claim to explain anything in Torah or the New Testament or provide a definitive, final answer. Usually the people who claim to have "the True, Accurate and Final Answer" are the ones who are suspect.

The 'Bible,' to the Jews, does not include the New Testament, which is seen to some as an opportunistic add-on. The Christian experience of religion is radically different than the Jewish, so inconsistencies seem inevitable when the two are bound together in one book. To begin to understand the Bible, learn Hebrew. To understand the New Testament, learn Greek.

Christianity exists in translation - and so much gets lost in translation. The Jewish religious experience is joyously human, celebrating and sanctifying all acts of life, including eating, excreting, and mating, while contemplating God and Torah in its original language. The Christian experience, because it is a translation, and because of Paulist and other Hellenistic add-ons, is more theoretical, with conditional joy, and strained, convoluted guilt and denial. It attempts to destroy the human part of us, most obviously in its suppression of sex, and notion of "Original Sin." By splitting God into three, and having a mutilated corpse as its central icon, Christianity becomes Anti-Messiah. (Messiah brings peace...not gore) By inventing a "Devil," God's power is subverted and challenged - inconceivable in a non-pagan, one God system.

Paul's notion of "Original Sin" taints the well of spirituality. Nachmanides said: "We gave you Christians the idea of sin and you didn't know what to do with it. You'd be better off to just go on being Pagans." Jewish thinking says "sin" is "missing the mark" - with the constant gentle guidance of Torah to get you closer to that mark - the "mark" being the will of the Creator. Sin and Satan were both given capital letters by the Christians. They are generic concepts in Judaism, where in Christianity they become entities in their own right. This allows a more human-centered focus, providing a distinct target to resist. Real Life is not always so distinct. In the Garden of Eden, the "Tree of Knowing Good and Evil" introduces ambiguity, because it is confusing. Confusing because of both good and evil growing on the same tree. In the Torah, it does not say knowing good from evil - it says "good and evil." [tov v'ra]. Since this is disturbing, Christians [and many Jews] avoid or censor out this little nuance in translation.

If the evil had been made obvious by isolating it on one tree, there would have been no test for Adam and Eve. It would just be God winding up a toy and watching it run. By confusing the issue (snake symbolising confusion), Adam and Eve were given the opportunity to exercise their own will, and to perhaps grow spiritually. They missed the mark, and here we are today, confronted daily with the same Tree of Knowing Good and Evil. Christianity, being man-centered, focuses on the sin, while Judaism, the God-centered mother religion, focuses on the Creator's Oneness. Torah says "Choose Life" - which means we are to focus on this life, not on what we cannot know beyond that. ["Choose Life" has nothing to do with pregnancy, and its use as a slogan by anti-choicers is a grotesque and blasphemous mis-interpretation.] Anyway...

The Jewish Bible was passed on and carefully preserved for more than a millennium when it was finally canonized by the scribe Ezra, in 444 B.C.E. This was the first 'religion of the book,' written and kept by people who had been in and out of exile, and with whom 'God had formed a special bond.' The early Jewish editors were rigorously conservative, and kept the book to the basics. It was written mostly in Hebrew, with some Aramaic and Chaldean.

Before the Bible was canonized (from the Hebrew kaneh, meaning 'cane,' or'upright'), there were prophets everywhere. Jews were literate early on, and many considered themselves authors, commentators, or prophets. Prophecy dwindled after canonization, as the older (and official) texts gained authority.

There were also the numerous claimants to being "Messiah" that annoyed Jewish authorities off and on through the centuries.

Some of the Jewish innovations were the concept of 'ethical monotheism,' and a system of covenants with an immediate, personal deity. The one-on-one relationship with the creator was democratizing; for a homeless, captive people, it provided a way around 'the system.' The Jewish idea of being 'The Chosen People' has been causing friction for nearly 4,000 years - but the Jewish conception of "chosen" less like being "better than," and more like being "singled out."

Rabbi Jesus adhered to the ancient Jewish system of laws, and was a devout Jew (the "Last Supper" was a Passover Seder), but rejected legalistic corruption in the Jewish establishment. For this, conservative Jewish authorities (Sadducees) rejected Jesus, and made it easy for the Romans to crucify him.

Paul of Tarsus Hellenized the story of Jesus, removed its Jewishness, grafted on Pagan Greek ideas, and opened the gates to hordes of converts. The multitude of Christian cults canonized their literature, and added it onto the Torah, calling the combined material the "Old" and "New" Testaments. But Christianity is not the "next phase" of Judaism. It is a religion unto itself, with Judaism as its initial inspiration, but sharply different than Judaism in its teaching. The things in Christianity that sound Jewish are Jewish. Christianity is not founded so much upon Jesus the man as upon Jesus the concept, and the resulting theology that was invented to support it.

The New Testament is not the logical completion of the Old Testament. "Judeo-Christian" is a misnomer, an erroneous concept - Christians and Jews have both said so. Judaism is unrelated to any religion that claims that it is the one and only true religion and the sole ticket to heaven, and that if you don't join, you're damned. [Catholics also reportedly accept that theirs is not the only way to Heaven - if that's the case, it's certainly difficult to understand their role in the torture and killing of tens of thousands of innocents, for purportedly religious reasons. And yes, the Jews killed the Amorites, the Hittites, the Jebusites, and the Girgashites, etc., a fact that is repeated daily, and which has a constant humbling effect. Jewish guilt about its occasional oppressions of others doesn't make it any easier to contemplate the cruelty of non-Jews.]

Christianity did not begin with Jesus, but after Jesus.

Jesus was an Essene Jew - the Dead Sea Scrolls reveal that the ideas he taught had been part of the Essene tradition for 200 years when Jesus was alive. [Jews today do ritual immersions in water (John the Baptist was a Jew also), and believe in the Final Redemption when the Messiah comes, with the revival of the dead.] Jesus was not an innovator. Fifty years after his crucifixion by the Romans, Paul of Tarsus grafted on Pagan Mithraic ideas and began the Christianity we know today, which is so radically different than its mother religion, Judaism.

The absolutist, Heaven or Hell Christian and Islamic world views differ sharply from Torah ("Old" Testament) religion. They read the Bible (and later writings, Koran, New Testament) and see only black and white. The original Bible religion, Judaism, understands the relationship with the Creator differently, seeing it as a contractual relationship, a dialog, or a dialectic. Jews do not believe that theirs is only way to paradise. Christianity and Islam, later interpretations of Torah, are both much more prone to laying down absolute dictums about the fate of your soul. "God, however, does not play dice." (Albert Einstein, Jewish Physicist)

A literal approach to the Bible embalms it. The Bible's function (providing us with a diagnostic tool, a "litmus test" for life) is enhanced by its contradictions and ambiguities. It forces our minds to reach beyond the obvious and find new meanings and hidden teachings. The Jewish oral tradition fills in a lot of the blanks. The Zohar (Mystical Biblical commentary from Spain in the 1200's) says: "The stories in the Torah couldn't possibly be about what they seem to be about, otherwise we could write better stories!" (III 152a).

Anyone who is really interested in the Bible should take the time to learn Hebrew and study it in its original language. Experience has shown this writer that it's worth the effort. All of the hair pulling over the "King James Version" or whatever other translation someone's using is really a moot point.

The Burning Hell, the "Lake of Fire," the Pointy Tailed Devil, these fictions are all medieval-Christian scare tactics, and have nothing at all to do with the Judaism of Jesus. God created humans, and said "It is Good." The God of the Bible (Jesus' God) has faith in humanity, and waits for our gratitude and praise. On the other hand, the New Testament God has condemned humanity, robbed his followers of the Joy of Life, and resorted to bullying and sham to corral the faithful.

The Bible is fractal- filled with thickets and labyrinths, and that is why people love it. It has as many contradictions as any other thought system; and is seen by some as a form of poetry.

Each of these contradictions could provide a seed for great mystical analysis. Use them as a way to raise spiritual sparks, instead of as a cudgel against other people (see Spanish Inquisition).

Here are a few of the contradictions:

Should we kill?
Ex. 20:13 Thou shalt not commit murder.
Ex. 32:27 Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, put every man his sword by his side...and slay every man his brother...companion..neighbor.(See also 1 Sam. 6:19; 15:2,3; Num. 15:36)

Ex 20:5 "...for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God..." (see also Ex 34:14, Deut 4:24, Josh 24:19, and Nah 1:2)
Gal 5:19-20 "Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are...jealousy..." (See also 2 Cor 12:20)

Should we tell lies?
Ex. 20:16 Thou shalt not bear false witness.(Prov. 12:22; Rev. 21:8 )
1 Kings 22:23 The Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee. (II Thess. 2:11; Josh. 2:4-6 with James 2:25)

Should we steal?
Ex. 20:15 Thou shalt not steal. (Lev. 19:13)
Ex. 3:22. And ye shall spoil the Egyptians. (Ex. 12:35-36; Luke 19:29-33)

Shall we keep the Sabbath?
Ex. 20:8 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. (Ex. 31:15; Num. 15:32,36)
Is. 1:13 The new moons and the Sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity. (John 5:16; Matt. 12:1-5)

Shall we make Graven images?
Ex. 20:4. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in (Lev. 26:1)
EX. 25:18 And thou shalt make two cherubims of gold, of beaten work shalt thou make them.

Are we "saved" through works?
Eph. 2:8,9 For by grace are ye saved through faith...not of works. (Rom. 3:20, 28; Gal. 2:16)
James 2:24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.(Matt. 19:16-21)

Should good works be seen?
Matt. 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works. (I Peter 2:12)
Matt. 6:1-4 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them...that thine alms may be in secret. (Matt. 23:5)

Should we own slaves?
Lev. 25:45-46 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy...and they shall be your posession...they shall be your bondmen forever. (Gen. 9:25; Ex. 21:2,7; Joel 3:8; Luke 12:47; Col. 3:22)
Is. 58:6 Undo the heavy burdens...break every yoke. (Matt. 23:10)

Does God change his mind?
Mal. 3:6. For I am the Lord; I change not. Num. 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent. (Ezek. 24:14; James 1:17)
Ex. 32:14. And the Lord repented of the evil which he had thought to do unto his people. (Gen. 6:6; Jonah 3:10; Sam. 2:30-31; II Kings 20:1-6; Num. 16:20-35)

Are we punished for our parent's sins?
Ex. 20:5 For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generations. (Ex. 34:7)
Ezek. 18:20 The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father.

Is God good or evil?
Psa. 145:9. The Lord is good to all. (Deut. 32:4; James 1:13)
Is. 45:7 I make peace and create evil. I the Lord do all these things. (Lam 3:38; Jer. 18:11; Ezek. 20:25)

Is God Peaceable?
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. (Luke 2:14; Acts 10:36)
Matt. 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth, I came not to send peace, but a sword. (Matt. 10:35-37; Luke 22:36)

Was Jesus trustworthy?
John 8:14 Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true.
John 5:31 If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.

Shall we call people names?
Matt. 5:22 Whosoever shall say Thou fool, shall be in danger of hellfire.
Matt. 23:17 (Jesus said) Ye fools and blind.

Has anyone seen God?
John 1:18 No man hath seen God at anytime. (Ex 33:20; Tim. 6:16; John 6:46; I John 4:12)
Gen. 32:30 For I have seen god face to face. (Ex. 33:11, 23; Is. 6:1; Job 42:5)

How many gods are there?
Deut. 6:4 The Lord or God is one Lord.
Gen. 1:26 And God said, let us make man in our image.(Gen. 3:22; I John 5:7)

Are we all sinners?
Rom. 3:23 For all have sinned. (Rom. 3:10; Psa.14;3)
Job 1:1 There was a man... whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright. (Gen. 7:1; Luke 1:5-6)

When was Jesus crucified?
Mark 15:22 and it was the third hour, and they crucified him.
John 19:14-15 And about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King! But they cried out...crucify him!"

Just because these can be "explained" doesn't mean that they don't exist. Healthy religion contains the spirit of debate, like Jacob wrestling with the angel. The fundamentalist attitude that "everything is carved in stone, finished" is unsustainable.

Just as you can make any sentence you like from the dictionary by choosing certain words, you can prove any point you want by juggling the millions of concepts in the Bible. This is something that both Christians and Jews are adept at. Again, the intention is what matters. The Zohar says something to the effect that: "If people are discussing Torah, and they disagree, it doesn't matter, what's important is that they are talking about Torah."

There are strains of the Christian church who refer to the Bible as a 'Sword'. The metaphor becomes real when they attack the freedoms of others. These contradictions are pointed out for their sake. Many good people believe the Bible is literally God's Word ('sWord?!?), and reverence it and its teachings appropriately. But Jesus said: "Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword."(Matt.26:52.)

The Buddhist concept of Sword is called 'Prajna'- 'cutting-through' wisdom. This can be related to a line from a letter of Paul's to the Hebrews where he says: "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." (Hebrews: 4.12.)

The Bible is perhaps a potent device for meditation or prayer, or a comfort in times of loneliness, grief or adversity, but when used as a weapon, it loses its validity. The Bible's commandments are comparable to Hindu, Buddhist, or many other rule-systems, and serve societies well. Any way that people can feel peace, or improve their lives, shouldn't be disrespected. Unfortunately for peaceful believers, the fanatics twist something sacred into an ugly parody of itself.


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09 Nov 2007, 11:56 am

I know of two other good websites.

231st Anniversary Dedication to Carl Friedrich Gauss:

Arbitraris id veneficium quod te ludificat. Arbitror id formam quod intellego.

Ignorationi est non medicina.

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09 Nov 2007, 11:45 pm

You atheists are all stupid. You will never, ever listen to reason, because it is beyond your spiritual ability. I know that Jesus is real. His fulfillments of the prophecies are undeniable, the absolute brilliance of the religion--how people retained it even though being crucified or burned alive--is unmistakably divine. I think being gay is OK, and such matters are up to debate. But you will never, ever take away my Christianity. Every time you try to destroy it, it multiplies in number; with every martyr comes ten converts, as in Rome, up until the point where Christianity was so prevalent that the Emperor was converted.

The Cross has already defeated you all.

I will not waste my time or my energy on you. Why would I throw the best meats to the dogs?

You guys sound an awful lot like Stalin. Perhaps He had Asperger's.


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09 Nov 2007, 11:49 pm
