dorkynorky wrote:
I would guess if free will doesn't exist, then it isn't morally important.
Well, even if it does then we would have to make an additional assertion to prove its importance.
AG, what would you propose as a good reason to use the P bomb and what a bad reason (it might seem obvious what these could be, but I don't want to be biased towards my own estimation)
Well, good reason? To promote a good end. I'll be honest, if I had the P bomb and a more conventional bomb, then I would use the P bomb without hesitation in any case that I had somebody oppose me, and possibly against people who are neutral to me.... assuming that I believe I represent good. A bad reason to use the P bomb is when one is evil, as to use the P bomb when one is evil is to make your opponents love evil. I would take a stance more related to inner virtue, which I don't think is useful to define in this context.