My post is an expose on the 'expose' of Bill Clinton.
"The Clinton Chronicles" is probably the best known video attacking Clinton with spurious conspiracy theories, although there are several others. "The Clinton Chronicles," is presented as a secular investigative narrative, but is produced by Jeremiah films, which specializes in apocalyptic Christian fundamentalist videos. Jeremiah is one of several projects of Pat Matrisciana, who also runs the parent group, Creative Ministries, and Citizens for Honest Government, publisher of the newsletter Citizen's Intelligence Digest.
Widely distributed by Jerry Falwell and other anti-Clinton activists, .... ... r8-13.htmlDuring the infomercial, Falwell interviews a silhouetted individual whom he identifies only as an "investigative reporter."
"Could you please tell me and the American people why you think that your life and the lives of the others on this video are in danger?" Falwell asks the man.
"Jerry, two weeks ago we had an interview with a man who was an insider," the mystery man replies. "His plane crashed and he was killed an hour before the interview. You may say this is just a coincidence, but there was another fellow that we were also going to interview, and he was killed in a plane crash. Jerry, are these coincidences? I don't think so."
Falwell reassured the man: "Be assured, we will be praying for your safety."
During Salon's interview with Matrisciana, a reporter told him that his voice sounded familiar. When the reporter told Matrisciana that he sounded like the man in silhouette, Matrisciana acknowledged that he was the mystery man.
"Obviously, I'm not an investigative reporter," Matrisciana admitted, "and I doubt our lives were actually ever in any real danger. That was Jerry's idea to do that ... He thought that would be dramatic." ... iates.html