slowmutant wrote:
@Fnord: the word "spearchucker" is a racial slur, and a pretty bad one. Remember it's the year 2008 now.
Remember that in the year 2008 enlightened people are not afraid of words, especially those words that mean nothing more than "One Who Throws A Spear". If you inferred something else, then that is your issue, not mine.
Doc_Daneeka wrote:
I was all set to be skeptical, and to argue my point. Then came fnord. He said pretty much what I intended to say. Good to meet you, mate.
Good to meet you, as well. You know what they say, right?
"Great minds think alike."Paperplate wrote:
Does anyone here know more about the three "Venusians", Valiant Thor, Ronn and ... who allegedly lived in the pantagon for three years during the late 50's? Is it just a story?
It's just a story, based on rumor, innuendo, wishful thinking, and forged documents. End of story.
As for the conditions on Venus, they are hostile to life. The atmosphere of Venus is mostly carbon dioxide, 96.5% by volume. Most of the remaining 3.5% is nitrogen, and the rest is sulfuric acid. The pressure at the surface is about 900 Newtons per square centimeter or about 1300 pounds per square inch. This is equivalent to about 90 Earth atmospheres. The surface temperature is about 750°K (~480°C or ~900°F).
Such environmental extremes (high temperature and corrosive atmosphere) would preclude any Venerian life being organic (based on carbon) from forming, as the necessary amino-acid chains could never be made, much less become a single-celled organism.
As hostile as the
Venerian environment is to life, if there was even the smallest possibility that life exists on Venus, it could not survive in the relative near-vacuum and relative cryogenic temperatures on Earth, much less survive the trip through space.
Silicon-based life that formed in the Venerian environment would be extremely volatile ("
burn-and-go-boom") on Earth.
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