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What you think about this version of Pledge of Allegiance?
Corporations and/or government have too much power 14%  14%  [ 1 ]
We're heading toward a New World Order 29%  29%  [ 2 ]
Pledge is already true - let's make it official 29%  29%  [ 2 ]
Pledge is written by a conspiracy nut 14%  14%  [ 1 ]
Pledge is funny but untrue 14%  14%  [ 1 ]
I hate Bush too 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Your poll sucks 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 7


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22 Dec 2007, 4:56 pm

I'm curious what you think about this new version written by a high-functioning autistic

The context is "George the Decider has decided America needs to import some brains...the smart people we used to have were bagged because they are whistleblowers of corporate fraud...Perhaps Customs will formally change the pledge to ...

The Pledge
I pledge allegiance to the Corporations of the United States of Earth, and to the New World Order, for which it stands, One Nation, Under George, with Liberty and Justice for the Wealthy

I read it on
The person writing on the site has HFA and Lyme disease and writes about Lyme and government corruption. I really like reading it because she's so direct and isn't afraid to say what she thinks.

You may not agree with the author, but I wanna know what you think about this version of the Pledge of Allegiance.


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22 Dec 2007, 5:05 pm

I like it - it's honest and it's direct. :P


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22 Dec 2007, 5:07 pm

I think it's funny but sadly I think we are heading there. Big corporations have too much power already and I think we're heading toward a New World Order with a one world government and multi-national corporations having power over all of us. I think the Elite have too much power and in the future they will basically rule the world and oppress those who oppose them. I think 9/11 and the war in Iraq were designed to increase our military, take away our rights with Patriot Act, and give more power to the government. Just recently, the government said it's now more worried about homegrown terrorists than foreign terrorists and the military and police are currently being trained to handle American "terrorists" who are deemed a threat to the government. In the name of security and fear, cameras are being installed at traffic lights, phones are being tapped, Yahoo and Google search records were obtained by government, and more of our privacy and rights are being taken away. In the future, I believe patriotic Americans who love our country and oppose the New World Order/world government will be labeled terrorists and be imprisoned or killed due to being considered a threat to the world government.

Hopefully, you all don't think I'm a conspiracy nut but if you think I am don't be afraid to let me know.