Canada takes chocolate makers up the Hershey Highway

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22 Dec 2007, 11:22 am ... canada_col

Representatives from chocolate companies in Canada have been talking to one another for as long as five years about fixing prices, the Wall Street Journal reported on its Web site on Friday, citing court affidavits.

The companies included Hershey Co , Mars, Nestle SA and ITWAL Ltd, a Canadian candy distributor, the Journal reported.


In November, Canadian authorities launched an investigation into allegations of anti-competitive practices in the chocolate industry.

The Competition Bureau issued warrants on November 21 for its officers to conduct searches and the Canadian units of Nestle, Mars and Hershey confirmed they were contacted by the bureau.

The government is right! Monopolies and price fixing are bad.

Unless it's in the areas of: train service, air traffic control, health care, grain production, defence, policing, courts, electricity, alcohol sales, casinos, lotteries, roads, education, retirement plans, radio and television...

It's not fascism if we don't call it fascism, okay? Canada is nice, fascism isn't nice, so it isn't fascism, see? Simple logic that even a child could understand.

Oh, and it's okay to break in to other people's places and rifle through their stuff if you have a piece of plastic or metal on your shirt with the right symbol or words. That's an awesome job, you get to point guns at people and everything.

A son of fire should be forced to bow to a son of clay?