monty wrote:
I saw the movie Pi with it's mysterious repeating number sequence that explained the universe but destroyed those that got too close. The message I took from that was not to try too hard. Kinda like that DeNiro movie ... can't handle the truth.
Reminds me of a classic Asimov short story, about scientists who die (either of natural causes, or suicide) while working on a force field that would contain nuclear explosions (thus rendering fusion bombs moot). One who had abandoned the project hypothesized the existence of an alien force, which placed certain limits on the expansion of humanity - like a biologist cultivating a bacterial culture in a Petri dish, with a barrier of penicillin surrounding the culture to kill any bacteria that strayed too far. At the end of the story, he returned to the project, completed the calculations at fever pitch - and hung himself the morning of the successful demonstration of the field. His suicide note read,"It's too late for them now. The culture has escaped the containment."
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.