Could Autistic People be Environmentally damaged Aspies?
Here is my Hypothesis:
The diagnosis for "classical" autism is nearly identical to that for Asperger's, differing primarily in degree, and marked in severe cases by serious disabilities.
This has led me to the hypothesis that "classical" autistics may be genetically "aspies" who, or whose family have, suffered genetic damage through environmental and nuclear radiation pollution, all of which have either increased or begun since the end of WWII.
The incidence of "classical" autism has been observed to have increased since that time.
My combined educational and observational experience over the 50 years since I turned teenage has led me to this suspicion.
My own combination of scientific education and spiritual philosophies have led me to the conclusion that "aspies" may be a natural human genotype, one of four that genetically developed according to the needs of a changing human condition.
I've been reading a little bit about Sykes "Seven Daughters of Eve" exposition on some of the conclusions of current DNA research, which is directly related to the following attempt at a humorous exposition of my personal overall genetic philosophy.
"Pull up a chair young fella, got a yarn to spin,
"When God created the planet, it was unimproved, and he needed tenants who could camp out and work on improving the property. He'd done all the really hard work, and so he put a group of women to work first, to scout out the land and pick some good places to live.
"These women were of good, equal strength, aggressiveness, and intelligence. They needed appropriate male children to grow into the type of adults who could serve the needs of this new society. They needed hunter-gatherers.
"So, evolution caused them to have "twins". They were, however, not identical. One had higher aggressiveness and lesser 'native' intelligence than the other, who had comparatively low aggressiveness and higher 'native' intelligence than the other.
"These two types, named "brainy" and "brawny" were a symbiotic-pair, and the "brainy" children became the community's ruling council who advised the chief of the tribe, a "brawny" type as they make the best public "leaders."
"Later, as intellectual development began in the second epoch, they began to build towns and cities, and now a new genetic need presented itself; higher civilization needs merchants and workers.
"The "brainy" and "brawny" men mated with their genetic opposites, resulting in a second major group of folks, workers with enough aggression and intelligence for their needs at that point in the human evolution, and merchants who were less aggressive than the workers but a little smarter, another symbiotic pair.
"Thus, eventually, nature had evolved four distinctive human genotypes, each with its strengths and weaknesses, so that there would be a balanced society overall.
"The Scholars had observed that although the different genotypes tended to run in families that mated with their own types, the fact that they had been produced by mating different genotypes in the first place meant that this would not always be the case, as these genetic strains were no longer "pure."
"Therefore they observed and screened all children when they were young, during the kindergarten years, between three and six years of age to determine who was which type.
"Each genotype had the ability to learn to do just about anything any of the others could, but this would not play to their natural strengths and would carry the risk of serious mental and emotional stress under extreme pressure. The Councilor/Scholars therefore tried to steer people toward playing to their natural strengths.
"Now there was one particular skill where the Councilor/Scholar genotype had a big edge over everyone else, and that was in meditation. They were natural-born meditators, often lost in dreamy thought when they were by themselves, and sometimes when they were around other people, "spaced out."
"But, these scholars knew that everyone else obviously had ability to become educated and learn to do whatever they seriously applied themselves to, and came up with techniques by which everyone else could learn meditation, if they were so interested.
"Now, writing had not yet been invented, as their memories were still very good. This was mainly because these scholars did not negate the truth, as the general public had begun to do during the second epoch.
"Negating the truth is destructive to one's memory, son; ask any politician!
"So they recorded all their techniques and spiritual stories in poetical form, sung to music, so they could pass them down unchanged for thousands of years, until the time when truth was so disrespected that people lost their wonderful memories and had to write all the stories down for the first time.
"As time passed, and respect for Truth fell even more, the true identities of these folks was lost, but the "muggles" eventually started noticing these people in their midst.
"They started analyzing these "Scholar" folks and started calling them "Autistic" and "aspies", as no one, "muggle" or "aspie" really remembered any more who they each really were, the scholars, warriors, merchants and workers, and they fell into a democratic delerium where anything goes.
"Their overall forgetfulness caused them to make quite a mess of the property; the mess was making some of the tenants sick, and wasn't that healthy for the rest of them, either; the "autistic" folks and many of the other had been made seriously sick by the mess.
"The landlord is worried and hopes the tenants will remember who they really are, and start cleaning up the mess, especially as he's their father, and even when they act really stupid, he still loves them.
Edited: 4-syllable term "educator" replaced with 2-syllable "scholar"
He who sees all beings in the Self, and the Self in all beings, hates none -- Isha Upanishad
Bom Shankar Bholenath! I do not "have a syndrome", nor do I "have a disorder," I am a "Natural Born Scholar!"
Last edited by johnpipe108 on 04 Jan 2008, 11:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The diagnosis for "classical" autism is nearly identical to that for Asperger's, differing primarily in degree, and marked in severe cases by serious disabilities.
That is the whole idea of the autism continuum - that there are various degrees of differentness. As to what pushes a person farther down the spectrum, that is still uncertain. While environmental factors certainly seem to play a factor, it is hard to untangle them from genetics. And 'environmental' is used in different ways - if it means anything non-genetic a person is exposed to, then it would include in utero infections that might damage the nervous system.
As far as the increase in autism, that really is difficult to characterize. The definition of 'autism' has changed - things like aspergers were not recognized a few decades ago, and the changing awareness of among doctors and psychologists has led to an increase in diagnosis. Even now, some of the increase in diagnosis is from an increasing awareness. If there is an increase in actual cases (not diagnosed cases), it is hard to tell.
While there was an increase in radiation fall-out in the 50s and 60s, that has subsided in most areas of the US. And there was no spike in autism that I am aware of after Chernobyl, not aware of other geographic clusters that would be expected if it is radiation.
Yes, it is hard to pin down the facts of this matter. However, I am hopeful for the learning ability of science, which is involved in this matter, although some areas of the medical arts (psychology, psychiatry) are "less scientific," and they tend to put their nose in, too.
However that may be, the science itself has an austerity, designed to protect from logical error and superstition, and I do have some faith in that in the long run. Even the late yogi and master scientist Chiranjiva said "science will learn, is learning."
That is re-assuring to me, as I've gone through a fall in confidence towards the scientific world in general in the past.
He who sees all beings in the Self, and the Self in all beings, hates none -- Isha Upanishad
Bom Shankar Bholenath! I do not "have a syndrome", nor do I "have a disorder," I am a "Natural Born Scholar!"
Once again, a WP'er
rocks me to the foundation
jp do you realise, you have encapsulated and answered a question that has been
nagging at me since my dx?
and completely castrated the continuing debate being vehemently debated here
over the causes versus therapies among the Aspergers elitists and the humanist sympathisers?
atha yoga nusasanam.Yogas citta vrtti nirodhah
Be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some kind of battle
the new world order have been putting mercury on vaccines for a long time already.
i remember my mom couldnt take me to get some vaccines when i was 6 and we went the other day.
then when i got it, for some unknown reason it got infected for the next 2 weeks and left a scar on me that i still have it.
maybe , maybe not, in my case, in autism im not wise about the topic, but im almost sure.

Joined: 16 Jul 2006
Age: 43
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Posts: 4,597
Location: In the recesses of my mind
it's not due just to the environment........................................
Neuroscience PhD student
got free science papers?
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