Are you afraid your ideas and beliefs are too XTREME?

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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16 Feb 2008, 9:39 pm

I'm wondering whether other people have some outrageous ideas or solutions for major problems.

Like, in order to stop world hunger and world homelessness, will kill all the homeless and feed them to the hungry!

Stuff like that.

Also on a side note, I just was wondering if there are any people out there who are psych majors with a focus on AS?

I fit into that category, I always thought that with my insider knowledge, I'd be able to help more people.


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16 Feb 2008, 10:06 pm

I hear human meat is tasty. Bring on the homeless!


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16 Feb 2008, 10:09 pm

My ideas and beliefs are quite extreme in many cases (I oppose universal suffrage, I want to get rid of almost all federal government functions, and I favor reforming our penal system by simply selling criminals into slavery) but I'm not "worried" about those views. I have had to accept that my views will never be implemented because I am a fringe lunatic in many respects, but they are my views nonetheless.
A friend of mine wants to legalize marijuana so we can tax it and use the money to fund schools (Ohio has had major school funding crises in the recent past). This I find quite amusing: funding schools with drug money! However, you have to admit that it would work, unfortunately such plans will never actually be used.



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16 Feb 2008, 10:11 pm

sounds like a modest proposal..;)
I've been tempted, it's sort of the 'king of the world for a day' mentality. Everyone does it..;)


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17 Feb 2008, 1:04 am

Mine are not mainstream, but fall within reasonableness from a free country thinker.

I believe that US court, justice, enforcement system should be modeled after the United Kingdom-with modifications; as well as in an open multicultural society opposed to an assimilation society. I believe in an 'actual' separation of church and state; and not just one on the books-and I believe that penalties should be heavily levied against those practicing encroachment on that ideal. I believe CPS should do a better job and that applications for parenting should be filed and when not filed mandatory credentialling of upcoming parents enforced: ie 'how to not ruin your new citizens life' school.
I believe we should stop dumping in the food supply (our waters) and that we should enforce against those who do. I believe immigration should be more responsible for the actions of those we let in, by maintaining strict liability of the law as related to the good citizens already here, and that it needs to convey clearly such idiot topics as: kill: get deported; deal: get deported; steal: get deported, ectetera along those lines.... What else?
Adoptions should be in house not shop abroad and not to single, gay, or polygmous arrangements, nor shall the sperm/egg donor mall continue. Marriage should be for whomever wants it. Divorce should be uncomplicated.
Excecutions should be public.
Passports should be mandatory.
DNA banks at birth.
Photo and finger print each 5 years.
Foriegn documents not accepted as proof of identity (insert reccomendation here)
Full searches at airports, seaports-modifyed for mass transportation buses/subways for search on suspicion in addition to side mount sniffers/metal detectors at the door.

Normal stuff. 8O Normal stuff.

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17 Feb 2008, 1:15 am

I had an idea for some fan-art once, but since it was romantic, I never did it because people might find it strange. I'm not into that sort of thing, but I liked the idea of it. Some of the ideas I have are extreme - but I never tell people about them. I keep ideas to myself.


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17 Feb 2008, 2:41 am

The government should print it's own money backed by gold. Close down the federal reserve and the IRS, erase the BS interest we owe the federal reserve. No more unconstitutionally disproportioned federal income tax on wages. No more illegal seizures.

Privative schools.

Pull out of Iraq.

Correct the lies and corruption, starting with the lie that America is a democracy. America is supposed to be a republic. Correct the flaw in Article 1, section 8, clause seventeen of the constitution. Expose democracy for what it is, take the steps to return us to a legitimate republic again. Return sovereignty to the states.

Round up the owners of the federal bank and execute them. Try all politicians for treason. Execute those found guilty.

Legalize drugs and prostitution. Image


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17 Feb 2008, 2:45 am

My great idea for anyone who complains about the price of gas and to lower our dependence on fossil fuels; start walking further than from your front door to your car.

In the area I live in my idea hasn't been as well received as I would like it to be.


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17 Feb 2008, 10:04 am

mikebw wrote:
The government should print it's own money backed by gold. Close down the federal reserve and the IRS, erase the BS interest we owe the federal reserve. No more unconstitutionally disproportioned federal income tax on wages. No more illegal seizures.

Privative schools.

Pull out of Iraq.

Correct the lies and corruption, starting with the lie that America is a democracy. America is supposed to be a republic. Correct the flaw in Article 1, section 8, clause seventeen of the constitution. Expose democracy for what it is, take the steps to return us to a legitimate republic again. Return sovereignty to the states.

Round up the owners of the federal bank and execute them. Try all politicians for treason. Execute those found guilty.

Legalize drugs and prostitution. Image


Ditto. And Ron Paul for President.



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17 Feb 2008, 11:53 am

Force corporations to give labor a say on the board of directors.

Abolish "Right to work" (AKA "right to fire") laws.

Repeal the Taft-Hartley Act, which is anti-labor.

Nationalize the oil, energy, and healthcare industries.

Enact a carbon tax.

Raise taxes on gasoline.

Enact a strict estate tax that allows people to inherit no more then $10 million.

I'd tell the WTO to take their trade rules and shove it up their rear ends.

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17 Feb 2008, 11:59 am

I have some...erm...somewhat extreme ideas, but won't post them here.


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17 Feb 2008, 12:52 pm

Odin wrote:
Force corporations to give labor a say on the board of directors.

Abolish "Right to work" (AKA "right to fire") laws.

Repeal the Taft-Hartley Act, which is anti-labor.

Nationalize the oil, energy, and healthcare industries.

Enact a carbon tax.

Raise taxes on gasoline.

Enact a strict estate tax that allows people to inherit no more then $10 million.

I'd tell the WTO to take their trade rules and shove it up their rear ends.

Ban unions, which seek to establish labor market monopoly power, and allow private firms to hire and fire whomever they choose based on performance and costs.

Deregulate industry, especially healthcare, and allow the free market to provide the goods Americans want at the prices we're willing to pay for them.

Cut taxes on everything, including gasoline, but also eliminate subsidies to oil companies and other big corporations- they're plenty powerful enough without government protection.

No estate tax- private individuals can do whatever the hell they want with their own money, and if that includes giving tons of it to someone who did nothing to earn it, that's their choice.

Screw the WTO, which isn't free trade at all but rather managed trade, frequently to the detriment of the US.



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17 Feb 2008, 12:54 pm

I am pretty moderate in most respects, though a few of my staunchly libertarian views concerning drugs and prostitution (their legalization) are often considered "extreme."

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17 Feb 2008, 1:51 pm

Orwell wrote:
A friend of mine wants to legalize marijuana so we can tax it and use the money to fund schools (Ohio has had major school funding crises in the recent past). This I find quite amusing: funding schools with drug money! However, you have to admit that it would work, unfortunately such plans will never actually be used.

Tax on alcohol and nicotine pays for lots of things like that all around the world, why not do the same with other drugs?

My idea is like for like retribution for criminals:
murderers killed.
sex offenders abused themselves or if they enjoy it castrated - not this chemical crap, chop thier c**k off!
thieves have everything confiscated.
vandals have posessions destroyed.

If the punishment can't be done for whatever reason (no posessions, etc.) then they should get an apropriate prison sentence and actually have to serve it ALL, without TV's and games consoles, only educational materials.

I also think people should only be able to claim benefits for so long unless they can prove there's a REAL reason they can't - if not stop all payments to them. And that we should stop the EU open door policy.


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17 Feb 2008, 4:07 pm

oscuria wrote:
I hear human meat is tasty. Bring on the homeless!

If canabalism (sic) was legalized the hungry would be fed and at the same time we'd be cutting down on the world's overpopulation. Look at how many chinese their are. Like a billion or so. I'd eat them but i'd probably just be hungry again in a couple hours!



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17 Feb 2008, 5:12 pm

history_of_psychiatry wrote:
If canabalism (sic) was legalized the hungry would be fed and at the same time we'd be cutting down on the world's overpopulation. Look at how many chinese their are. Like a billion or so. I'd eat them but i'd probably just be hungry again in a couple hours!

That joke is in bad taste!

:lol: :lol: :lol: HAHAHA!

Un-ban Chever! Viva La Revolucion!