DejaQ wrote:
Johnnie wrote:
Abbie Hoffman should have been shot for treason along with the rest of the antiwar protest leaders and thousands more jailed for years.
Yeah, it's a shame when people get in the way of the state's interests, huh?
If they didn't like it, they should have gone to russia and joined that side.
Our military had them creamed after TET failed and if it wasn't for the traitors the war probably would have ended a lot sooner and fewer people would have died and the POW's would have come homes years sooner.
Pol-pot and the khemr rouge wouldn't have killed millions of people, the hippies caused millions to die in southeast asia. That is why they want us to fail in Iraq, if we suceed they all look like the scum they are.
Hippies turned yuppie scum are the scum of the earth.
Vermont is full of traitors, yuppie scum hippies everywhere up here.