It turns out that Bush never wins a fair election!
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ZNet Commentary
The Stolen Election of 2004 July 03, 2006
By Michael Parenti
The 2004 presidential contest between Democratic challenger Senator JohnKerry and the Republican incumbent, President Bush Jr., amounted toanother stolen election. This has been well documented by suchinvestigators as Rep. John Conyers, Mark Crispin Miller, Bob Fitrakis,Harvey Wasserman, Bev Harris, and others. Here is an overview of whatthey have reported, along with observations of my own.
Some 105 million citizens voted in 2000, but in 2004 the turnout climbedto at least 122 million. Pre-election surveys indicated that among therecord 16.8 million new voters Kerry was a heavy favorite, a fact thatwent largely unreported by the press. In addition, there were about twomillion progressives who had voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 who switchedto Kerry in 2004.
Yet the official 2004 tallies showed Bush with 62 million votes, about11.6 million more than he got in 2000. Meanwhile Kerry showed only eightmillion more votes than Gore received in 2000. To have achieved hisremarkable 2004 tally, Bush would needed to have kept all his 50.4million from 2000, plus a majority of the new voters, plus a large shareof the very liberal Nader defectors.
Nothing in the campaign and in the opinion polls suggest such a masscrossover. The numbers simply do not add up.
In key states like Ohio, the Democrats achieved immense success atregistering new voters, outdoing the Republicans by as much as five toone. Moreover the Democratic party was unusually united around itscandidate-or certainly against the incumbent president. In contrast,prominent elements within the GOP displayed open disaffection, publiclyvoicing serious misgivings about the Bush administration's huge budgetdeficits, reckless foreign policy, theocratic tendencies, and threats toindividual liberties.
Sixty newspapers that had endorsed Bush in 2000 refused to do so in2004; forty of them endorsed Kerry.
All through election day 2004, exit polls showed Kerry ahead by 53 to 47percent, giving him a nationwide edge of about 1.5 million votes, and asolid victory in the electoral college. Yet strangely enough, theofficial tally gave Bush the election. Here are some examples of how theGOP "victory" was secured.
---In some places large numbers of Democratic registration formsdisappeared, along with absentee ballots and provisional ballots.Sometimes absentee ballots were mailed out to voters just beforeelection day, too late to be returned on time, or they were never mailedat all.
---Overseas ballots normally reliably distributed by the StateDepartment were for some reason distributed by the Pentagon in 2004.Nearly half of the six million American voters living abroad---anoticeable number of whom formed anti-Bush organizations---neverreceived their ballots or got them too late to vote. Military personnel,usually more inclined toward supporting the president, encountered nosuch problems with their overseas ballots.
---Voter Outreach of America, a company funded by the RepublicanNational Committee, collected thousands of voter registration forms inNevada, promising to turn them in to public officials, but thensystematically destroyed the ones belonging to Democrats.
--- Tens of thousands of Democratic voters were stricken from the rollsin several states because of "felonies" never committed, or committed bysomeone else, or for no given reason. Registration books in Democraticprecincts were frequently out-of-date or incomplete.
---Democratic precincts---enjoying record turnouts---were deprived ofsufficient numbers of polling stations and voting machines, and many ofthe machines they had kept breaking down. After waiting long hours manypeople went home without voting. Pro-Bush precincts almost always hadenough voting machines, all working well to make voting quick andconvenient.
---A similar pattern was observed with student populations in severalstates: students at conservative Christian colleges had little or nowait at the polls, while students from liberal arts colleges were forcedto line up for as long as ten hours, causing many to give up.
---In Lucas County, Ohio, one polling place never opened; the votingmachines were locked in an office and no one could find the key. InHamilton County many absentee voters could not cast a Democratic votefor president because John Kerry's name had been "accidentally" removedwhen Ralph Nader was taken off the ballot.
---A polling station in a conservative evangelical church in MiamiCounty, Ohio, recorded an impossibly high turnout of 98 percent, while apolling place in Democratic inner-city Cleveland recorded an impossiblylow turnout of 7 percent.
---Latino, Native American, and African American voters in New Mexicowho favored Kerry by two to one were five times more likely to havetheir ballots spoiled and discarded in districts supervised byRepublican election officials. Many were given provisional ballots thatsubsequently were never counted. In these same Democratic areas Bush"won" an astonishing 68 to 31 percent upset victory. One Republicanjudge in New Mexico discarded hundreds of provisional ballots cast forKerry, accepting only those that were for Bush.
---Cadres of rightwing activists, many of them religiousfundamentalists, were financed by the Republican Party. Deployed to keyDemocratic precincts, they handed out flyers warning that voters who hadunpaid parking tickets, an arrest record, or owed child support would bearrested at the polls---all untrue. They went door to door offering to"deliver" absentee ballots to the proper office, and announcing thatRepublicans were to vote on Tuesday (election day) and Democrats onWednesday.
---Democratic poll watchers in Ohio, Arizona, and other states, whotried to monitor election night vote counting, were menaced and shut outby squads of GOP toughs. In Warren County, Ohio, immediately after thepolls closed Republican officials announced a "terrorist attack" alert,and ordered the press to leave. They then moved all ballots to awarehouse where the counting was conducted in secret, producing anamazingly high tally for Bush, some 14,000 more votes than he hadreceived in 2000. It wasn't the terrorists who attacked Warren County.
---Bush did remarkably well with phantom populations. The number of hisvotes in Perry and Cuyahoga counties in Ohio, exceeded the number ofregistered voters, creating turnout rates as high as 124 percent. InMiami County nearly 19,000 additional votes eerily appeared in Bush'scolumn after all precincts had reported. In a small conservativesuburban precinct of Columbus, where only 638 people were registered,the touchscreen machines tallied 4,258 votes for Bush.
---In almost half of New Mexico's counties, more votes were reportedthan were recorded as being cast, and the tallies were consistently inBush's favor. These ghostly results were dismissed by New Mexico'sRepublican Secretary of State as an "administrative lapse."
Exit polls showed Kerry solidly ahead of Bush in both the popular voteand the electoral college. Exit polls are an exceptionally accuratemeasure of elections. In the last three elections in Germany, forexample, exit polls were never off by more than three-tenths of onepercent.
Unlike ordinary opinion polls, the exit sample is drawn from people whohave actually just voted. It rules out those who say they will vote butnever make it to the polls, those who cannot be sampled because theyhave no telephone or otherwise cannot be reached at home, those who areundecided or who change their minds about whom to support, and those whoare turned away at the polls for one reason or another.
Exit polls have come to be considered so reliable that internationalorganizations use them to validate election results in countries aroundthe world.
Republicans argued that in 2004 the exit polls were inaccurate becausethey were taken only in the morning when Kerry voters came out ingreater numbers. (Apparently Bush voters sleep late.) In fact, thepolling was done at random intervals all through the day, and theevening results were as much favoring Kerry as the early results.
It was also argued that pollsters focused more on women (who favoredKerry) than men, or maybe large numbers of grumpy Republicans were lessinclined than cheery Democrats to talk to pollsters. No evidence was putforth to substantiate these fanciful speculations.
Most revealing, the discrepancies between exit polls and officialtallies were never random but worked to Bush's advantage in ten ofeleven swing states that were too close to call, sometimes by as much as9.5 percent as in New Hampshire, an unheard of margin of error for anexit poll. In Nevada, Ohio, New Mexico, and Iowa exit polls registeredsolid victories for Kerry, yet the official tally in each case went toBush, a mystifying outcome.
In states that were not hotly contested the exit polls proved quiteaccurate. Thus exit polls in Utah predicted a Bush victory of 70.8 to26.4 percent; the actual result was 71.1 to 26.4 percent. In Missouri,where the exit polls predicted a Bush victory of 54 to 46 percent, thefinal result was 53 to 46 percent.
One explanation for the strange anomalies in vote tallies was found inthe widespread use of touchscreen electronic voting machines. Thesemachines produced results that consistently favored Bush over Kerry,often in chillingly consistent contradiction to exit polls.
In 2003 more than 900 computer professionals had signed a petitionurging that all touchscreen systems include a verifiable audit trail.Touchscreen voting machines can be easily programmed to go dead onelection day or throw votes to the wrong candidate or make votesdisappear while leaving the impression that everything is working fine.
A tiny number of operatives can easily access the entire computernetwork through one machine and thereby change votes at will. Thetouchscreen machines use trade secret code, and are tested, reviewed,and certified in complete secrecy. Verified counts are impossiblebecause the machines leave no reliable paper trail.
Since the introduction of touchscreen voting, mysterious congressionalelection results have been increasing. In 2000 and 2002, Senate andHouse contests and state legislative races in North Carolina, Nebraska,Alabama, Minnesota, Colorado, and elsewhere produced dramatic andpuzzling upsets, always at the expense of Democrats who were ahead inthe polls.
In some counties in Texas, Virginia, and Ohio, voters who pressed theDemocrat's name found that the Republican candidate was chosen. InCormal County, Texas, three GOP candidates won by exactly 18,181 votesapiece, a near statistical impossibility.
All of Georgia's voters used Diebold touchscreen machines in 2002, andGeorgia's incumbent Democratic governor and incumbent Democraticsenator, who were both well ahead in the polls just before the election,lost in amazing double-digit voting shifts.
This may be the most telling datum of all: In New Mexico in 2004 Kerrylost all precincts equipped with touchscreen machines, irrespective ofincome levels, ethnicity, and past voting patterns. The only thing thatconsistently correlated with his defeat in those precincts was thepresence of the touchscreen machine itself.
In Florida Bush registered inexplicably sharp jumps in his vote(compared to 2000) in counties that used touchscreen machines.
Companies like Diebold, Sequoia, and ES&S that market the touchscreenmachines are owned by militant supporters of the Republican party. Thesecompanies have consistently refused to implement a paper-trail to dispelsuspicions and give instant validation to the results of electronicvoting. They prefer to keep things secret, claiming proprietary rights,a claim that has been backed in court.
Election officials are not allowed to evaluate the secret software.Apparently corporate trade secrets are more important than votingrights. In effect, corporations have privatized the electoral system,leaving it easily susceptible to fixed outcomes. Given this situation,it is not likely that the GOP will lose control of Congress comeNovember 2006. The two-party monopoly threatens to become an even worseone-party tyranny.___________________Michael Parenti's recent books include The Assassination of JuliusCaesar (New Press), Superpatriotism (City Lights), and The CultureStruggle (Seven Stories Press). For more information
it certainly is scary.
from the wikipedia page on diebold election systems:
In December 2005, Diebold's CEO Wally O'Dell left the company following reports that the company was facing securities fraud litigation surrounding charges of insider trading. [3]
this site also has a lot of information
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If you democrats keep this up, the Republicans are going to win all the elections, just like they won in 2004.
Tell me, though. Since you love digging internet dirt up, would you like to find the bits about the Pennsylvania woman throwing away all the Republican voter registration forms she found, costing the Republicans in the high 4 digits in Pennsylvania?
Or the roving gangs of Kerry voters who stood outside the kiosks and menaced anyone they thought might be a Bush supporter?
Or the voting station in New York decorated with images from the original Abu Gharib scandal, headlined by the life size image of a hooded Iraqi hanging on the wall?
If you Democrats want to win an election, you better figure out why it is that you're pushing the moderates to the right rather than howling in moral indignition over things that never happened to begin with.
Yeah, I'm calling that article a load of bunk. Speculation =/= fact, get it through your heads.
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Political bias is something to be concerned about and it sounds like the company will and is paying for any flaws in its system. It already has paid a sum of 2.6 million dollars and if the problems continue it will end up paying more.
Also, political parties are corrupt, it is not surprising given their interest in being elected, we just hope that the competition between parties will reduce the effective corruption. At the very least we do not have major country destroying disputes over the elections.
Also, the website in question is rather radical really. It has hypothesized new fringe economic systems, it calls the neo-cons kleptocrats and totalitarians and it gives great support to Noam Chomsky, this combination makes me think that this is likely to be a biased source. The claim at the end is outright ridiculous even. Come on, the one-party system in America is not likely to occur at this moment. The only time it has was after one party fell apart and after that happened another party eventually took its place.
Whether or not Bush cheated his way into office is conjecture, we know that there are problems and eventually those problems will be fixed in a manner so that both parties will have a fair chance at winning.
I think it's amazing that a relatively modern and developed country like the USA can't figure out how to hold a fair election with no or at least little cheating.
If some old election-worker-lady can be solely responsible for 'loosing' 10000 votes then something is TOTALLY WRONG WITH THE SYSTEM, or the fact that numerous other cases of such 'lost' votes exists is TOTALLY NUTS. Where are the checks and balances I ask?
The electronic voting machines scandal is just even more mindboggling....
And the US sends election-monitors to other countries? HAHAHAHAHAHA.....
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There will always be election fraud one way or another it's not just a repulician thing, Chicago comes to mind and it's not new as long there have been elections there as been fraud. last time everyone whined about paper ballots so they quickly began on the electonic machines now they are bad and wrong well before we were told they were the answer now they are the problem make up your minds it's all new not much works well on the first few go rounds
"Strange is your language and I have no decoder Why don't make your intentions clear..." Peter Gabriel
I'll second part of what Awsomelyglorious wrote. This source IS very biased and is paid for by well known Bush-haters. I'd look for a news source that presents BOTH sides of this story. Remember the human mind is "Garbage in, Garbage out".
All hail Comrade Napoleon!! !
Elections rigged? No way. This hasn't been a staple of democracy since its birth. Democracy is a horrible system that only exists because people like to think they have power. They do not. The greater point is also that although the republicans do rig elections, it would be much harder if we stopped putting masks on Dukakis and started bringing out people with some semblence of personality, character, or courage. So I'll help narrow down the pile.
[Starts narrowing pile]
The list is as follows:
I just have a problem with speculation being cited as fact.
Political views are not that cut and dry. What the major newspapers report as fact is generally not much more than speculation.
Social sciences are never cut and dry. They conjure ideologies out of opinions and speculations. That's why there is so much hype and controversy regarding aspergers. There is no way to measure the symptoms, so we can only make informed decisions and educated guesses. There are, however, theories that can be utilized to the best of knowledge. Those theories have helped create a plethora of symptoms that are used to base the diagnostics of aspergers on. Yet, some people only present with some really mild symptoms. Are they still asperger's? It's all conjecture and speculation, if you think about it.
There is no such thing as an unbiased person. A person always veer towards the left or the right. A moderate is just someone who wants to follow the sheep, so he / she claims to stay in the middle. Moderates, however, are generally far more left or right than they generally are willing to consider. We are expected to remain in the middle and accept what is thrown at us, because then it is easier for them to control us. When we refuse to follow this line, then those at the top begin to lose control. Power fools hate that. Most people are afraid of power. They either want to avoid it or want to be a part of it. It takes a different kind of person to desire to challenge it. In some cases, those people have to great risks.
Most people tend to favor, more or less, a left or right ideology. Those who are more open about what they are a part of, such as stipulating publicly that they are left or right, tend to face much more criticism. That's why people are moderates. It's easier for them to fit in.
Fitting in? I don't care. Because I learned a long time ago that I don't fit into the current role of things.
- Ray M -
Actually ... It can be safe to say that what exists in the United States is a virtual one-party system. The Democrats, especially with the leadership under Clinton, have moved farther to the right in the last decade. The idea that Clinton was some excess leftie is mere conservative speak, based primarily upon his sexual advances and a plethora of accusations that are much harder to prove than anything in the article above, such as the idea that the World Trade Center would now be standing if Clinton went to war after the first failed attack.
It's not that there will no longer be a two-party system, but that both parties will mirror each other in so many ways, that to call them different would have become a joke. By analyzing differences amongst both parties, many people are finding out that there are more similarities than differences. Clinton ended welfare as we know it, a gift to the conservative culture, aimed at increasing the job market such as to drive down wages, yet what Republican has ever come out and said that was part of the drive? I simply haven't even heard a Democrat come out with it, at least not a major known one ... and I'm not talking about a leftist, either, but a centrist Democrat, which makes up a large portion of the American Democratic Party. The only thing we hear about welfare is how good it has become, yet you hardly hear publicly about the people being evicted out of their residences because they can't afford the mortgage or rent. You have to read the small, fine print for that information. Or you have to read alternative sources. And you hardly hear about it on the major news, including CBS which has been hailed by FOX as the most liberal station there is. Hell, Dan Rather was more of a conservative. Just because he supports abortion rights and told journalists they can't show the flag does not make him a mad liberal, just a moderate herder of popular sheep.
- Ray M -
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