grain-and-field wrote:
well, "more evolved" means that white peoples brains are more advanced than brown peoples brains.
so, what do "more advanced" means? it is the same principle, like, a black mans brain are more advanced than a monkeys brain.
a more advanced brain means that the creature having it will experience a high level of "feeling alive". For example, a bumble bee dont "feel alive" so much. But a human feel very alive.
also, a advanced brain means that the creature with it can, like, analyze things.
OCD is probably a side-effect of an advanced brain. you more advanced a brain becomes, the more difficult an painful life becomes.
sorry people, but there are strong evidence that supports that whites are more "evolved" than other human races.
But like the old saying goes. Anything but the truth, anything.
Like another responder, I would seriously like to see your "but there are strong evidence that supports that whites are more "evolved" than other human races>" evidence. I understand you want to state your theory, however, if you are going to make a statement such as having all this evidence, then you need to PROVE IT!
Honestly, your theory is completely unfounded. I certainly agree that there are differences in structures that are proven between differing ethnicities. One in specific is the extra ligment (or maybe it was tendon or muscle) in the calf of african decendants. Which actually is an advantage to "black" athletes in that this "extra" structure gives an advantage when running/jumping.
OH and evolving as you put it, does not equate to the feeling of being alive. There are many organisms that have no concept of "feeling alive", but are extremely evolved. Two examples of extremely evolved organisms being HIV and HPV (viruses) which the "white man's evolved brain" cannot destroy. (Note here containing is not destroying)