kip wrote:
I love how the bible-thumping, homosexual haters throw out Lev. I guess they don't realise that, unless they are Jewish by both blood AND religion, then it DOES NOT APPLY. *headbang*
Right, there are passages that still support their anti-homosexuality crusade in the New Testament. I mean, you are right, a lot of laws in Leviticus do not apply now, however, homosexuality seems to be one of the things that stuck behind, that said, hating homosexuals really goes against the bible message anyway.
My dad does the same thing. I've oft thought of telling him I have a girlfriend just to see him crap his pants. I mean REALLY! Now, if ALL gay people were paedoes, or were puppy killers, or rapists, or whatever really gets your goat, then yea, maybe there would be a reason to dislike them. But seriously? Does anyone know the exact numbers for how many rapists of both men and women are gay? It's a disturbingly higher precentage than the norm. Homophobics will tell you its cause there's something wrong with them. And there is.
They grew up in an enviroment that hated their VERY EXISTANCE. They must act out. Is it right? No. Is it fair? No! But it IS what comes out of bigotry and hatred that has no reason.
So this woman preaching along about how she hates the sin and not the sinner. Wow, so big of her. She still harbours a hatred for these kids, even if she only hates a 'little part'.
Yeah, basically that makes a lot of sense. I mean, it sucks being gay, people hate you for it, and well, if you are thought of as evil, it is a much smaller step to actually be evil.
People like this are why I am not out there evangelising. Yes, I believe in the one true God, yes, I believe Jesus his son saved us. But I sure as hell don't believe that the whole reason that any of us exist is to hate another for something that has no effect on ME.
I believe my Bible, the word of God. Not some idiot behind a pulpit with an old dusty book.
Makes sense, they poison the well by pushing their hate on unbelievers rather than evangelizing through love as would be better.