Brilliantly engineered ignorance is the hallmark of the human race. Not knowing who we really are, what it's all about, when it's going to be over, where we came from, why we do things the way we do kind of sucks but viewed the right way it makes sense.
In a sense we come here to "change the world".
All worlds in the physical universe experience entropy, this is because we are destroying our old world by living this life. There is another, hidden life that all us us here lead where our new worlds are being built that we are (if we're intelligent enough to not outsmart ourselves) for the most part, completely ignorant of. This is true on both an individual level and that of the whole human race.
In both cases, the stupid or "ignorant" s**t we do isn't really ignorant when you think about it, it's just part of a process so cleverly designed that it's beyond genius. It's divide and conquer, we divide our old world into the smallest quantum parts, these "parts" disappear from our knowledge as one thing and reappear as another with a new name and form, then we reassemble the parts. Re-lig-ion... to reconnect the parts, all religions are "ways" of doing this.
Given the above:
If we knew who we really were, we'd never individualize. We are One, but one cannot be individual unless we are among other Ones. We are each and all that One projecting ourselves into divisions of ourself. If we were aware of that we wouldn't play our parts and we wouldn't be able to achieve the compartmentalization of knowledge that keeps any of the parts from taking over the whole. Each and every one of us has the power to change the world with a single focused thought, can you imagine what would happen in this world if any us had full working knowledge of that?
If we knew what it was all about, we wouldn't make things up, and making things up in our imagination IS creation.
If we knew when it was going to be over we would "ride the clock" especially toward the end, we want to race the clock because the harder we work the better our new world will be.
If we knew where we came from we'd be trying to get back there, tail between our legs as soon as we found out what "trying" and "work" were like. Not only that, at some point during the process when everything started to appear badly f'd up, we'd be trying desperately to go back to what we had instead of having faith in the plan and moving forward.
If we knew why we do things the stupid way we do, it would mean knowledge of the hidden side of things, which would kind of defeat the whole intelligent ignorance thing. When building anything, you need certain parts in a certain order, this is what governs what happens in this world. The decisions aren't made from this side so from this side it doesn't make sense why we do the things we do.
Nothing here is really good or bad, true or untrue, it's all just different ways of looking at things.
Circumstance Rules!