philosopherBoi wrote:
The first amendment does not protect the parent's right to circumcise their son.
No, but it doesn't support the government's prevention of the son being circumcised, which leads to the same conclusion.
The male child has the right to choose his own religion forcing a religious circumcision upon the male child violates his rights and forces the religion upon him.
What rights? Where does it say that anywhere? That doesn't seem historically correct based upon the nature of these rights.
The first amendment protects us from having another's religious beliefs force on us that is why we made it because we didn't like being forced to believe one way or another.
No, it protects us from the GOVERNMENT shoving another's beliefs upon us. It does not say anything about individuals, and the actions of individuals would fall under different categories than the 1st amendment. I have already given the text for the first amendment relevant to this issue, it says nothing about other people, just about congress.
Therefore religious circumcisions are not protected by the first amendment because the circumcision forces the religion onto someone who does not believe.
The first amendment says nothing about believing, only about congressional non-intervention. Other laws are relevant, but the first amendment is abundantly neutral on this matter. As well... I don't think that your interpretation is a historical one either, which means that it is incorrect, because law is one of those fields that looks at prior interpretations to determine future ones.