Eggman wrote:
THis may be the only way the octopus can start devolping a civilation. Males die after mating. Females die staving to death watching over their eggs. So if males lived past coplation and helped out with the eggs they could then live past one breeding season. They allready have 6 arms and two legs(based on obvesations on how they use their tentacles) As well as a means of comunication by color and texture change of their skin. I want intelligent otopi rising from the depths to claim the surface wrold as their own! Asw a bonus, they allready have their own ink, so all they need is to invent paper.
Hey! Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah!
That'd be neat!
But what about thumbs? Fine tools could be an obstacle so, writing and some building and manufacturing could be a problem. This is going under the assumption that you need tools and tool-users to build a society.
Six appendages is great but what about fine dexterity? (Don't know much about octopus... octopi... (?)
. Sorry)
So the males rear the young? Or the young are born self sufficient already...(?) Would be pretty patriarchal I would think if the females don't live past breeding. A more war-like society maybe? (Not male-bashing, just a thought
I like the communicating with light and color textures. Way cool! It would be neat to see where that could go. I'll have to think about it.
Leave the sea behind and have land octopus? Semi-aquatic? Why not just stay under water?
I read once (Terry Pratchet I think) a sentence (the imagery
really stuck) about 'ten-armed monkeys pin-wheeling through the canopy (?)' Woo hoo! Close enough.
Sorry if I am missing your point. Still fun. On another note, you may want to move this to another forum. Dunno if this is the place for it. Unless you are trying to make an analogy about the role of males in this society. If you are, I'm missing it, but I can be more than a little slow.
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself.
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
-Walt Whitman