What Does Science Mean to You?
What does Science Mean to You?
How do You truly see Science.
How does Science effect Us all.
Does Science explain who, what, how, We truly are as humans.
Can Science be a Religion.
Is Science a Religion.
Or is Science something else.
What do You make of Science and Religion and there conflicts.
Can just Science resolve all the We Know and Understand.
Is Science the only way to Explain it All.
Come on My children lets All get Along Okay.

Joined: 9 Jun 2005
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The word science to me has kind of a popular definition taint to it. Some part of it means, "A term used to create the illusion of authority on something."
To me however, science seems to represent an organization of ideas. Science represents the idea of approaching the pursuit of knowledge as a single endevor. I do not mean that as good or bad. Whereas knowledge, understanding, and peace with the universe could be explored in many unified activities, including not only biology and arithematic but the study of music and meditation. Science represents the study of all knowledge through direct intentional learning. Whereas you might study the life cycle of plants coincidentally while being a gardener of some kind, to study science is to specifically learn about the life cycle of plants with specific intention where the gardener is mostly interested in enjoying things growing and just coincidentally enjoys learning about the life cycle of plants in his work.
I see it as an interesting cultural idea. It covers most of the same s**t, but the way in which it approaches it is interesting.
It depends on how you define science to decide how it affects everyone. The study of knowledge may effect everyone if the study of it leads to changes in the world, but the study of knowledge in general doesnt directly affect people.
The way existance works effects everyone, but i wouldn't immediately call the way existance works science. And the way existance works is such a given that in one sense it doesnt affect people in any special way because it always does.
Science can explain who, what, and how we are as humans, but it isn't the only way.
It can be.
In some situations yes.
The conflict is just a natural outcome of how people work. It'd be nice if people understood that, but we'll just have to settle for us understanding it and not being pissed off when people are stupid.
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
My body is a channel that translates energy from the universe into happiness.
I either express information, or consume it. I am debating which to do right now.
2. Form a Hypothesis
3. Experiment
4. Make Observations
5. Record the Data
6. Form Conclusions
"And lo, the beast looked upon the face of beauty. And beauty stayed his hand. And from that day on, he was as one dead."
What does Science Mean to You?
Science is observation, data collection, forming a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, making a conclusion, and putting those together with related conclusions to make a theory. It is empirical and methodological.
How do You truly see Science.
Science is how the natural world is explained. Natural phenomena and processes occur by natural means.
How does Science effect Us all.
Pretty much what I said above. Science is the way we observe, discover, explain and understand the world around us.
Does Science explain who, what, how, We truly are as humans.
Basically yes. It explains all the natural aspects of who, what, and how we are as humans.
Can Science be a Religion.
No, religion is about beliefs. There are no 'beliefs' in science. Religion is also about belief in the supernatural. Science is not. Science can be proven and tested. Religion cannot.
Is Science a Religion.
Or is Science something else.
Science is science.
What do You make of Science and Religion and there conflicts.
Science has no problems with religion, however religion has tends to have problems with science.
Humans have to have an explanation to understand everything. If they do not have an obvious explanation they create one. For example, before it was discovered scientifically how the sun worked, people believed that it was a god in a fiery chariot that rode across the sky throughout the day. That is why humans have religion.
When things that only used to be explained supernaturally finally have a natural explanation, that shakes people's world views. It makes them uncomfortable. That is why religious people (or at least religious zealots) have a problem with science sometimes.
Can just Science resolve all the We Know and Understand.
If you mean know something with certainty, then yes.
Is Science the only way to Explain it All.
No. There will always be questions science cannot answer. That part is the supernatural. Science can only explain what we can detect with our senses (and instruments used to expand our senses). Science cannot explain if there is or is not a god, and it never will. Science cannot explain what is moral, and it never will. Science cannot explain if humans have souls, and it never will.
How do You truly see Science.
Science is the pursuit to explain the natural world around us through logical and experimental means
Science is used to explain the things that already effect us. The explanations for natural phenomena that science produces can lead to technological advances that can greatly change the way we live our lives (for good or ill)
...The science of psychology can... sort of... But I think the current theories that run through psychology seem to have some flaws in them, and that they are in need of a tune-up. I'm not an expert on psychology by any means though
Did that answer your question well?
Is Science a Religion.
EDIT: Well maybe Scientology says it is, but they're idiots
What do You make of Science and Religion and there conflicts.
I think a lot of it is overblown fanaticism (on both sides)
Religion and morality tales can be useful to help a person to define the way they think human social systems should operate, and to differentiate between right and wrong. It can help a person to find the line between themselves and delusional thoughts and the unfair pressures that come from the rest of society
When you use religion & faith to explain natural phenomena for which there is no good explanation it is possibly misguided but not necessarily
When you use religion & faith to explain natural phenomena for which there are good explanations that contradict your religious beliefs it is stubborn, superstitious and self-defeating.
Saying "This experimentally proven and widely witnessed and accepted fact cannot be true, because some book I really like says X Y and Z" is immature and is akin to a child clutching his hands over his ears and yelling "IM NOT LISTENING IM NOT LISTENING"
Smart religious leaders modify their beliefs over time to keep up with progress because they recognize that religion should serve as moral and spiritual guidance FIRST, and the ancient stories and fantastical explanations of natural phenomena are SECONDARY.
Is Science the only way to Explain it All.
Given hundreds and hundreds of years, I believe science will one day be able to explain 'everything'.
But I'm not sure.
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The big limitation on science is that it requires empirical data. Hard numbers, measurements, etc. In psychology, there's not much empirical data to be found. With the exception of maybe Behaviorism (which is a branch of psychology that tells you zero about how the mind works). So you're left with Freud, and the neo-Freduians. It's all interesting stuff, but "true" scientists shun it because it lacks hard numbers, and validating their theories are often physically impossible.
So then came cognitive science, which basically stops asking how the mind works, and focuses on cool stuff like MRI scans and high-tech tools to "look" at the brain. But looking at the brain is not the same as understanding the mind.
All Eastern philosophy = non-empirical, Most of psychology = non-empirical. So you're stuck. Science will never progress into these areas, no MRI scan will calculate that there is or is no such thing as a soul. So there's always room for religions!
Nuts to you, I've just recieved funding to start work on my high tech Soul-O-Meter which will make me millions!!
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Joined: 9 Jun 2005
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Location: 31726 Windsor, Garden City, Michigan, 48135
Well it asked, "Can science be a religion," and my answer is yes. I wouldn't say it necessarily is, but it could be to some people.
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
My body is a channel that translates energy from the universe into happiness.
I either express information, or consume it. I am debating which to do right now.
Come on My children lets All get Along Okay.
What about the Bohr model of the atom or the perodic table or the theory that electrons can act as waves, no amount of experimation was done to come up with those hypothesises.
"we never get respect ... never a fair trial
[swearing removed by lau] ... as long as we smile"
Im tired of smiling.
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The Bohr model tried to explain the energy spectrum of hydrogen; that spectrum was produced by experiment.
De Broglie's wave-particle duality can explain the interference pattern produced when electrons are sent through multiple slits; also an experiment.
The plural of platypus.
science, it is one of the foundations of who and what we are, for no other creature's on this world are like we, this way of thinking and learning and growing sets us apart from all others.
for this I am proud of our race for bringing us from the muck and mire to where we are now and beyond, to take from this by saying something else is responsible for our intellect to me is a fallacy and a downfall of our own races pride and ego and capabilities, it is belittling. we need no gods, we are gods on our own world and of our own rights, born of and with the right to learn and grow and control our own destiny's, I wish no faith in a god to blame for our existence, I take pride in knowing we are something more and we are doing it on our own.
If some creature came to our world claiming to be our god and self proclaimed savior I would be more then willing to wage WAR and tell them to get lost, we need no gods to exist and learn and grow, we need no creature to come along and tell us what to do or they will wipe us from existence proclaiming this world was theirs to start with, to me thats fighting words, this is OUR home and world, no god came along and gave anyone any lands or anything, we are on our own and of our own doing. religion is an ancient thing our people needed at one time as a crutch in order to get along and survive and to explain what we couldn't understand about nature and our selves and our fears about death, someday this arcane thought will fade from our train of thought as a race and all that will be left is our own faith in our selves and our desires to know things and confidences and sciences. this I look forward too, perhaps we would have less wars over things our godly (religious) faiths bring us and get more things done instead of waisting it on illusionary faiths.
Humans will always be primitive as long as we have and use religion to try and explain what we do not yet understand or control or fear.
I need no god to love or fear, I need no gods in order to have human feelings and desires and to feel love, I need blame no god for the love I see in other or my self, I need not believe in demons or hell to blame for the evils in my self and of others.
Bite me.
Please do not get me wrong,
I would love to believe in some godly being who will save my soul from the non-existence of death.
I would love to believe that someday we will see our loved ones that die before us,
I would love to see reason where there seems non, esp when something senseless and horrible happens,
I would like to believe someone cares for me and my soul and the souls of others enough to save me from my self and non-existence.
I would love to believe there is some kind of justice against those that hurt others while they live.
but I choose not to live in and believe in illusions because I can not handle reality.
I used to be very interested in science at school, but have since turned away from it.
I think that is because I hate the arrogance of most science "experts" these days, who claim that their discipline can explain everything, when it simply can't and never will. Most have a vested interest in their theories anyway.
It is a shame because I have a scientific mind. However, I am also a spiritual person, and cannot and will not accept dogma and biggotry. Too many people accept their theories as facts, when they can be proved wrong by a single experiment. Too many so-called "free thinkers" are just stubborn atheists who want to deny everyone else a chance to express their own beliefs and spirituality.
Pileated woodpecker

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