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16 Aug 2008, 2:33 am

For Christians and Atheists.

?Everything is perfect in the universe - even your desire to improve it.?


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16 Aug 2008, 3:07 am

Anyone who has briefly glanced at the Bible can spot all sorts of idiocies and nastiness. In the supposed creation of the universe God created light before He created the Sun. Evidently He had not figured out the connection at the time. The overall conclusion that a universe which has obvious basic laws is therefore completely at the mercy of chaos and chance is clearly inconsistent. And if the universe does operate out of physical laws why is a God necessary?
If there were nothing nobody would be around to wonder about it. Why is a question hiding the demand for an assumed purpose and it is a nonsensical question.
Insofar as Christianity is concerned, humanity as we know it has existed for, at best, a couple of million years and Christianity a mere couple of thousand. This is no time at all in the cosmic sense. And of course, if anyone has even the slightest understanding of the relationship of humanity to previous existing species it is obvious that the Garden of Eden story is childish nonsense. There are many different cultures within human development and the moralities of each differ radically. The universe has existed for about ten or fifteen billion years and is so huge the Earth is of no consequence whatsoever within it. The idea that the universe was created for the existence of mankind is equivalent to assuming the solar system exists for two or three molecules perched on one grain of sand in one of Earth's beaches.

The great mystery is why people lend any credence at all to religious nonsense. Humanity is industriously working very hard to destroy the possibility of life on Earth and whatever intelligence exists within the species is obviously not much superior in its final results to that of a nest of termites destroying a house.


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16 Aug 2008, 3:10 am

#1) The cosmological argument is not something I really have much problem using as an argument. The major issue is that this can seem to assert God as simply a god of the gaps, used to fill in unknowns.

#2) Emergent order exists, so even if a set up was random, the order from it might not be based upon the way physical rules in reality work. So, science, logic and mathematics simply are things that emerged from various processes that resulted in a powerful information processing device.

#3) Moral truth???? What a crappy argument. "Every bit as real as gravity"? We can empirically prove the existence of gravity, but not of the abstract known as morality. Om fact. even if gravity were theory, we could prove the existence of a similar force such as magnetism, or electronic attraction, but not so with morality, which is analogous to nothing else. Heck, the argument from human intuition seems to ignore the fact that morality is transcendent but the flesh is physical, so unless they are slipping dualism past us without telling us, the basis of morality is biological, thus leaving morality open to the notion of it not being transcendent. Not only that, but even if we accepted that there was some morality, the leap from morality to perfect moral expression becomes muddy as for a number of people there is no way that the Judeo-Christian God could be accepted as perfect.

4) Umm... this simply seems like a matter for #2, however, what needs to be explained about mankind. We have large brains, large brains combined with centuries of knowledge gain and power consolidation ends up resulting in large actions. There is nothing more to explain than the large brain, and the ability to create powerful social structure. And as for the "good" vs "evil" crap, neither exist, so still nothing to explain. Frankly, I'd think it is more important to explain how Adam has free will if his mind is made up of neurons which are physical things, but free will having to be acausal.

5) All I have to say is this: "no testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle, unless the testimony be of such a kind, that its falsehood would be more miraculous, than the fact, which it endeavors to establish. "


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16 Aug 2008, 7:12 am

ARRRGH how I hate this simplistic garbage, in this day and age are we really still replacing 'I dont know' with 'God'.
Just one question, if the big bang theory (and I admit that I have trouble getting my head around it) is so implausible because something comes from nothing, please someone that agrees with this presentation explain where god came from. And no, in the context of this presentation he has always been will not cut it.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance anyday"
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"Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand" Karl Marx


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16 Aug 2008, 8:26 am

Is this another one of those tedious bonding sessions for unbelievers?

rah rah, woo hoo


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16 Aug 2008, 8:37 am

No. It is simply the reaction from the exposure of rational people to dumb ideas.


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16 Aug 2008, 8:40 am

like i said, a cluster-f@@@


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16 Aug 2008, 8:52 am

One of the things that get me is what is said at the end, if god did exist then he would not want people to do things just to get rewarded by god as that is selfish right. This seems fairly one sided this video, the bible is taken as a totaly true history book. I saw a documentry once about Jesus wich proved that the reality was different, for instance Jesus was the youngest of about 4 children , Mary was not a virgin, it was not uncomon for people to see dead relatives.

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16 Aug 2008, 9:49 am

Then there is the speculation that Jesus was three people. There was Joseph, the father, the son who might have been named Jesus and his brother who was an albino. The three covered the countryside with their gospel. No one is sure what the name of the albino was but he was so without melanin that people started to believe he was wholly a ghost. No hard facts exist about this but rumors persist.


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16 Aug 2008, 10:11 am

complete nonsense

It doesnt justify a detailed answer. Just the curious fact that this divides the world up into Christians and Atheists. If it had included all the religions in the world, then the bullsh*t would have been too appearant.

A christian = an atheist minus 1 god


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16 Aug 2008, 10:39 am

Hi there,
~Nothing can be created from nothing. That's a fact. And I strongly belief or think there was no beginning and there is no ending. All matter was already here and all matter will stay in eternity. Things change, surely, and new symbioses between matter, particals, live or whatever will be made. But no god created live or mankind, man created god. Ask a horse, hypothetically, if he (or she) could tell what god is, he probably will say, with a tremor in his voice, something like; 'god is a big, strong and noble horse and an example for all horsekind' > Xenophanes said.
~The church is a place where the devil, (a symbol for the bad people did or can do and not something like a external entity), ruled for quit some time, surely in medieval-times. Wolves in sheep-clothing. All those people with different views, probably a few (?) also like us, not that keen to go with the flow, they've been bullied, haunted down and killed in the name of the good lord. Even animals went to trial, with the hand on the book, like pigs in France. What a madness. And all those good books they have burned, that is truely so ignorant and stupid.
~Some might say, not god did this but awful men with delusions in there attics. True and it was way back in time but the institution church has done mankind not that much good and it surpressed for a long time the evolution of the mind. Ok, it is not all bad and there are very good christians, noble and helping men, I know, and I not after hurting anyone but please, try to think for your selves, always and there is surely knowledge to be found in the bible.
~This topic was surely my special interest for many years and still my eyes flame up (?) thinking about this. I could go on for hours but I'll stop now and I'm curious what others have to say about my views on this topic.
~Best of luck to you all,
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16 Aug 2008, 12:27 pm

To say nothing comes from nothing is to say you've never seen it happen. Which proves nothing. And to say that the universe definitely arose from nothing because God says so (or at east the Bible says so) is not particularly convincing to me, since obviously the assumption must be that God came from nothing or always was, neither one of which seems reasonable. Why not leave it as an unknown until we have better information?


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16 Aug 2008, 1:00 pm

Nothing from nothing and eternity - which one is the most confusing?


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17 Aug 2008, 1:29 am

greenblue wrote:
For Christians and Atheists.

Interesting that you'd post this GreenBlue. Sorry that you've been flamed a bit though.

Snowy Owl
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17 Aug 2008, 3:12 am

Haha and I thought my jokes were bad. This is not reasonable, to me anyway.

#1 - Why is it that a being, capable of some logical thought, created the universe, seems to make more sense than nothing creating the universe. The answer is simple. God is an idea composed of logical and reason. However if we think what could have been before everything, the answer is even simplier. Nothing was before the universe. However we tend to think of nothing like we think of an empty space. Nothing comes from that empty space, so how can something come from nothing. Well you see nothing before everything and an empty space are completely different. Before everything, nothing wasn't an empty space. It was nothing. Nothing which has no rules or boundaries, where existence and harmany as opposed to chaos and nothingness could come about because of pure chance. Anyway thats my theory. We are so lucky :).

Basically, chance is chance. Things can happen.

#2 - Again, this is all about how we perceive things in the here and now.

#3 - The problem with morality is that in reality a single individual defines his/her own moral code and modifies this as life continues. Common agreement with moral code results from many factors such as the way we are brought up. No one has the same moral principles and thus is way hitler existed. He was another person acting upon moral code. It was horrible and disgusting but the terrible reality is that this was all he was really doing.

#4 - Human nature sometimes is beautiful and almost "divine" and other times it disgust and subhuman. However that is what human nature is. Reality what see as perfect human behavior isn't really. All things that were ever done are simiply because we are human. This original sin stuff is silly. People seem to afraid of their own nature and they certainly have a right too but shaming themselves with this isn't really helping. Notice too that eve is the one who picked the first apple. Sounds like the old sexest crap to me. Oh well.

#5 - Hahahahahaha, so you gave a christain belief as keypoint. Sorry but no. The bible isn't really that reliable. Remember that debated over what should go in the bible before the bible was published. The jewish bible is more reliable. Then again isn't this an article of faith. Historians can prove that their was a jesus. However how could anyone ever prove he did all those amazing things. This doesn't sound like a good arguement to me. Sounds like it has to be taken with a little to much faith for my taste.

Overall, it was very good but the arguements are just a little lacking to really convince me of god's supposed existence.


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17 Aug 2008, 3:24 am

but god doesn't want everybody. some people are excess to requirements.