Magnus, with all due respect to your intellect and wisdom...
Magnus wrote:
Okay, pick one. Rain in LA? I thought you wanted God to show himself to you?
Of course I want God to reveal Himself to me! But that would be selfish; and besides, if there were a miraculous global event that would benefit all humankind, then I would be just as happy with the results. Tell you what; you make a declaration of what your God will do by a certain date, and when that date comes around, we'll see if your claim was met. Fair enough?
Magnus wrote:
How can you ever get proof if you are not even willing to cast aside doubt. That to me is not scientific. A true scientist could put aside his own beliefs and opinions and not be so eager to see a specific result.
I'm always open to the possibility of a paranormal event, principle, or being. It's just that there seems to be no material evidence to support this possibility. This is why I'm actually looking forward to
positive results of your experiement. I'm sure many others are too.
Magnus wrote:
I am merely curious to see what would happen. It seems like it's the non believers who are so put off by this notion that they won't even give it a try.
PLEASE try! I'm also curious, albeit skeptical as well. But don't let my skepticism stop you (or your God) from performing a miracle.
Magnus wrote:
If you want rain and miracles, I just want to say that this is planet earth and we are subject to its rules.
The Biblical God is above all material rules, that's why many of those Biblical events are called miracles - they seem to not follow any rules that govern the material world. And according to the Bible, "...
But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God." (Acts 5:39, Gamaliel speaking).
I would rather be chastised by an all-powerful and ever-present God than be praised by fools.
Magnus wrote:
We are here on earth to learn and suffering is a great way to learn.
Suffering is only a great way to learn what you need to avoid. Relief from suffering is a great way to learn what to embrace. Invoke your God to relieve the suffering of the world, and when He does, I will embrace belief in Him.
Magnus wrote:
Are you mad at God for your world not being perfect and so you say he must not exist because if he did then life would be so much better?
No, my anger is with those people that declare the existance of God to non-believers, and then offer only meaningless threats, empty promises, and mis-applied Bible verses to convince those non-believers of His existance.
Magnus wrote:
Have you considered that God is already a part of you? Are you a good God or an indifferent God?
I am not God, nor am I a prophet of God. I merely one man challenging believers to provide an undeniable sign of His existance in our present time, rather than merely quote Biblical verses regarding something that may or may not have happened in the dim and distant past.
Magnus wrote:
The spiritual realm has its own set of rules and I'm not an expert on this but I know that there is more than human logic and the Universe is full of mystery.
Odd how it is that there is no fixed set of rules that allegedly govern the so-called "Spiritual Realm", and how whenever questions are brought forth about the beings and rules within this "Spiritual Realm", believers trot out the old "Mysterious Ways" excuse. Well, there is either a "Spiritual Realm" or there isn't. There are either "Spiritual Beings" governed by "Spiritual Laws" or there are not. I just want to know the truth.
Magnus wrote:
Do you want to do this experiment or not?
Well, of course! Just don't pour vinegar down my neck and then tell me that it's raining...