Sarah Palin wants to help special needs kids.

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13 Oct 2008, 2:42 pm ... +_Children

I already plan to vote her and McCain into office.
For those of us that can vote lets get someone in that wants to help us.

Obama has nothing on any of this.


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13 Oct 2008, 2:53 pm

Don't fall for it - this is no more than the usual political pandering to special-interest groups; specifically, parents of "Special Needs" children. Ms. Palin will forget all about it if she gets elected.

Mr. Obama too, for all that it's worth.


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13 Oct 2008, 3:03 pm

Sarah Palin is a special needs child.

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13 Oct 2008, 3:28 pm

Shadowgirl wrote:

I already plan to vote her and McCain into office.
For those of us that can vote lets get someone in that wants to help us.

Obama has nothing on any of this.

Sarah Palin has said she supports special needs kids, and I will take her at her word - I don't know what specifically she would do - that link has no real details that I saw.

Obama supported ammending the Americans with Disabilities Act in 2008 - that was bipartisan, and signed by Bush. It was to make it clear that certain conditions were covered - the Supreme Court had ruled that the original wording of the ADA was not clear and some conditions were not specifically included.

The ADA has always been supported by people on both sides of the aisle, just like cancer research, etc ... because everyone is affected one way or another.


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13 Oct 2008, 4:29 pm

chever wrote:
Sarah Palin is a special needs child.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

*falls down laughing*

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13 Oct 2008, 4:33 pm



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13 Oct 2008, 8:26 pm

Shadowgirl wrote:

I already plan to vote her and McCain into office.
For those of us that can vote lets get someone in that wants to help us.

Obama has nothing on any of this.

Saying "Obama has nothing on any of this" is a lie, here is info from Nami. ... rositeID=0 ... 122807.pdf ... ntID=66252

Also since there are many services available already for special needs I think Barack Obama's Health care plan needs to be looked at as well. ... areFAQ.pdf

You know if McCain dies which really could happen then if or when she becomes president she might be able to do it. The VP is a job where you don't really do anything just stand around and hope and pray that you never need to fulfill your one duty if the opportunity should arise.

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18 Oct 2008, 4:06 am

chever wrote:
Sarah Palin is a special needs child.

I entered this thread with the intention of posting exactly those words.

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18 Oct 2008, 5:19 am

Did anyone notice that during the 3rd debate McCain mentioned that Pailin (paraphrase) wants to help children with autisim.
Leads me to believe he does not know her child has downs syndrome or that there are a lot of various definitions of special needs. Which leads me to believe he does not really care.

If you vote for McCain because of one issue then you are doing the country a disservice.

He seems to me to be one angry guy and probably has a philosophy of 'myway or the highway'. During the 3rd debate he was visibaly shaking with held in anger.
Palin is not qualified to be president and we know nothing of McCains health problems as he is one of the oldest canidates.
His campain since the debate has turn really nasty from desparation just to get what he wants. I fear he would be a bully just as Bush is.

Although I do not agree with all of Obama's policies, I believe he would be more energetic in resolving problems.

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18 Oct 2008, 9:28 pm

Ron Paul anyone....

(I had to say it)

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18 Oct 2008, 10:01 pm

PLA wrote:
chever wrote:
Sarah Palin is a special needs child.

I entered this thread with the intention of posting exactly those words.

Same here...but not in those *exact* words.


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18 Oct 2008, 10:09 pm

Its a misprint
She wants to eat special needs children! :roll: