Ragtime wrote:
Why is everyone still so obsessed with a president who's about to leave office?
You guys seem more interested in the old president than the guy about to be our new one.
Because I'm still pissed about the 2000 election.
And I'm still pissed about the Media railroad of Howard Dean in 2004.
I'm still pissed that a President lost the popular vote and the electoral college still exists.
I'm still pissed at all the jobs that have gone overseas.
I'm still pissed at the deficit spending to line the pockets of military contractors and oil companies.
I'm still pissed that the tax burden was shifted so far onto the middle class, weakening the very foundations of the middle class and threatening to topple the work done by unions to gain a decent standard of living for the working man.
I'm still pissed that the Republican party panders to the religious right wing in order to try and achieve a majority so they can put their destructive robber baron economic policies in place to bleed this country dry. I'm pissed that this worked for 8 years.
I'm pissed that a coke snorting frat boy is the "leader of the free world"
I'm pissed that a draft dodger attacked the military record of someone with a purple heart.
I'm pissed that Yale let him graduate.
I seriously believe Bush was trying his damndest to cause armageddon, so that he could be taken up in the rapture.
He's the anti-christ.