Sarcastic_Name wrote:
Ladysmokeater wrote:
Holy crap! that was insane. Im a Christian, but people that rant like that, make me ashaimed. No, people that behave like that are the reason we have problems in this country. The 1st amendment is freedom OF religion, any religion. That woman's behavior in front of her kids was unacceptable. Unnacceptable.
I couldn't watch more than half of it because of how terrible that crazy lady is, my dad's second wife was something like that to a lesser extent.
Yeah, she reminds me of the nutters at my dad's old church, and my dad's idiotic second wife. Her kids are probably going to need therapy someday after dealing with all that. She's even freakier than the mom in
I can't believe she took the money. After all of that fussing....If she's such a prayer warrior, why didn't she pray to lose weight instead of spending that $$$$ on gastric bypass?