slowmutant wrote:
That depends entirely on the belief in question.
And it's the net-effect of the belief I'd be worried about. If the net-effect is positive, the belief can be deemed positive. If the net-effect is negative, the belief can be deemed negative. We can say Nazism is a negative belief because of its extreme destructiveness.
"Familes with gay parents can succeed" is a belief. Show me the net-effect of same-sex partners adopting children & starting families. If these families are shown to be a categoric failure, then we'll know that this above-stated belief is false. But if they fare no better or no worse on average than traditional families, it's a positive net-effect.
Well, there are the Crusades, the Inquisition, the massacre of the Cathars, the aid they provided in getting Hitler elected, their silent approval of the Jewish Holocaust, the perputation of AIDS in Africa by sending missionaries in to tell locals that condom use is evil and that atheists poison condoms with HIV, and, the more recent one that REALLY pisses me off: The rape of hundreds of innocent children by Catholic priests and the attepts to cover it up that were orchestrated by Cardinal Ratzinger, who recently changed his name to POPE BENEDICT XVI. That enough to justiy my stance or would like more?
And please, please tell me I am reading that last paragraph wrong... Are you really going to stoop to gay-bashing?