In the religion, I write, islamic martyrs, be damned...

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19 Dec 2008, 8:14 pm

May Universalism, as a religion, last until the very last thought, of the very last living being in Existence, be extinguished, and lost, to oblivion...

What can I say, I write relgion, and I get bored, writing it all to myself.

This is a passage of religion, of Universalism, written as an ode, and memorial, to all those innocent people, that have pointlessly died, as a result of people, who were part of pathetic, and insignificant religions, such as islam, who were not even worthy, of the gift of Existence...

Passage 260, that I have written, in the new body of work that I am creating, in relation, to the religion of Universalism.


Islamic terrorists, and martyrs, be f*****g damned, to the very worst, of fates, when you die. I hope, I wish, I pray, with a smile, on my fucken, smartass, religion writing face, that when you die, after commiting, the worst of atrocities, against innocent civilians, that you find out, that the afterlife, is not quite as forgiving, as you hoped, to people, who do such things, against Life, and therefore, against God, it's self, I hope that forgiveness, nor paradise, is not forthcoming, for you... I quite, sincerly hope, that unfortunately, for you, that paradise, is not, awaiting those, that kill innocent people. Oh ye, most insignificant, pathetic, and most terribly pitiful, of islamic martyrs, and terrorists, I sincerly hope, that when you die, you find out, that causing such suffering, against innocent people, as bombing them, and killing innocents, leads to such terrible, and terrifying, consequences, to a dead person, that I cannot even begin, to describe, the horror, you shall experience. God willing, by my hands, and by my wish, as an apparently true, and benevolent source, of religion, into Existence, I hope, I pray, I truely wish, upon you, with every molecule of my being, that you, islamic terrorists, and martyrs, suffer, in ways, that I cannot even begin to imagine, for the lives, you have lead, and for the lives, you have brought, to a premature end. And to those, who have masterminded, trained, and encouraged people, to be terrorists, and martyrs, I pray, I truely hope, and dream, Oh, I so deeply, and profoundly fantasise, in my most wildest, and coolest of dreams, that, as a personally, self-discovered, and apparently true, and benevolent, source of religion, into the Universe; I pray, to whatever governs Existence, that your fate, after you die, is even worse, than those human beings, you have condemned, to be martyrs, for your disgusting, and most misguided of ways, and most horrendous abuse of the power of religion, in Existence; and I pray that you suffer, for your most misguided, of ways of Life... To those that have masterminded, islamic terrorism, and matyrdom causes, I truely pray, with every molecule of my being, that Existence, makes you pay dearly, for what you have done. Of course, I can only hope, wish, and pray, that even I, a man who writes, what appears to be actually, real religion, and seems to be having a true, and quite authentic religious experience, that my dreams, wishes, and prayers, do not fall upon, the deaf ears, of an imaginary God. But be warned, muslims, if I truely am, what I feel I am. Then what you will suffer, as a martyr, who has killed innocents, when you die, is truely something to fear, and is something to fear, that is far worse, than is actually worth the quite infinitely profound risk of believing in the false promises, of paradise, you so deeply trust in, by doing the false will, of a false God, that you have, essentially, been spiritually, quite fraudulently, scammed, into believing in, by mere human beings, by false, religious leaders; whose words, and religion is wholly empty, at their core; religious leaders; who are not even worthy, to stand in my presence.

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19 Dec 2008, 8:55 pm

You use, too many commas, and not always, appropriately; you also seem, allergic to either periods or, paragraphs, and have struck us all, with a Wall of Text; and so, I doubt many will, bother reading your missive, in order to determine whether they agree, or no.

Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.


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19 Dec 2008, 9:03 pm

Put your money, where your proverbial mouth is, and fix it.

I am quite admittedly, autistic, and quite profoundly crippled, by my cognitive disorder..

If you can do better, then fix, what I have written. Show me my errors. Do not simply, point out, that it is wrong.

Actually, do something, about it.

And I will, respond, in kind.

Unless you have the capability, and the acutal, ability, and force of will, to fix, the admittedly, broken writing, I create, then your criticism, is worthless...

Amusing, but worthless.

I admit, I have taken everything that I have been taught about writing, and I have developed my own style.

My style is no different from the Nietzschian, style of writing, although, he was almost unique, in his style of writing, from the history of humanity. Still, I have adopted his style, to make up, for my own lack of, technique, and organizational ability, in relation, to what I write.

Like I said though, fix what I have written, or step aside, and leave the level of writing I do, to experts, like myself.

I am quite amendable, to changing what I do, based on useful, and constructive, criticism, but you shall have to try harder, than that pathetic attempt.

I am far more aware, of my own lack of writing ability, than you are, trust me, if you wish to be worth, a respectful, response, from me, You'll hafta, actually, you know, God forbid, think.

I am giving you something, so far as I can discern, that is worth, far more, than what you have given me.

Try harder. Or you'll bore me.

Last edited by Transcention on 19 Dec 2008, 11:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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19 Dec 2008, 9:10 pm


Last edited by claire-333 on 24 Dec 2008, 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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19 Dec 2008, 9:12 pm

Hey Claire, I hope everything is well, in your Life.

My punctuation, is always a major weakness, in my writing.

Than again my writing, brain, punctuation, memory, grammer, spelling, and general lack of talent, and difficulty, in actually staying awake, during any moment of my Life, is a major inhibition to my writing.

Let's face it. I need an editor, who knows what they are doing. Because I certainly don't.

I just put it down in digital, the best I can.

I can only do the best, with the god given limitations, I have been given.

And let's face it, Existence, hasn't exactly been generous, to me, in relation to genetics.

My observation, is that people complain, a lot online, but are all words, no action.

Geez, read, even the most basic of academic journal articles and come back to me and tell me I write in walls of text.

My writing is designed to be accessible, to people, with the most average of reading ability, to people while simultaneously, being accessible to people, who have the most extreme intellectual talent.

But I write so that the average person can understand what I write, first and foremost.

I wonder, if I gave the above poster, some of my more sophisticaed work, whether, they would be able to keep up?

Geez, they can't even handle my easy stuff.

Last edited by Transcention on 19 Dec 2008, 9:56 pm, edited 5 times in total.


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19 Dec 2008, 9:21 pm


Last edited by claire-333 on 24 Dec 2008, 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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19 Dec 2008, 9:23 pm

Yeh Claire, I just write it, the way I feel it. I can't say that I follow the rules of writing. I feel the rules of writing are there as a guide, and are rules, that can be smashed to peices, and can be broken, at any point, at the artistic licence of any author, worth their salt, who is a true, master, and dominator, of concept, word, thought, language, and is a master, of what they are working on.

The rules of writing only apply, to those, that are to weak, of mind, and will, to break them.

Ahh yeh Claire, you know, it's the ol, usual Universalist, propaganda.

Since I write religion, its self. I take all kinds of artistic liberties, that go beyond the more cold, and calculated levels, of almost inhuman perfectionism, that I, really, have to work at.

I am agnostic, of course. Absolutely agnostic, as a matter of fact.

But the longer one, actually writes religion, the more artistic freedom, and the slight level, of freedom one starts to give oneself, in relation, to things like, God, and the afterlife.

Better to live a good Life, and hope that is for the best, than live a bad Life, and find out the hard way, that the afterlife, isn't as forgiving, as the general human being, likes to think. Or has been indoctinated to think about the afterlife, by religions, that arn't worth the bytes of information, that they are.

Personally, I'd rather live a good, honest, genuine, good natured Life, and die content.

Than live a bad Life, and find out the hard way, that Existence, isn't forgiving.

There is far more to fear, about what truely happens to the personality of a living being, after they die, because nothing is known, of such consequences.


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19 Dec 2008, 9:45 pm

Of course, all I truely care about, is that all is going well, in the lives of those, of this forum.

I work, once, or twice, a week, at the moment.

Even then, the pages, and passages, of the religion I write, are stacking up, waiting to be personally, and quite lovingly, if agonizingly, and painfully edited, by me.

Good fun, eh.

Did you hear my story about how my doctor, who is going to work for the king of Saudi Arabia, was actually asking me, my expert opinion, as to what he should read, and do, in relation to islam, and this aforementioned king.

Seriously, I'm not making this story up, like l.ron.hubbard, made up stories about his life. This was an actual moment in the day of my Life, recently.

Quite, terribly surreal, and funny s**t, huh?


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19 Dec 2008, 10:00 pm

Just for you Claire, the above peice, was written, with the latest bombing, of that hotel, in india, lately. And was inspired, by the corresponding episode of the Daily Show, where, they basically, just labled the perpetuators, as mutha f*****s.

I dunno, it just popped into my head.

It's not pretty what I have written. It's not meant to be. It's some of the less, pretty stuff, I have to write.

I wish, writing religion, was all saintly, idealistic, sugarpuffs, and fairy floss, but sometimes, what I have to write, is just downright unpleasent.

Okay deacon, write me some of the most profound religion, I have ever seen, or personally written. And I will try edit it for you, to bring it into spiritual and intellectual equilibrium, in relation to the realities of Existence...

Hell, I am only giving you, the rubbish, I have created lately.

That's a challenge mate.

Don't get me wrong, I would love, to read, the most profound work you have ever written, so I can personally critique it, in relation, to the entire extent of my vision, in relation to Existence.

Seriously, dude. Enlighten me.

Last edited by Transcention on 19 Dec 2008, 10:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.


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19 Dec 2008, 10:03 pm

DeaconBlues wrote:
You use, too many commas, and not always, appropriately; you also seem, allergic to either periods or, paragraphs, and have struck us all, with a Wall of Text; and so, I doubt many will, bother reading your missive, in order to determine whether they agree, or no.

Offsides, number 35, defense, 5 yard penalty, automatic, first down...



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19 Dec 2008, 10:06 pm

I wish, I had, the slightest understanding, of sports, so I could tell, if you just flamed me, or complimented me.

Doesn't matter, I'v written so much stuff, lately, in no small part, to Claire's assistence, that I'v worked for 12 hours straight editing stuff I'v written, on more days than one, in relation to the inspiration, I'v gained, from one single, kind, sentence, she has written, in response to me.

Seriously, some days, I have to wonder, why I write, what I write, when the only reason I am writing the religion, I write, is to improve the quality of Life, on Earth, when I am writing for such short sigthed, unconstructive, douchebags, such as deacon.

It just doesn't seem fair on me.

He could have automatically, corrected, and reposted my work in a way, that reflects, his opinion, to show me the proper way to do it. But he didn't.

I'm just so infinitely incapable, of such a lack of consideration for my fellow human beings.

Seriously deacon, if you want to impress me, show me, where the semi-colons go.

You know, when they die.

hahha omg, or I could give you the 100, or 300, or so, pages of work, I'v done, that I havn't edited, every single word personally, hundreds of times over, for the last five years or so, and you, could do the rest of that work, for me.

Just to be clear, I'm taking the absolute, piss, out of you.

Last edited by Transcention on 19 Dec 2008, 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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19 Dec 2008, 10:34 pm

Transcention wrote:
I wish, I had, the slightest understanding, of sports, so I could tell, if you just flamed me, or complimented me.

Not so much a flame as much as a friendly jibe on the situation...

If I started going into my Shatner impression, that would be a flame...


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19 Dec 2008, 10:36 pm

I never tire, Claire, in relation, to the mystery of, the afterlife.

However, if I am a true source of religion, into Existence? Then it is my obligation, to tell you, that I know nothing, in relation to what happens to the personality of a person, when they die.

Pppppffff, hhahaha, okay, that's funny.

Try and appreciate, that I take the piss out of me, far harder, than anyone else could.

One, really has to try, appreciate the intensly, surreal, exististential experience, I have, from day to day.

Seriously, man, make me laugh, bring Shatner into it.

I need a good laugh. God only, freaken knows, I need a good laugh...

I guess that's what "Real Time with Bill Maher", "Scrubs", and "The Daily Show", is for, huh?

That, to many commas, for yah, deaconorama,,,.

God, only knows, I need a good laugh...

Was that to many full stops, for yah man... I'd hate to break, every rule of thought, concept, semantics, language, word, and idea, because, it offends you, or, annoys you...

No, no, seriously, I have the weight of billions of murdered people, in the name of God, weighing on my conscience.

Please, bring old Shatner, into it. I could use a gigggle.

If you can bring Chuck Norris, or Shatner, into this thread, as a point of amusement. I would be terribly impressed.


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19 Dec 2008, 11:36 pm

Please, forgive me Clarie, if I am being a bit of a smartass.

I hate disrespect. I'm just ripping deacon, a new as*hole, for being an idiot.

I figure, if my rather brilliant doctor, who's going to go work for the king of saudi arabia, can give me a tiny degree of respect, so can this idiot.

I enjoy, our discussions.

As always, I humble myself, before, the respectful, members, of the "Wrong Planet", community.

I'v told people, in my past, that sometimes, I feel, like I am from a species, that is billions of years, old, walking around, and looking upon the Earth.

In a sense, in relation to the religion, I write, that is not wholly, untrue.

Sometimes, that perspective, messes, with my head.

Sometimes, I feel, like I am on "The Wrong Planet".

Last edited by Transcention on 19 Dec 2008, 11:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.


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19 Dec 2008, 11:39 pm

:pr: :heart: :pl:


I live as I choose or I will not live at all.
~Delores O’Riordan


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19 Dec 2008, 11:52 pm
