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29 Dec 2008, 2:38 am

Please, I would really would like not to see a bunch of ass hole christians and the like trying to spout your jesus mumbo jumbo-I don't want to hear it
I believe in Wicca, thats how it goes-your not going to change my mind
go away!

pagans are welcome and free to chit chat, talk about what you believe in, etc :)


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29 Dec 2008, 4:24 am

Who is your favorite god?


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29 Dec 2008, 4:28 am

Rhiannon, but not for the reason you'd think lol


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29 Dec 2008, 1:47 pm

Who or what created the gods?



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29 Dec 2008, 3:37 pm

I believe in mother earth.
While I am also a skeptic, I don't see a issue with mother earth seeing as I can see and feel the earth, and it provides everything we need.

Go earth!

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29 Dec 2008, 5:21 pm

Have you read about Gaea and the birth of the world through chaos? It's interesting that "Geo" is derivative of Gaea which means earth. Geography, Geometry, etc, all those words relate to mother earth. So in this respect, our god here on earth is a female. I think she is suffering through a divorce with the invented male God of monotheism. :lol:

Jesus spoke of these mysteries in the Nag Hamadi. He appeared to Mary Magdalene after his death. The bible did not include her visions because it threatened the political system of the Romans and Jews. They didn't want people to know of this esoteric knowledge because it offers personal power which threatened their money making business of religion that they used as a controlling device.

Different gods created different things and it's beautiful literature that is so poignant to our psyches.

Long after the "beginning of time", the void known as Chaos came into existence in the universe. Out of Chaos, or together with it, came Gaea ("Earth"), Tartarus and Eros ("Love"). Without a mate, Chaos bore Nyx ("Night") and Erebus ("Darkness").


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29 Dec 2008, 5:31 pm

I hope you all will indulge me in answering a few neutral questions

    1. "What benefits do you derive from your religion?"

    2. "What drawbacks do you find to your religion?"

    3. "What adjustments would you make to your religion to suit yourself?"

    4. "What adjustments would you make to your religion to make it more ecumenical?"

    5. "How would you describe your religion to a person who is completely clueless about religions in general? Starting with the basics, please..."
I'm asking out of curiousity only. In exchange, I'll try to be "open-minded" about what you have to say. Please forgive this old grouch if it seems otherwise. Thank you.


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29 Dec 2008, 6:18 pm

Dear Fnord, it's always nice when you join us Delusionals. :lol:

I'll just answer the first question first and hopefully other Pagans, (I'm not a Pagan) will answer you as well.

1. "What benefits do you derive from your religion?"

I don't subscribe to a religion. Paganism isn't really a religion. There are many gods and goddesses that people choose to focus their attention on to find answers to personal questions and such. Paganism is like advanced psychology. It's really fun to analyze even if you don't accept the whole Spirit realm.

I benefit from learning in many ways. Religions contain truths that can only be experienced. Many of the stories should not be taken so literally because it is nearly impossible to explain these inner workings that tie us to the source of creation.
I experience God as Bliss. It ignites your DNA and allows a person to make personal changes. If you are really interested, here is a video to get you started.



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29 Dec 2008, 6:21 pm

Sorry, Magnus, but my questions were directed at the "Pagans" and I should have explicitely stated so.

Thank you for your input.


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29 Dec 2008, 6:55 pm

Sorry, I'll bow out of this thread now.


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29 Dec 2008, 8:11 pm

The infinite, eternal cosmos is my god.


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30 Dec 2008, 8:56 am

Fnord wrote:
1. "What benefits do you derive from your religion?"

A belief system that makes sense to me. While I am part of a Wicca Circle designed for teaching (so the basic framework of rituals and things are the same) we each take that framework and design our own religions around it.

Fnord wrote:
2. "What drawbacks do you find to your religion?"

None, it makes perfect sense to me ... trying to explain it to anyone else would produce deer-in-the-headlight looks though.

Fnord wrote:
3. "What adjustments would you make to your religion to suit yourself?"

See above answers.

Fnord wrote:
4. "What adjustments would you make to your religion to make it more ecumenical?"

Can you define what you mean in terms of pagan religions? From
1: worldwide or general in extent, influence, or application
2 a: of, relating to, or representing the whole of a body of churches b: promoting or tending toward worldwide Christian unity or cooperation

Obviously 2b is out, and pagan religions typically could care less about numbers (making 1 and 2a out as well).

Fnord wrote:
5. "How would you describe your religion to a person who is completely clueless about religions in general? Starting with the basics, please..."

Hmm .... short form ...

No 2 pagans will completely agree on everything, indeed the word 'pagan' is pretty much an amalgam of non-christian religions, specifically ones classed as neo-pagan (Wiccans, Druids, etc). Most Wiccans follow the Rede (the 'do no harm' thing), but not all of us and those who do all define it differently.

I accept all religions as being right for the person that follows them. They may not make sense to me personally, but I am sure the followers of that religion feel differently about them.

The deities I worship over the other ones are the Lord and Lady (who represent the parents of all things). I also work with several others, typically embodying the 4 elements (air,fire,water,earth) and such, however they are much closer to my level than that of the first two.

Typically, a lot of my rituals and such are not exactly standard. When I was learning my teachers always had headaches ... I would never do precisely what they wanted when handing out paper topics but I always strictly adhered to the letter of the assignment. When I had to create a ritual on short notice I wore sunglasses and a silly hat through it (and invoked computers into the 4 corners). I routinely include humour in my approach to religion.

My personal philosophy is one that combines Wicca with IDIC (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations) and veganism. My initial training was in physics, so I believe in both magic and quantum physics.

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny ...'" -- Isaac Asimov


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30 Dec 2008, 10:59 am

Kara_h wrote:
Fnord wrote:
4. "What adjustments would you make to your religion to make it more ecumenical?"

Can you define what you mean in terms of pagan religions? From
1: worldwide or general in extent, influence, or application
2 a: of, relating to, or representing the whole of a body of churches b: promoting or tending toward worldwide Christian unity or cooperation

Obviously 2b is out, and pagan religions typically could care less about numbers (making 1 and 2a out as well).

What adjustments would you make to your religion to give it wider appeal to the general public?


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30 Dec 2008, 11:37 am

Fnord wrote:
What adjustments would you make to your religion to give it wider appeal to the general public?

I don't think we would. We don't go out to recruit people like the christian do. The gods in the major religions like chistianitay and islam are basically 'follow me or else', and we don't want any association with that.

Paganism isn't anything like that, you only need to be good to the earth and fellow humans and you are fine. The many gods and goddess that are in paganism are not the kind that you are obligated to worship, you don't have to worship anything if you don't want to, just respect the nature that is around you.

Humans are intelligent, but that doesn't make them smart.

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30 Dec 2008, 11:48 am

Fnord wrote:
What adjustments would you make to your religion to give it wider appeal to the general public?

Maybe I am missing the purpose of the question? My religion is something for me personally, why would I change it so other's would use it?

An analogy: how would you change your diary so everyone would like it?

"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny ...'" -- Isaac Asimov


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01 Jan 2009, 1:41 am

Fnord wrote:
I hope you all will indulge me in answering a few neutral questions
    1. "What benefits do you derive from your religion?"
    its a free faith-meaning no clergy, no rules to effect my life (save the one law-Which means-don't hurt anyone, basically)

    2. "What drawbacks do you find to your religion?"
    its a solitary faith in many ways, many thing your wrong, christians are biggots

    3. "What adjustments would you make to your religion to suit yourself?"
    its already as flexable as I could ever want

    4. "What adjustments would you make to your religion to make it more ecumenical?"
    less weird people talking about it, less waving of little knives outside in public, ease into it slowly with people

    5. "How would you describe your religion to a person who is completely clueless about religions in general? Starting with the basics, please..."
I'm asking out of curiousity only. In exchange, I'll try to be "open-minded" about what you have to say. Please forgive this old grouch if it seems otherwise. Thank you.
its a nature based faith-I believe the earth, the sun, the moon, the water, the animals-everything alive and here-and what keeps me alive is the closest thing to a God or Goddess I can ever think of.
It isn't like other religions where there are rules and churches and priests (though technically every wiccan is a priest/priestess
