LePetitPrince wrote:
Christian zionists want the return of all jews to Israel till the day of Apocalypse when Jesus burn all the non-Christians including the Jews in Israel...
It's a divine love...
The Christian zionists are duped and dumb downed sheeple.
They (who or whatever they are, they clearly are not like us) have them completely fooled. They gave this idea of a nefarious global government that will then be replaced by the global government of 'God'. Given how flimsy and open to interpretation the so-called proof for this dogma are as found in the Bible, Koran, etc. I can't see how the whole thing can be anything more then a cruel deception for the weak minded masses. As I see it the plan is to impose NWO Beta version and then replace it with the invincible, fully debugged, Final Version. And that being supported by the dupes of Abrahamic religion!
The total destruction of all freedom will be complete! If they could succeed but they are in complete violation of Universal Law and will ultimately pay the consequence. Control has and will always be a fragile illusion in conflict with true reality.
Our species needs, and deserves, a citizenry with minds wide awake and a basic understanding of how the world works.
- Carl Sagan