pandabear wrote:
I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh, but about 10 million of my compatriots do, and if he told them all to go and jump in the lake, they would do it. He has more power over his followers than the Pope has over Catholics.
That is just plain untrue. People listen to Rush Limbaugh for 1) entertainment value, and 2) because it is nice for those of us who pay the bills for society to hear someone who reflects our political philosophy instead of listening to how greedy we are because we are tired of paying 50% of our hard earned salary to countless groups who believe they are entitled to even MORE of our wealth.
pandabear wrote:
I read somewhere a while ago that the Democratic primary went on as long as it did because Rush Limbaugh was telling his people to cross over and vote for Hillary in the Democratic primaries, to try to keep the Democrats fighting as long as possible, so that they would emerge weakened. The end result backfired--the Democrats came out of the primaries quite strong.
The democratic primary went on so long because the democrats had across the board proportional distribution of delegates instead of the mostly winner take all primaries that the Republicans had. The result was the Republican primary was over by half way through Super Tuesday while the democrats were still fighting it out (and thus staying in the news cycle) until pretty near the end.