gina-ghettoprincess wrote:
Does the New World Order exist, or is it made up? Discuss.
I think it is real. The UK government is planning to start tracking everyone's emails and phone calls, to "stop the terrorists". America and other countries are already pulling similar stunts. How convenient for them, all it took was two planes, some buildings, and a field in Pennsylvania, and now they have us right where they want us: willing to give up our supposedly inalienable rights in the name of anti-terrorism (doesn't that technically make the GOVERNMENTS the real terrorists, by definition?!). I refuse to believe this interesting turn of events was purely coincidental.
Any ideas?
The so-called New World Order is not all that new. There have always been movers and shakers operating in the background and pretty well staying out of the glare of publicity. Some of these are just productive businessmen just doing what they do best. Some of them promote a political agenda in such a way as not to arouse public resentment, which is important in a democracy. Some of them have plans that are not so good for most of us. The fear and loathing of a ruling conspiracy produced a fictional work -The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion- which transformed a general dislike of Jews into a very robust meme which is taken as truth. -The Protocols- are a big seller (in translation) in the Muslim world. Variation of -The Protocols- are the Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, the Trilateral Commission and other groups which are supposed to be secretly arranging and ordering everything that happens.
In reality, central control is impossible, but people like to have a specific entity that they can blame there woes on.