Awesomelyglorious wrote:
Science has limits.
In any case, the comic sort of fails.
I mean, who has proven that sound-waves *must* exist as a result of a tree falling? Well, probably nobody due to the problems inherent in induction, all that can be said is that sound waves occurring is very very probable based upon our current knowledge.
Granted science has limits. However, regarding the tree falling I see no reason why this cannot be expressed in terms of physics. I'm somewhat rusty on the particulars but one approach would be to consider the materials that are colliding (basically earth with whatever ground cover or foliage is present) and the types of tree and their branches. The height and mass of the trees will also have a bearing on the frequency and volume of the sound. Impact of any two materials of this nature will cause sound to be emitted by the ground. I'd expect the ground based sound to be a low frequency "thud" and sound from the tree would consist of breaking branches. There could also be a standing wave component of sound based on the length of the tree.
I could ramble on, but the point I'm making is that a scientific study would determine the different sources of the sound, their frequencies, intensities and duration. I suspect that there would be no cases of falling trees producing zero sound.
I've left WP indefinitely.