Hmmm . . .
tough choice
I lean more toward conservative in fiscal policy, especially in terms of foreign aid and over the top defense and security spending, but there are quite a few areas that I think need more funding in terms of improving the lives of the individual citizens. I firmly believe we need to spend more on education and health. I believe that our government assistance programs are needed, but are in dire need of massive reforms (the efficiency of these programs is a joke), and personally think we should use portions of the payouts to provide education and job placement assistance rather than just cash. If you want to reduce crime and improve our economy, you have to pull up those that are bringing us down through lack of opportunity.
I do believe that every single person should have the same rights, the same opportunities, and the same safeties (physical, mental, and financial). I suppose that puts me in a more liberal camp.
As far as voting goes, I currently lean more towards the Democrats, quite a few reservations. 15 years ago, I tended to lean more towards Republicans (back when they still hadn't completely turned into such a Christian white boys club). I decide on each pol individually based on their past performance, their voting record (public information), their attendance, and their ability to reasonably discuss their differences with opposing party members. When their only qualifications are business experience, they are immediately excluded from consideration unless the alternatives are impossible to receive my vote without extreme nausea. The upcoming election is going to be fairly easy for me as there are almost no current political leaders whose actions I find even remotely accptable. The most recent few congresses have been nothing but childish temper tantrums and partisan based and reactionary extremism (from both sides). It has always been bad, but recently has gone to new heights.
Time to throw them all out and hope the next batch behaves a little better.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" -Nietzsche